

Miss Alexander, may I know what the problem is this morning? You've been cleaning this same spot for over 2hours. Any explanation for this?

Mrs. Alexander a newly employed cleaner, in her long velvet skirt and a white top with rough hair trying to wipe her tears hurriedly before her supervisor could notice. 

With a loud tone. What caused the tears if I may know please!

I cant explain why Madam Alex, but you irritates me each time I see you. You know what, I can't just imagine calling you Mrs. Alexander. Ewwwww. You don't even look like on. 

If care is not taken, I will report you to the HR of our head office because seeing you each day makes me detest you more. 

I wonder why the head of supervisors would transfer me here in the first place. Mtchewww!

Mrs. Alexander wishes the earth should open it mouth to swallow her, alternatively, she could die in the arms of her evil supervisor. 

She began to mob the the stairs as fast as she could but still she has a lot on her mind to pounder. Different questions she wished she could get answers to.

What's is going on her Supervisor Kim. This is past nine and you haven't cleaned the second and third floor. When then will the glasses, offices be cleansed?

I bet it not what I am thinking (rising her voice to high on the supervisor). 

Do you know the implications of what you're doing? I tell you, you don't, because if you do, you would have ensured that you supervised her thoroughly and she would have been done within the tinckle of an eye. 

Well, incase you don't know, the Director is resuming today from Paris after three months on business trip and biscally, he stopped the previous sanitation organisation working with us because of inconsistency and lazinesNowIf he wouldnt mind terminating the relationship he had built for over 3years with that big organisation. I wonder what will stop him from stopping your organisation too, because you are repeating the sathimistale they did. 

I won't say much. I hope you will make use of this information judiciously. Mtchewwwwww!


See what this low life, stinky, disgusting, irritating bitch has caused. You allow a common receptionist insulted me.

What an insolence!

You know what? Before that skinny, ugly bitch goes to call our HR, I will put a call through first. You silly monster. A bitch. 

Now, Alexander is not just speechless but in tears. Uncontrollable tears rolled down her eyes so much that her eyes turned red. What have I gotten myself into? 

How do I explain this if I was eventually sacked! 

Why can't I just get my head focused and think about my problems later.

She Sobs.

At ones, the Supervisor Kim went straight to get her phone from her bag she dropped on the receptionist table at the centre of the room. 

At the glance of the phone with Kim, Alexander held the mob stick so firmly to mob. For the first time in many years, she forgot all her problems. She scrubs the floor and the company glass doors as fast as she could. Every where sparkling better than she has ever done in that company. 

Although Kim has been distracted by another cleaner who called for her attention from another floor in the company.

Alex was rounding up when her supervisor arrived with a phone very close to her ears as though she was on a call. 

Yes madam

Okay madam

A-ah-ah, I - mean, she she , I think she needs a helping hand here. 

Oh, yes madam. She is done with her duties today. However, she ought to have finished before 8am.

Thanks a lot madam.


So, you can actually complete this within a sort time!

Now, I can see its because you have enough breathing space was why you choose to have a lacadestical attitude towards your job. 

By the way, how do you manage to clean up in a jiffy? 


Thats fine! As long as you were able to complete your t-aaask So quick. Distracted by the greeting from the outside.

 I think the director is here.

Make sure you keep the tools we're necessary and go and hide your shameful face in that store until you're called upon for afternoon cleaning. Did I make myself clear? 

The Receptionsit with a beautiful smile.

You're welcome sir. Welcome back from the long journey sir. We really miss you. Chucks

Thanks alot!

Alexander's supervisor adjusting her skirt and wig- Good morning Masterrrr! "Leonard". Yeah! Leonard. You're welcome sir. 

And you are? 

Oh yeah! I am Kim. Adjusting her shirt botton to enable Leonard pay close attention on her br**st.

A supervisor from Tetmund logistics. I have been transfered here to ensure that our workers do their jobs diligently sir and!

Okay, please ensure to keep the envronment clean. I like jobs done diligently and neatly.


Okay! She responded angrily but with hope.

Alexander still straggling to pack her tools at ones while Leonard passed her by.

Good morn--inning to y-----ou!

G----------ood morning sirrrrrrr. Alex was so reluctant to use the word sir knowing by surprise her first love is the director the Receptionst was talking about earlier.

She bite her tongue so had to see if she could faint, stamped her feet so had if the floor would open it mouth to swallow her, but well, non of these worked, and then she began to sweat.



Supervisor Kim became dumb founded!

The receptionist in awe. 

How are you Alex? as he foundry call her. 

With so much tears in her eyes, "I am fine"

Fine? How can you be fine in the state?

You no what! Take this card as access into the elevator and join me in my office in 40minutes time.

Alex could not hold back her tears anymore, so she began to cry out so loud. Leonard could not withstand having such an encounter on a Monday morning , he hurriedly search for an handkerchief and gave her. He left before anyone would notice. He couldn't fathom what could have put her in such situation. 

He couldn't help his emotions anymore has he walked faster than his leg could carry him, leaving his PA behind. Leonard entered the elevator and asked himself several questions which he has no response!

What Next!