
Chapter 4

It was Wednesday... it was Primrose's day off from work once more and David was at her door to take her out to some place special!

As Primrose stepped into his car, wearing a suite her dress-maker had made for her; David complimented her on how lovely she looked in the suite!

And just like before, she returned the compliments and thanked David for his kind gesture in words and deeds!

Now foot was on gas, and the two love birds were on their way out of town to have a good time together!

And as the new found lovers journeyed on their way to an eatery far out of town; oddly enough, David ask Primrose, if the outfit she was wearing was bought from the money he had given her!

Shy and a little shock about his question, Primrose hesitated before she answered him!

But, when she did, she was honest!

So she began expressing...

"No, I didn't buy this from the money you had given me!

My dress-maker made this for me the other day and this is the first time I'm wearing it!

You like it?"

Smiling David uttered...

"It looks very good on you dear! I was just thinking that I had never seen it in any of the stores before; at least, any of the stores that I visit!"

Suspecting very well, that David wasn't a bargain bottom shopper Primrose asked...

"So where do you shop?"

Expecting nothing but an honest answer from him, David replied just as she had anticipated that he would!

"I shop mainly up-town dear, Lees Sixth

Avenue, Gents-Only!" David replied.

Hearing the names of those stores rolling off David's tongue like the Lord's prayer; she knew right away, those were only high ends stores... stores for the well to do!

Primrose knew for sure that they were from definitely two different circles!

He was a spender of the best of the best, and she was a miser... she was bent on saving every penny for her dreams... for her ambitions... for rainy day!

Wanting David to realize that she wasn't the type to swindle money, like it was water on ducks back, she decided to tell him what she had done with the money he had given her!

"Well, I bought a few stuff the other day with the money you had given me and paid off all the persons I owed money to!"

Primrose revealed.

"You spent all of that money paying off your debts and buying a few stuff!"

"Did you buy any furniture with any of it?"

David enquired.

With a look of concern on her face, Primrose replied...

"I put most of it into my bank account!" Smiling, David looked at her and began stating...

"You are smart!"

"That's good, that you have deposit some into your account!

That is very smart of you Princess!"

"Well I don't know when my rainy day is going to come; so I have to put something aside for Mr. Rainy day!" Primrose responded.

"You mean drought days and not rainy days!

Whenever it rains everything flourishes!" David explained.

Before Primrose could say another word, they were pulling up into the parking lot, of an open air restaurant!

And the entire site of the grounds at the restaurant had Primrose's eyes dancing and her mind in wonderment - in awe... she couldn't help herself from staring at the variety of plants that had greeted them at the entrance of the property and all around the surroundings of the restaurant building were an array of colorful plants!

Naturally, David got out of his car, went around to the passenger side and opened the car door for Princess!

And as she stepped out of the car, David held onto her hand, close the car door and then, they both walked towards the gazebo style restaurant with its massive Egyptian style rails and umbrella style roofing!

Surprisingly for Primrose, there was a table already set and waiting there for them!

And not only that, there were also friends of David there too, already seated and munching on bread-sticks!

After having Primrose seated, David introduced her to all his friends sitting at the large table!

He wanted her to know them and for them to know her as well!

But Primrose wasn't told that they were going to be there, and she didn't seem ready for that as yet, either!

It was just too spontaneous - too quick, too sudden!

So for her, the night wasn't an excellent time for the both of them!

Because she had her mind set on them being alone! She was thinking this was the perfect time for her to get into his head and know about him on a one and one basis!

She would get this time, to know more about the man who was treating her so well... who was being such a perfect gentleman to her!

He was treating her well but she had no idea where he worked!

Exactly where he lived!

All his likes and dislikes!

She had not gotten the opportunity to ask him any of these questions or anything about himself that she felt she was absolutely clueless about!

And she thought this was going to be the moment for her to do so!

However, it wasn't!

So, Primrose spent most of the night listening to David and his buddies talking about what they knew of each other! About all their friends and who they haven't seen for a long time!

And they also went on yapping about who they have recently seen, what they looked like, how well they were doing or not doing; and on and on...

Like a price possession, David had one of his hands around Primrose's shoulders and his other hand attending to whatever he was stuffing into his mouth!

And every now and again he would ask Primrose if she was okay, if she was alright, if she was comfortable?

In a disappointed mood, she only nodded her head and periodically she would say...

"I'm just fine!"

But what else could she have answered him?

She wasn't in belly pain!

Her head wasn't hurting her, and neither were her feet!

She was only listening to David and his friends, who obviously; he had known for a very long time, yapping away at every topic they could find to talk about!

Primrose felt let out, she knew nothing of what they were talking about or the persons whose lives they were discussing!

So the moment came when boredom had settled in; and so she decided to kindly excuse herself from the table and go stretch her legs in the beautiful gardens on the grounds of the restaurant that seemed much more interesting to her than whatever they were talking about!

Thankfully for her, the surroundings of the gazebo structure had ornamental landscaping which had been extremely attractive and brought a sense of interest to anyone who was there!

The gardens were angelic and charming; causing reactive imagination to be jolting for more of it and positive conversation to be initiated!

And as Primrose walked through the lush garden with its fine ornamental pieces and little dash of manmade lights; other patrons who were there also, began talking to her and walking alongside her as they all carried out the observances around them!

Some state how cool they were while others commented on how, whoever had placed them there, how they had a very creative imagination! While some stated how they wanted some of the same oriental designs and plants in their garden at home!

Since the restaurant had a family setting; one of David's friend who had brought her child with her; sent the child outside of the gazebo to join Primrose in her walk into the gardens!

Couple minutes later, David came and join them!

All of a sudden, David was now talking fatherhood with Primrose!

Suggesting to her, that one day not far from now they both could be having one of these; if she felt up to it!

Although David seemed to be the perfect man for her, baby branding wasn't the title Primrose was ready for as yet!

She wanted her dreams of having her own place and going back to school to become a reality first before encouraging the thought of bringing a child into the world!

Because growing up without a father and the miner necessaries of life; she knew what lack felt like both financially and emotionally!

Undauntedly, Primrose vividly recalled the struggles of her mother caring for her and the many days they spent scrabbling for food and having no school supplies or having any proper clothing for wearing to school or anywhere else!

She just couldn't forget what she had gone through as a child and she certainly didn't want that for her child if she should ever have one!

And mainly because, she knew the same man who put the ring on the finger today can be the same man who wants it off one's finger tomorrow she had assured herself of being in an independent state first, especially financially, before taking up the charge of motherhood in her life!

It was getting a little drizzled on the outside of the eatery so Primrose and David returned to inside of the gazebo with the young child holding onto her arm.

They had returned to the table where all his friends were still seated, chatting and laughing up a storm!

Handing over the child to her mother, David decided it was time to go now!

Since one, it was getting late and two; he didn't want to be encouraged in having another drink for the night!

Because he was the one driving all the way back to the city!

And especially, since Primrose was unable to drive properly!

The moment to go had now come, so all the friends gave their hugs, gave kisses to each other and then said their good-byes; while promising each other that they would meet up again and that they should all stay in touch!

After the many waves of good-byes David and Primrose began heading towards the parking lot hand in hand as when they had just arrives! Soon after, they entered their vehicle and were on their way back to the city!

Realizing that the mood was never set for her to talk to David, about the things she wanted to say to him! Primrose decided to ask him whatever she had on her mind while they were in the car driving back to the city!

Contemplating that such mood might never come around for them to talk one and one!

Even though for her, she felt it was not the right time to be asking him any question; because he had just had quite a few alcoholic beverages to drink; and he might just give her an answer because he was feeling tipsy!

However, without reservation Primrose decided to ask him what was in her mind anyway!

With eyes bright with alertness and mind bringing thoughts to words, she began asking the man around the steering wheels these questions...

"So David, tell me something, what type of work you do for work or where do you work?

His reply would shock her!

"I work for the government, securing the President and other political officials!

Sometimes accompanying their funds to wherever they needed for it to be in the world or wherever they needed to be!" David expressed.

"You really work for the government?

I really can't believe it!"

Primrose said alarmingly. "Yes my love I really do!" David replied.

He then took out an identification card with a government seal on it from his waist and showed it to her!

Right after that, he then showed her his license fire arm indicating that he needed to carry it; so as to protect the president of the country when they were going on official businesses!

Especially, when they were going abroad on governmental duties!

"So, tell me something, that's what had brought you to Miami with such an urgency; the other day?" Primrose asked.

"Yes my love, that's exactly how it goes in my line of work and that's how it is going to be once I'm working for the President!

I always have to make sure I have my passport and bag packed at all times so once he calls, I'm ready!" David explained.

"So where are you living?" Primrose inquired!

"Right now I'm living at Maple Heights!" David replied.

"By yourself; you are living by yourself?" Primrose asked sternly.

"Yes Princess, I'm living by myself!

Hopefully one day soon you will come and live with me!" David expressed.

"Oh really, you want me to come and live with you?"

Primrose asked with pure excitement in her voice!

"For sure Princess, I want for you to come and live with me!

David fired back with an air of enthusiasm in his voice!

Primrose was now feeling a sense of belonging - a sense of security in the relationship!

She had now begun thinking that the man sitting beside her wanted more than bedding her or having her as his show case!

She was just ready to get his age when she realized that the car was at her gate; causing the conversation to switch to...

"Oh, I'm home! We reach here sooner than I had expected to!"

Pulling up at her yard gate David pulled Primrose closer to him and began hugging her with great nurturing and passion!

He then kissed her passionately on the cheeks as if he wanted to take the skin from off of her face!

Releasing his hands from her body, David reached to the back seat of his car for something!

And when he had brought back his hands around to her; it had another pile of cash wrapped with rubber band!

David took the large sum of cash, placed it in Primrose hands and said...

"This is yours Princess!"

Excited, pondering for words and nervous at the same time; Primrose began to ask a flood of questions...

"Are you sure this is mine?"

"Are you really serious?"

"Why are you giving me, all this money?"

"Are you sure you are not dealing drugs?"

"How much is it?"

A strange look was now on David's face as he replied...

"No Princess, I don't deal with drugs! I have two businesses that I run uptown... one is a family owned business! Its good money so stop being afraid of it my


I would never give you any drugs money or dirty money!"

Like radar detecting for speed, Primrose searched David's eyes for the truth!

And when she couldn't detect an ounce of fallacy coming from his eyes, she couldn't do anything, but believed what he was telling her to be the truth!

However, David had answered one thing about the money that got Primrose's eyes popping and body sweating profusely... it was that the amount of money he had just given her this time was much larger than what he had given her the first time!

Still sitting in David's car; Primrose's body was there but her mind was far away; into another dimension of her reality!

She was now thinking of how she needed to dress like an old lady or a vagabond before finding her way to the bank the following day!

She was seriously thinking, about who was going to attack her and rob her of the money David had just given her!

Therefore, she needed to look very unsuspicious! Hence, no one could detect that she had such large sums of dough on her or neither that she was going to the bank!

Primrose was basically going through the same cascade of wild imagination just like the very first time David had given her a large sums of money and she had decided to bring it to the bank!

It was very obvious to David that she wasn't connecting with him at the moment... she wasn't hearing a word of anything he was saying to her!

But he perceived, she might have been tired and needed to have some rest!

With that observation, David decided to stop talking and walk her to her front door!

And so he did!

And like father ushering his child to bed, David announced...

"Come Princess, it's time for bed; come let me walk you to your door!"

So David did his usual act of courtesy, by opening the car door on her side of the car; letting her out and then walking her to the front door while pecking her on the cheek time and again and stroking her arms as if he desired to have her right then and there!

But instead, David uttered good-night to Primrose and rushed back to his car and then exited off the avenue!

It was late... extremely late!

It was way after one in the morning; and instead of Primrose washing off her body and heading straight for her bed; so she could get some good sleep and well rested for work the following day!

She sat up in the mid-night hour counting the money David had given her! And she hadn't counted it once either; but several times, trying her best not to miss a count!

When Primrose had done counting the money, she was dead tired and dizzy as a goat tangled in bushes for days!

Plus, it was twice the amount than what David had given her the very first time he had given her some loot!

Now, Primrose was really nervous!

She was afraid to walk on the street with all that cash in her possession; fearing terrible that the worst might just happen to her this time!

Fearing dreadfully that she might just get hold-up by some very vicious and violent purse snatcher!

She knew that the crooks in the street would carry out a stick-up by acting like, the person they were robbing were their spouse; so as to deviate passers-by from stopping and intervening!

It was an action that she had witnessed personally many times before causing her to oftentimes anticipate that such would never happen to her; so she tried her best in being very vigilant while on the streets of the city!

But she also knew that the money was better off in the bank than the inside of her house!

And the only way to get it to the bank was for her to leave the house and bring it there!

Even though taxis in the city are usually faster than the buses; Primrose wasn't feeling comfortable riding in any of them to make her trip to the bank!

Because she was very aware that some taxi drivers could be very shady; taking their passengers off the correct path and then swindling away their valuables; and sometimes leaving them stranded in some god forbidden place which they had to circumvent their way out of night or day!

She somehow thought the bus was much safer for her since it would be occupied with numerous passengers who might come to her defense if she should ever get into a situation of being robbed!

Eventually though, Primrose fell fast asleep with those thoughts on her mind of being robbed; and figuring out the best way of getting to the bank without being detected by a mugger who would figure out that she had a large sums of cash on her person!

The following day Primrose didn't get out of bed until it was almost mid-day!

In actuality, she was quite a bit tired from staying up late and counting the money in her possession over and over again!

However, when she finally got up; she got dressed in her rags and headed straight for the bus stop!

She believed for most part, that she was attired like the masses, and that no one could actually determine that she was travelling with a small fortune on her body at the time!

Gratefully though Primrose was delighted that she didn't have to change buses to get to her destination... one bus would let her off two blocks away from the bank and then she would walk the two blocks over to where to the bank was located and soon after, she would be right there at the bank!

Braving it, Primrose got on the first bus that came along, paid her fare and then seated herself on one of the corners seats on the bus... not wanting to be disturb by anyone!

Or even worst, having any of the other passengers rubbing-up against her body; imaging, that they might cut her hand bag and then move off with her loot!

From where she was sitting Primrose felt safe and secure, and she was feeling that way until she had to get off the bus and walk to the bank! She was now a walking vault and someone had to know the codes to get to her attention!

Wanting to disguise her sanity just after getting off the bus she had begun walking back and forth... crossing the streets as she went along; as if, she was an insane person, until she had gotten inside of the bank!

But once in the bank, the mask Primrose was wearing went off and was discarded someplace where no one could give an account of it!

Remembering the conversation she had with the customer rep the last time she was there at the bank, Primrose walked right up to the customer service counter; and asked for the rep who had attended to her the last time!

Unfortunately, that rep wasn't at work that day! Therefore, Primrose had to seek the assistance of another employee in that department to help her in depositing her snatch of cash!

And so she did!

When they were done counting the money and recorded the figures of the amount; Primrose thanked her!

Not before long, Primrose was walking through the ban doors feeling lessburdensome, feeling glad and free that the money that was bringing financial stability to her was out of her hands and in the bank!!!!

Right now she was free of the stress... free from having all that hard, cold cash in her hands!

With most of her debt already paid off, Primrose didn't take out a penny to spend on anything personal!

Every red cent was placed into her bank account; causing her to start feeling good about the things she had dreamt of doing for so long... envisioning them but wasn't seeing them come to reality!

Returning home from the bank that day Primrose's thoughts were only geared towards David every moment of the way!

She was thinking about what if she hadn't met him?

She wouldn't be able to pay off all her debts and have this great amount of funds in her bank account if she hadn't met him!

She was thinking about how well he had treated her without trying to take advantage of her sexually!

Primrose was now sure that she had found a great guy who truly loves and care for her; and who wanted to see the things that she cared about come alive... come to reality!