
Love Prescription

With her heart broken and a good reason to drown all her sorrows in alcohol that night, Chloe bumps into a nice-looking gentleman at the bar to whom she pours out her heart but not in the friendliest way not knowing that he would be the same person to save her when she gets involved in a fatal accident. But, little did she know that that would be the beginning of something magical. Years later after having loved, laughed, cried, and experienced love her soul crashes to the core when her love is involved in a car accident but knows nothing about her and all he remembers is his ex. While Chloe is trying her best to help him get his memories back his sister, Ally sees this as an opportunity to reunite her best friend with her brother and will stop at nothing until it is how she wants it to be. But is Chloe willing to lose all that she's worked for all these years or face the wrath of his evil sister?

nothando_dlamini · Thành thị
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7 Chs

Oh my )(

(Chloe's Point Of View )

Besides heartbreak I had never felt so much pain than the one I was feeling today My head was heavy and felt like someone was constantly beating drums on it. The constant beeping sound kept of going to mad eit ven worse. My while body ached and I couldn't even lift my hand.

My eyelids felt heavy yet I still wanted to open my eyes. I tried and the moment I did I was blinded by the light immediately shutting them off before slowly opening them again. I looked around me and noticed taht I was a hospital bedroom and immediately all of last night's memories flooded in.

The bar.

The handsome guy.

The couple I bothered.

and then I had to leave.

I was driving too fast and wasn't paying any attention. I remember the lights that blinded me before I looked aways and then followed by the sohnd of metal on metal and cracking windows before I blacked out.

Oh no!

What happened to Claire!!!

Oh my!!!

my whole bidy was achinga nd I couldnt even feel anything. I looked up at the ceiling for what seemed like forever before I hsd the dorr openeing you. A tiny lady came with a sugical mask on.

"Oh you're awake." A muffled sound came out of her mask before she let iy down. "Hi there." she said witha smile kn her face and hse has the most beautiful smile I should say. She had her curly hair up in a high pony tail and those pants and shits that nurses usually that I dont kniw the name of.

"Hello." I tried getting up and I flew back down before the came to.me in a hurry.

"Oppss! I wouldn't try that if I were you. You're still fragile." she came to ehlp me ssleep properly amd placed a pillow before my back to support me. When she was up vlose you could she the eye bags and her eyes were a littlr bit red and ger face screamed "TIRED!!" but still remained beautiful "I don't want to be here."

" Neither do I." she let out a small chuckle. It's been a tough night you know. There we so many accidents yesterday .Yesterday. She remembered where she was rushing too when she had the accident.

"Sorry did you find my phone yesterday I really need to call someone."

"Okay I'll be right back the doctor will be in here in no time." I continued getting eith my phone. Kate told me that Claire got help in time and I was glad that she would cause I didn't make it in time. While I was staring into space until I heard the door open again.

My jaw almost dropped when I sae Leonard from the previous night come in and from the look on his face he was just as shocked as I was.

"Hey." he said with his voice sending chills down my spine.

"Hello." I said in a shaky voice and goodness my heart beat kept accelerating.

"How are you feeling." he asked me as he pulled iut a pen from his lab coat.

"I'm in pain." I said while ltruing not to look at him.Waz there anything I might have missed yesterday cause this man is like a perfectly perfect sculpture.

"I'll get the nurse to give you some pain medications after you have your breakfast." he said while writing on the papers hw ahd in his hands.After a slight moment nurse came in with my phone. She gave me and I was able to call Claire. Fortunately the old couple who lives next door to her had heard her when she fell and she was able to reach the hospital in time and get the help she needed.

Even though she was worriwd that I was badly hurt I trued to calm her and told her that it was just a minor thing but in reality what I saw here was nothing to being just hurt. I convinced her to take care of herslef befire sge could come and cehck up on me but she said she would ask Mr and Mrs Wilson if they would come and check up on me. After trying to explain how unnecessary that would be she wouldn't hear me so she gave me the "Chloe I know what's best for you" speech I gave up.

After hanging up I sat there as they were looking at the machines and talking by themselves.

"That car accident did a number on you huh?" she looked at all her wounds. "But atleast it spared your face."

"Atleast I can look preety even when my whole body is trash." I sighed

"So this is why you left me yesterday, you weren't just leaving me without contact details only, you also wanted to kill yourself." he muffled a chuckle.

"I love my life I wouldn't kill myslef. I had to go and help my sister. She was in a lot of pain, she's pregnant."

"Oh i see. Then what ended up happening to her cause you couldn't make it to your destination."

"She got help."

"That's great then. I'll see you later." We made eyes contact and I felt my heart skip a beat. I know it may sound cliche but it really did. He broke eye contact and I lokked at my nails shyly.

"Atleast this time around I'm sure that you won't run out." he laughed.

"That's not funny." I blushed a little while trying to make a pouty face. "And you might not find me , don't be so sure."

"Then stay long enough to give me your contact details."

"I'll have to think about that."

"Okay." he closed the door.