

David filtered through all the girls he knew in his mind but the one he found most beautiful was still Zosia.

"No. It should be someone else. She is not real." He thought. He decided to think it through that night.

Gradually, the day passed and night came. David was sitting on the balcony and looked at the moon. He looked at the moon and thought,'If only girls were this pretty.' He sighed and went to bed.

"Will I see Zosia again today?" David wondered. He wanted to see her but he knew that it was unlikely. That girl was just a character in his dream but she had managed to take a special place in his mind and heart. He didn't want to think about her but whenever he saw something beautiful he would remember her. He started wondering about different things as he laid on his bed.

David was in a park. There were a lot of people around him. Mostly lovers. "How good it would be if I had a lover too." He thought aloud and started wandering around the place. He looked around the place and finally settled beside a lake. There were fishes swimming around the lake. David looked at his own reflection in the lake and thought.'I don't look bad after all.'

"There you are, Adam. Why did you not come to the agreed place and came here instead. Did you not want to meet me?" An angry sound came from behind him. David turned around and said," I am sorry. I am not Ada-"

"Z-Zosia" David shouted. He wanted to say that he was not the Adam the girl was talking to but when he turned around he was stunned to the see the face, he never thought he would see again. It was Zosia.

"Who is this Zosia? Are you cheating on me now?" The girl angrily shouted back.

"Huh? But you are Zosia."

"I wanted to say you some things last time but I didn;t get the chance to-"

"Have you been drinking again?"The girl reprimanded him while he was still speaking.

"How can you say I am some another girl? Wake up. It's me Angela."The shouted said warily.

"Angela?" "But that can't be. We met yesterday you know. You said you are Zosia." David tried to clarify but the girl just stared at him in return. If stares could kill, he would definitely be dead.

David was probably the one most confused right now. He thought he would never see her again but he met her now and she was a different girl. " Wait a moment- In the lake, I had my own reflection. So, it means it's not some other guy but myself. Am i imagining things? Is my mind playing tricks? Or is there something else at play?"

He was too confused. He thought he was just imagining things so he turned to the girl who called herself Angela and said," Can you tell me how we met?"

The girl stared at him angrily. He was still playing dumb.

David saw the look on her face and pleaded."Please." He had to clarify what was happening.

The girl was angry but she still said," We met in academy. But you were too shy and I was too popular. So we only interacted a year ago which was almost 10 years after we met. Otherwise, we could have been childhood sweethearts." She said.

Really? Yesterday, it was the same girl but with different name and I was a different man. And today she still looks the same but has different name and I have my own ace but am adifferent name- No. That's not right. What if I had the same face yesterday too.

Is the those supernatural things still happening today. But what does this mean.

Angela saw the confused look on David's face and said,"What happened Adam?"

"I am David." David looked at her seriously and said. He didn't tell Zosia his real name because that place was too freaky and he was afraid. But this place looked a little normal. And he was sure it was a dream too and even i he died nothing would happen. So he told her his name.

"Huh?" "What are yo talking about? Is this something new? David and Zosia. Are they the characters in your story?" She asked.

"Sit down. I will tell you a story." David looked at her and said.

"You are acting weird today,Adam." She complained but still sat beside him. She put her hand above David's and said," It'd better be a good story."

David let out a wry smile and started talking about the dream he had the night before. He told her everything he new about Zosia and what he experienced that time.