


David abruptly woke up. He had tears all over his eyes. He was still scared to think of what just happened.

"It was.... ....all a dream?" He looked at his arms and mumbled. What he had experienced was too real to be called a dream. He still had tears all over his eyes. Maybe he cried because he was scared of dying or something else entirely.

He was unable to accept it was all a dream. All those things felt to real to be just a dream. He had had many dreams before but none of them were so vivid. The fear he felt when he saw those massive heads. The excitement in his heart when he learned of the ancient battlefield, the fear he had when he faced the giant were all too real. He still remembered all those feelings clearly.

Most importantly of all, he still remembered Zosia. He still remembered how the girl was willing to die for him. He still remembered the warmth of her hand when they were holding hands. He still remembered all the things she mentioned. He still remembered how she said she loved him and was fortunate to die in his hands.He still remembered the heart wrenching pain he experienced when he had to watch her die in his arms. He remembered everything he did with Zosia. Every single detail.

No, that couldn't have been just a dream. Maybe I am seeing things that will happen in future just like Nabin said. He said he would tell me my future by listening my dream. I this will happen in future then I can still save Zosia and maybe even marry her.

David calmed down. He thought of things positively and calmed his chaotic heart. He decided that he would ask Nabin the next day. He laid on his bed again and tried to sleep but he was unable to fall asleep. The moment he closed his eyes, he would see Zosia and the events of his dream.

"If I tell my friends that such a beautiful girl was my girl friend and even died for me, they would probably tell that I am boasting." He thought. He was unable to fall asleep. So, he just started thinking whatever came to mind and feel proud of himself. Even though the ending of the dream was not good, at least he felt what love was. That was a beautiful feeling. Too bad she was someone else's girlfriend.

"Who is this Amon guy? He was so lucky to have Zosia. If only I had a mirror over there, I could compare if he was more handsome than me. I doubt he could beat me with my looks. And I am sure I can last longer than him. Haha." He didn't know what miracle happened for him to have gone to that place but no matter what the reason was this dream was just too memorable for him.

Next morning, 10 AM

The moment he reached his school, he started looking or Nabin. He went to his desk and sat down looking down the window. Some children were playing on the ground. He just looked at them and kept quiet. He was not in the mood to talk with anyone.

"Hey. What's up?" Aashish his friend slapped him in his head lightly and asked.

David looked at him for a moment and then ignored him. He looked back down the window. Aashish was his desk mate. He had another bench partner whose name was Sujal. Sujal was a real chatterbox who liked to talk a lot of nonsense.

Soon the class was filled up but David still didn't see Nabin.

"Looks like he is absent today." He thought. He wanted answers but he was not to bothered by it. Maybe it was just a coincidence. He decided to leave the matter behind.

"Hey, what's the matter with him today?" Anya asked Aashish who was sitting beside David. She along with her best friend Sarah used to sit before David and his desk mates. They had about 30 students in their class but those four were the ones David interacted with the most. The last bench was for David and the bench before them was for Anya and her friends.

"His girl friend died yesterday night. So, he is sad today." Sujal replied to Anya.

David and Anya both looked strangely at Anya. Everyone in the class knew that they could ot trust Sujal's words but David was thinking 'How did he know that?' Anya looked at David as if asking for answer to her earlier question.

"No. I am fine. I just had a strange dream yesterday." David decided to share about his dream to his friends. There was no need for secrets with them. He told them the events very seriously.

"Hahah. Which movie's story is this?" Anya laughed at him. No one thought what happened to him could be real. Not even David himself.

"But Zosia was so beautiful. More beautiful than you pigs." David looked at Anya and said.

"You - " Anya punched him jokingly and turned ahead. Anya was probably the most beautiful girl in class. At least David thought so. If he had to choose one girl, who he enjoyed talking to the most, it would probably be her.

Among his bench mates, Sujal had a girl friend and Aashish liked Anya. Aashish never admitted to it but everyone he was close with could notice that. Even Anya knew that but she decided to ignore that for some reason.

David looked at his friends happy lives and decided to forget about the dream as well as Zosia. He still felt something for that imaginary character but he had to move on. "If I make a girlfriend, maybe I will be able to forget about her." He thought.

He decided to make a girlfriend in real life .