

'What the f*** now. How weak was that guy. He attacked a giant only to be killed. Damn it. I am dead.' That was the only thought in his mind as he kept running. The only thing he was happy about was that he was fast enough .

"I seriously hope this is a dream." David ran away in his full speed running here and there as the club was still smashing the ground behind him. "Help me, Zosia." He shouted and ran towards her.

"Bang" He hard a sound and looked behind him. Zosia had joined the fight and punched at the club which was coming at him. She managed to push the club back towards the giant.

"Why are you running, Amon? It's tired by all that fighting. Now is our chance. Let's finish it quick." Zosia shouted but David was still stunned by her power. She was so strong all along. Thank god he didn't offend her.

"Um Zosia. Do you think you can handle it alone? I don't want to show my might right now." David was too scared to fight. He just wanted to get back to his own world. The only thing he liked in this world was Zosia.

"Huh? Are you kidding me right now? Kill this thing or I will kill you after this is over." Zosia snapped. David was scared. He wanted to woo her into fighting for him.

"Baby-" He wanted to say more when the giant started attacking again. AMon's body was fit and maybe strong enough to fight the weakened giant and possibly kill it but at the moment David was the one in control. He had never fought before. He didn't manage to react and his body felt like it had frozen due to fear.

"F** you Amon." Zosia saw David standing stiff like a candle and carried him away from the club. She was really angry at David. This was such a good opportunity. They had found a weakened giant and could kill it by working together but no. He had to act like a child now.

"What do you want Amon? Please tell me." Zosia pleaded. She was truly confused by how he was acting. Since he entered the temple, he was like a different man.

"I feel pity or the giant. Can we let it go?" David played dumb. He was afraid that if he told her he was not Amon, she would kill him. So, he lied.

"We can't. We need to find another target anyway so why not this giant. If you don't want to kill it, fine just support me. You are stronger than me anyway. Don't act like a child."

Hmm. I am stronger than her? He still remembered how she just repelled the club of the giant. A club swung by a giant at full strength would probably hurt even that giant but she repelled it. If I am stronger than her, then Amon should have a stronger body.

"How do they have such strong body? Man, I wish i could have such a body for myself." He thought but agreed. He didn't have much fighting experience but supporting should be good enough right.

"Let's go." Zosia immediately started attacking the giant.

David went below the giant and started attacking the giant's ankle. He thought he could make the giant lose balance i he attacked its ankle. He aimed his punched at the massive ankles and tried concentrating power like in the movies and punched at full power.

"Boom" Really he was strong. The bones of the ankle had caved a little. Just a little but the giant must had felt the pain. It looked down at David and lifted its leg above David. It wanted to crush him.

David saw that and immediately jumped back but the club came smashing towards where he was jumping. He had no time to react.

"Boom" Again a sound was heard but this time one could hear some bones crushing . The ginat club smashed and hit a body from the let side, crushing some bones and a hand was still stuck to the club even after the giant pulled back the club.

"Nooo." David cried out holding Zosia in his arms and running away. It was Zosia who got smashed by the club. Her one arm was gone, and ribs were smashed apart so thoroughly that her organs could be seen . Blood was all over her body.

David ran away holding her. The giant was strong but it was slow. David put down Zosia i the ground when he thought they were far enough from the giant. He knelled beside Zosia and looked at her with eyes full of tears.

"Why?" he asked.

"Are you Okay?" Zosia didn't reply but asked him a question.

David couldn't even reply to that. He had met that girl that day and he thought she was beautiful. He liked her a little and would be happy to have her as his girlfriend but he was still trying to use her. He never thought that she would risk herself for him.

"Why did you do that?" That was what he wanted to know the most.

"Heh. I had to do it. You are so clumsy today Amon. How can I watch you die before myself. "

Just because of love. Could he do the same for someone he loved? He asked himself. And the answer he had was: probably not. He could never love someone so deeply. Loving someone more than yourself was not something just anyone could do.

He just held Zosia and cried silently.

"Don't cry baby. Being able to die in your arms is the best thing I could wish for. Promise me, you won't be as ignorant as you are right now. Don't face something yo can't win against. Live if you don't want to live anymore then live for my sake. Don't forget me okay. I love you."

David just listened to what she had to say and only blurted out the words"I love you too." He didn't know what else he should say. He only knew that his heart was in turmoil. It was hurting like someone had bore a hole in it. He didn't want to part with Zosia. Was this love? He thought.

He had many emotions rising up within him. Anger, helplessness, grief, anxiety, He just hugged Zosia's weak body and cried when a club smashed from above. In the place where he was hugging Zosia's body a moment ago, nothing but a puddle of blood and flesh remained.

The giant had followed him till there.