
Not again

it seemed like the week went by too fast with all that's been happening for the past days,after all the shitty encounters and dramatic exits, I took a sick day on Thursday.

Now here your girl is on Friday morning trying to find her phone to turn the 6 o'clock alarm off,which of course had been snoozing for about 4 times before I decided to get out of bed and make my bed.

it wasn't long before my mom called that I decided to take a morning walk,so I lazily pulled on a sweatshirt and leggings then proceeded downstairs with my headphone and phone in hand.

hell yea bet you noticed I didn't brush my teeth.i know I have a very bad morning breath but sometimes I don't care, like who's gonna come kiss me to confirm it.I headed for the stair and saw a glimpse of my mom in the kitchen dishing up something for breakfast.

I grabbed a hot toast from the plate and told my mom good morning an just as I was about to give her a kiss on the cheek she blocked my mom and scrunched her nose which obviously confirmed my breath.

I pulled on my snickers and luckily there's a guset bathroom downstairs so I rinsed my mouth with some mouthwash and on to begin my day.


the distance it took me from home to the mini store on the corner of the block felt like a few miles to me because I'm a lazy ass 17 year old.

as usual there was a girl behind the register chewing gum and her black nails tapping to the beat of the rock music playing inaudibly I enter the store .

she nodded towards me as a sign of good morning I guess while popping a bubble.I just replied a simple hey wassup and got no answer so I just prolonged with my business.

I grabbed a cola from the refrigerators at the back and a pack a Skittles whiles heading to cash.

I noticed a white car tinted on the other side of the road but I didn't give it any attention cause its usually the black tinted that I find suspicious. I popped the cap of the cola after exiting the mini store and kinda hit a few moves to the music that was blasting my brains to outter space through my head phone.

luckily for me not many person where around. some trees became visible as I came nearer to the park,that's when I noticed the car from earlier at the stop light couple feet being me.

I paid no attention 'cause it could've been a different car just the same model and colour. I was about to make a left turn when I was suddenly grabbed from my waist and pulled into a car.