

" I came to take you to your father Hani"the youngman said as gasps and whispering filled the quite corridor.

I tugged away from the guy immediately after being given all the unwanted attention and gasps.It was awkward and I swear I just mentally SLAPPED this douche bag across his face multiple times.

Just imagine a guy that every girl is drooling over and you dont give a whatsoever about comes up to you and says 'oh hey well I'm your fiance.' I was lost for words and stood there like a total idiot in silence that was until someone announce over the radio

" Ms.Kim ,Principal Lee wants you to report to his office."

the stupid thoughts that filled my tiny brain on what could possibly make that crazy man send for me. The most logical explanation i came up with in my head was that he found out i used the radio studio for my own reasons without consent.

Yea of course there had to be Fangirls who increased in gossiping and gasps as the radio went silent.Im sure I'm gonna be the talk of the school for the next few days.

I turned to the douche bag who claim to be from my non-existent father.

" I think you got the wrong person sorry.Im Nuya and not some 'hani' girl that you mentioned earlier" I said tucking the tissue back in to his shirt pocket after using it to wipe the reel of sweat that went rolling down my face from the heat and the crowd.i have his chest a pat and proceed to my destination.

My action earned a few more annoying noises and I didn't bother about them.


I came up to the door that had the name "Mr.Lee" engraved into a big wooden plank, shit looks heavy.

I didn't bother to rap and just shoved my way through the door into the office that had books on either side of the room and a trophy case along with a whole lotta diplomas and degrees,yep Lee is like that.

"Hey Old man" I said walking towards him, when i reached his neatly packed desk i collected a gum from his sweet bowl.

"Way to show your only neice some love" i mumbled after not being greeted by him , but you know unfortunately he heard.

" This old man is the principal of your school and also your oldest uncle" he said adjusting his tie.

" Your mom called in and asked for a leave for you" he said patting down his button up shirt.

" she also said that she found your dad.what a miserable day" he added and walked towards the window.

"wait wait she found 'MY' dad, I thought that man was dead along time ago." i growled excusing myself from his office.

If that douche bag from earlier and my so called 'father' is related I'm gonna puke.

so much for a peaceful day it's already lunch break in such a short time.