

The task at hand was so mind numbing that David had forgotten everything else. Zosia was a cute little girl who looked like she was weak but damn, she was fast. She was pulling David and running so fast that everything was a blur in his eyes. After running for about 30 minutes, he finally adjusted to the situation. The body he was possessing, Amon, was quite strong. They were running at a great speed but David was able to see clearly after he adjusted to the situation.

Of course, if the challenge was to kill demons then the challengers must be quite strong. Actually only the qualified were able to reach that place.

"Wait. Did you say giants are demons?" David asked Zosia. Giants, Basilisk were mythical creatures but they were demons? Really?

"Anyone who goes against the goddess is a demon." That was the answer he got. Wow, so the goddess is quite a tyrant. 'I don't like how you look, you must be a demon huh.' I wonder if I can say something like that one day.

After some time, they finally slowed down.

"Is this where those demons are?"

"No. Only weaker demons remain here. Most of them got killed already. But eve if we do find one it will only be a waste of energy to kill it."

"Then why did we stop?"

Zosia looked at him as if he were an idiot. "To save energy. Idiot. You think you can slay a giant when you are out of breath. Are you that strong?"

"Don't look at me like that. I have great stamina. I can run like this whole day and still have a lot of energy." David really thought what he was saying. This body was great. He was sure he could outrun anything on earth with this body.

"You should boast about your stamina to someone else. I am well experienced with that little amount of stamina which gets exhausted in a few seconds."Zosia said tauntingly.

"What are you talking about? " David was red all over his face.

Weren't women supposed to be the shy one? Why was she saying such things with a straight face. Was this Amon guy really this incapable? David had no such experience but he still had his pride as a man. He thought he could last at least a few minutes.

Zosia didn't say anything more and started moving. David hurriedly caught up with her and whispered in her ear," It's not just a few seconds, right?"

'This is so annoying.' That was probably the thought in Zosia's head at that moment. She looked at David like she wanted to give him a good scolding but this not a good place. So, she simply ignored him.

David looked at Zosia intently and waited for reply but he got nothing in return. He sighed and thought, 'I thought this guy was so lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend but I see he is even more unlucky.' You found a rare diamond mine in your backyard but the moment you started mining, your tool breaks. What a great destiny . Hahah.

David was gloating at Amon's misfortune. Thank god I am not this guy. He was just thinking non sense when he heard a loud sound ahead of him.

"Bang. Bang. Bang."

It looked like there was a fight in progress ahead of them. They sped up. Some distance ahead, they could see a human swinging a club and a fly flying around the man. David was confused by the man's actions. Why swing a club to get a fly. Wasn't that going overboard. And the strength behind that swing was quite big too. Each swing gave a bang sound and the earth where the club landed was trembling.

"Who is that bored to swing a club to kill a fly?" David muttered to himself as Zosia was still ignoring him.

Zosia was dumbfounded yet again. She stopped and put a hand over David's forehead possibly checking his temperature." Did you hit your head somewhere?"

"Huh? What did I do now?" David asked.

Zosia pointed at the fight going on some distance ahead and said,"Ivar is fighting a giant."

Giant? Where is the giant? I only see the Silhouette of a man . Wait. Is Ivar that fly?

"How far is the fight happening?" David asked.

"I don't know. I only know that you should stop with the prank now. Let's go help him."Zosia said and looked at him.

David shook his head. "NO. If that thing is giant and the fly is Ivar then the fight is happening some distance ahead but we can feel the tremors by that club even here. Let's wait it out. We will jump in when he weakens the giant and steal the kill."

"But if he kills it, he takes the head." Zosia argued.

"And who said that. Just think. Did the goddess forbid us from stealing a kill? No. We need to be strong or smart to be selected. We are here because we quality in the contest of strength now we should show our smartness to get the trophy."David said. What he said made sense but in reality he just didn't want to fight. In 21st century, there was no such thing as giants.

David was a star student. In other words, he was quite a coward. He was afraid of getting into a fist fight with his classmates, now he had to fight a giant? Hell no. No way he was gonna die fighting that thing.

"Hmm. Makes sense. Let's wait here. When he is about to slay it I will distract him and you seize the chance. Okay." Zosia looked at him and said.

David nodded but he really wanted to shout,'Why should I seize the chance? Why don't you do that?' But considering she was a beautiful girl and was working with him, he didn't say anything. 'Beautiful girls should be loved not told to fight.' That was what he told himself but he was just afraid he would be abandoned if he told her otherwise.

He just cleared the area of bones and sat down in the ground. He actually wanted to make a chair out of those bones and sit on it like a devil king but he was afraid to get closer to even touch those bones. And considering this was a test held by a goddess, that wasn't a good idea.

David and Zosia sat on the ground and waited for the fight to reach climax but it was a long fight. David really missed his popcorn at that time.

"Let's go." David was looking at the bones around him and thinking what he would do if he was a necromancer when Zosia started approaching the fight.

David hurriedly ran after her. "Is he about to slay it now?" He asked when he reached her. They sprinted fast but suddenly all the sounds of the battle stopped.

"Damn it. Did it kill it already?" David thought as he sprinted and finally he was before a massive foot. Something was not right. If the giant was dead, it should've been lying flat on the ground but strangely it was standing upright. David looked around everywhere but he couldn't see the fly. Ahem. Ivar.

"Amon. Get back." he heard Zosia shouting and instinctively jumped back only see a massive club fall at the place he was just standing at. He looked at the massive club in horror. At one of the spikes of the club was a body impaled thoroughly.

If it was my real body, I would be dead already. Thank god this body is strong. David thanked all the gods he knew and looked up only to see eyes blue like an ocean looking down at him. The giant was about 10 feet tall. It raised the massive club in his hand and swung it towards David.