
Love-struck Next Door

In the tranquil streets of Tokyo, 27-year-old Minori Sanaka navigates her successful career but faces challenges in her love life. Her neighbor, Shou Suzuki, a spirited high school student, harbors a crush on her. Amidst Minori's gentle guidance and Shou's unwavering determination to break age barriers, their story unfolds. Shou, resolute in proving that love transcends age, embarks on a journey to win Minori's heart. As Minori grapples with her feelings, Shou's persistent pursuit leads them both into unexpected twists of love. Through their unconventional bond, they discover that love's surprises often emerge from the unlikeliest corners of life.

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15 Chs

Chapter 14: Fragments of the Past

Five years earlier, during the initial days of Minori's new job and apartment, she met Shou and his mother at her doorstep. Shou, a timid 11-year-old, stood shyly behind his mother as introductions were made. Minori greeted them warmly, her smile causing a slight blush to color Shou's cheeks as he mumbled a hesitant "hello."

As days unfolded, Shou frequented Minori's place, aiding in unpacking boxes and occasionally delivering treats from his mother. During one of their conversations, Shou, summoning his courage, confessed his feelings for Minori. "I really like you," he stammered, his cheeks flushing.

Minori, surprised yet mindful of their age difference, initially chuckled, assuming it was a playful statement. "You're such a sweet kid, Shou," she gently responded, trying to ease the situation.

Undeterred by her reaction, Shou, determined to convey his sincerity, offered her a tiny rose, reaffirming his affection. "I mean it," he insisted, earnestness lacing his words.

"Shou, it's adorable that you care so much, but we're at different stages in life," Minori explained, hoping to convey her perspective kindly.

In the following weeks, Shou persistently visited, each time bringing a new token of his admiration. "This is for you," he shyly muttered, handing her a homemade bracelet, eyes filled with hope.

"Shou, I appreciate your gestures, but you're still young," Minori gently reminded him, touched by his unwavering determination.

Days turned into months, marked by Shou's persistent yet awkward expressions of affection. While Minori awkwardly chuckled at his earnestness, she set a condition: if he grew taller than her and confessed again, she'd give it some thought.

With newfound determination, Shou set out to fulfill Minori's conditions. He observed her interests and, upon noticing her admiration for basketball, resolved to become someone she might admire. Joining a high school basketball club became his driving ambition.

Years sped by, and Shou, reminiscing about his endearing encounters with Minori, awoke to the present, realizing the transformative journey he'd embarked on since those innocent, confession-filled days.