

It was a very clear night when the golden skin stranger had passed behind Primrose several times, at the entrance of her work place...

The Grassy-Green Eatery!

He was watching her like a hawk!

No doubt, observing her every move!

But since Primrose back was turned him, she wasn't aware that he was staring at her so intensely from behind!

It was only, when her girlfriend Jasmine had returned from the rest-room and shouted out...

"Hello David, how are you doing?"

"I had no idea that you were coming here tonight!"

That Primrose had realized; that someone was standing close-up behind her!

Moments after talking to the handsome stranger, Jasmine introduced Primrose to David!

While the two strangers shook hands, Jasmine reveal to Primrose; that David has been eyeing her for the longest while now... he had been admiring her way pass six months and he was now very much interested in meeting her!

Primrose was utterly clueless about his admiration for her and wondered what his real intentions were about!

Primrose knew most of the faces of the patrons who came by her work place; but David's face, she just couldn't recall ever being there!

Anyways, they seated themselves at the counter of the eatery and there Primrose and David talked! It was an on again and off again conversation which went for a pretty good while!

But, because it was her place of work and customers needed to be attended to their chatting would constantly be interrupted with...

"Can I get a menu sheet?"

"Do you have fresh salads today?"

"Any roast fish and jerk-pork?"

"Can I get a drink of this or can I get a drink of that?"

Whatever the customers were asking for, she would have to break her conversation with David and see about the patrons requests!

Them; getting to know each other would have to take another place and time!

However, since it was her girl-friend who had introduced them; Primrose felt very secure in giving the handsome stranger her address and phone number, in the infant stage of their relationship!

The impression was very strong but the maturity state was very weak on Primrose path!

She knew what she wanted from a man; but quite unable to express what she really wanted from a relationship!

But regardless of what she wanted, David had something new to offer her, and also something new to teach her!

There was absolutely no way, she was expecting what he had to introduce her to or had to offer her; and neither did she know how to handle it either!

And right after leaving work that night Primrose when home thinking about the handsome stranger her girl-friend had linked her up with; and what would be the outcome of their meeting!

Being so tired from standing on her feet all night, well for hours; Primrose jumped straight into bed once she had gotten home, had taken her shoes off her feet; and then dash them in the corner of her bed-room!

With cigarette smoke still scenting on her person, she plan on having a shower first thing, at day-brake the following morning when she had gotten out of bed!

Morning was now and she was just about to step in the shower when the telephone wrong!

Seconds later someone was calling her! It was Primrose's room-mate informing her that the call was for her!

With a tot of temporary memory loss, she had completely forgotten about the handsome stranger who she had met last night and had given her phone digits to!

With the large bath towel rapped around her waist Primrose took the receiver from her room-mate's hand and then placed it to her ear!

And the smooth romantic voice on the other end of the phone responded; just after she had said,

"Hello, Good morning!"

"Good morning Princess, how are you doing this morning?"

Stated; the voice from the other end of the phone line.

Primrose didn't recognize the voice right away and neither was she accustomed to be called Princess by anyone either!

Right away, she thought it was a prank call!

So she replied...

"Who is this, and what did you call me?"

"I said, good morning Princes!"

Respond the voice on the opposite end of the phone once more!

"And this is David, we met last night! You have forgotten about me already?" The caller continued.

Now recognizing the caller at the other end of the phone, the tension was now broken on Primrose's part!

With their conversation going on for a while without any interruptions and the tone of words seems much smoother than before; and also the absences of any suspicion, they continued conversing with pure pleasantry of words as they tried getting to know each other by way of the phone; which was definitely not the best way for Primrose!

And while on the phone, David sincerely expressed to her that he was very much interested in her and would like to take her out for dinner and a movie, whenever she was off from work!

For Primrose, it was too quick to say yes; so she paused for a moment before giving him an answer!

But before she could open her mouth and say hay or nay; David with an air of happy expression, strangely asked...

"Do you see a vehicle at your gate?"

"No I haven't seen any... are you outside of my gate?"

Primrose replied.

"No, I'm not!"

David responded.

"Okay, something is supposed to arrive at your gate very soon!

David commented.

And before Primrose could open her mouth once more and ask, who and what for, there stood a Chines man at her gate!

He was standing there with the largest bouquet of flowers she had ever seen in her life!

It was a bunch of twenty-four red roses!

"There is a man standing at the gate with a very large bundle of red roses!"

Primrose informed David excitedly!

"Well did you read the card?" David asked.

"No I haven't gone out to see him yet... I only have my bath towel around my breast!"

Primrose exclaimed.

Instantly, Primrose called her room-mate and told her that someone was at the gate with a bouquet of flowers; and if she could please see who it belonged to for her!

While at the gate, Primrose room-mate, told her that the card had her name on it, and asked; if she wanted her to collect it for her!

Excusing herself from the phone while wrapping the bath towel a bit tighter around her chest; Primrose went to the gate, signed the paper and collected the gorgeous bouquet of flowers from the delivery man!

Opening the card, it red...

"To: My beautiful Princess, with lots of love, kisses and blessings!

From: David Monroe, your secret admirer!"

Primrose couldn't believe the warm, kind and loving token of affection he had bestowed upon her... especially, so soon in the morning; and in the birth or kickoff of their relationship!

Replacing the phone to her ear, Primrose exclaimed into David's ear repeatedly... "You sent these for me... they are lovely... thank you, thank you, thank you so much; they are just so beautiful!"

"It is not even my birthday, and you have sent me this huge bouquet of roses!

Oh wow!!!!

These are very nice!"

Primrose exclaimed continuously.

"Well, they are all yours... they are all for you, my sweet Princess!" David replied.

Primrose was so over joyed, and now she wasn't sure what to think or even what to say anymore to the stranger! She was too flabbergasted, too astonished with such a pleasant surprise during that time of the morning!

Realizing how she was behaving, she felt as though, she was embarrassing herself a bit... she was showing much excitement in the way she was expressing herself!

And furthermore, she needed to get back to having her shower!

So she abruptly stated to David that she had to end their conversation now and returned to the shower!

But deep-down in her soul, she wanted to stay on the phone and get to know him some more!

Displaying proper telephone etiquette, David said good bye, and waited for Primrose to hang up the phone before putting his receiver down!

But, Primrose didn't know a thing, about telephone etiquette - mannerisms!

She was clueless about who should put down the receiver first after saying goodbye... and hearing David still breathing at the other end of the line, she suspiciously asked...

"Why are you still on the phone after you have told me good-bye?"

And pleasantly, he replied...

"I am waiting for you to hang up the phone, my dear! I'm the one who had called you, so I have to wait until you get off the phone before I hang up!"

Feeling a little silly, Primrose responded.

"Okay then"

Primrose still feeling a bit stupid and a tad embarrass, then placed the phone down on the receiver before going back to admire the lovely bunch of beautiful red roses David had just sent to her!

They were all absolutely magnificent... they were like nothing she had ever seen before!

She couldn't stop admiring the red fluffy pedals with their lush green leaves that appears to be pebbles of dew all over them!

How fresh, how velvety and alive they were looking! She just couldn't give her eyes a break from staring at them!

And while Primrose stood by the hall-way cabinet and admired the massive bunch of flowers, her room-mate and her children; and also her brother stood into to the hallway, and they all agreed that the flowers were indeed very beautiful!

And they too stood there, in the hallway for a while staring at them!

Since she had been distracted from having her morning shower when the phone had wrong, Primrose returned to the bathroom to carry along with her morning shower!

But as the water from the shower oozed down her thight caramel skin, Primrose couldn't help but think about how generous, how romantic, how pleasant David's demeanor had been!

And that he wasn't bad looking either!

He had soft brown hair and eyes to match!

His skin was very peachy with hair cascading all over it!

And his muscles quite firm stating evidently that he had spent some time in the gym!

He was definitely a very handsome man, and she, and anyone else, who had seen him could tell that he had!

But, Primrose wouldn't or couldn't allow herself, to be caught up with his physical appearance!

She cared about what he had to offer her and how well he would treat her as a person, as a woman; and especially, since she had already had her share of bad luck with men!

For sure, she wasn't going to let some red flowers and alluring sweet words get the best of her!

But little did Primrose know; that David had her down in his heart and had every plan of keeping her there!

And although, he didn't call her again for the rest of that day, he showed up at the restaurant where she was working during the evening hours of that same day!

And he and one of his buddies sat there and order whatever they wanted to eat and drink until they were ready to leave for the night!

Unexpected to Primrose, David gave her money for her taxi fare that night; so whenever she was done working for the night, she could just jump into a taxi and head on straight home!

She wouldn't have to ask anyone for a ride home or take a ride on credit either, from anyone of the regular taxi drivers on the scene; who usually, would patronize their rides - give rides on credit, until the weekend when the staff would receive their pay!

David had given her more than enough money for her taxi fare; which Primrose had appreciated a whole lot!

Because no one had ever treated her like this before and not wanting something right away from her, in return!

But before leaving Primrose place of work, David had kindly stated to her that he would have waited until she was done working and offer her a ride home, but, he needed to get home and rest; because he had to be at work early the following morning!

Nevertheless, since the following day would be her day-off from work he would come by her house and then take her out for dinner and possible a movie!

While promising her that he would touch base with her the following morning when he thought, she had gotten out of bed!

Because he didn't want to disturb her rest!

Thoughtful and a man true to his word, David had called Primrose the following morning to find out if she had gotten home safely from work the night before and if they were still set for a date later on that evening!

And since she was the person who had answered the phone this time around, he knew she had gotten home safely!

So David told her of his plan to come and pick her up later on that evening so they could go out on the town!

But most importantly they would take the time to know each other better!

With a set-time agreed upon for their date, the two said their good-byes and put the phone receivers to rest!

But before Primrose hang up the Phone, she joking said to David...

"Should I be expecting some flowers today also?"

"No my Princess, not today; no flowers today my love!" David replied.

Now David and Primrose began giggling like two teenagers!

They then said their final good-byes and rest their phones on their receivers!

For the rest of the day, Primrose cleaned up her surroundings... not that it was down-right dirty, but it did need to bit of straightening up!

And when she was done doing that she took to the streets to run quite a bit of errands... checking the post-office for mails, picking-up stuff at the supermarket and of course checking in with her hair dresser!

Primrose wanted her hair roots touchedup and she wanted a facial!

She wanted some picking, priming and shaping-up of her eye brows!

But she certainly didn't want to go out and purchase any new attire for the occasion!

However, there were some clothes she had in her closet that she believed would be just right for the occasion and decided that one of them will do!

Plus, there were garments in her closet that hadn't grace her body as yet!

But she wanted to look fabulous for her date with the handsome prince she had recently met and was growing fund of!

After returning home and feasting on something light, Primrose went straight for her very small closet and began trying on almost all that was in there hoping to find the right outfit for the evening with her new found hubby!

Anxiously, she fitted and tried on numerous attires so she could come up with the right one that would make her look fabulous; and that David, or anyone else, who had seen her that night, would be envious of her attire!

She wanted to and had envisioned to be asked by anyone she encountered with that night; where she had gotten her outfit from or, to be complimented for it!

There was a winner... the final decision was now made!

Primrose took the out-fit she had decided on wearing that night and placed it on the outside of her closet door! And every so often, she would look at it!

Taking it from the closet door every now and again, placing it on her person, while she stared at herself in the mirror!

"No one else or no other outfit can look better than this does!" She vainly thought.

Around eight-thirty, David had called Primrose to find out if she was ready for him to pick her up!

Excitingly, she told him that she was almost ready even though she was fully dress and ready to go!

And half an hour later, David pulled up at Primrose's gate and began tooting his car horn!

Elated, Primrose told her room-mate to expect her back home by mid-night and she anxiously stepped through the front doors of her dwelling place and then walked towards David's car; which was parked opposite to her gate!

David the perfect gentleman was by now standing by the passenger side of his car!

And as Primrose walked towards his car, he smiling said good night to her and opened the car door for her, making sure she was comfortable seated in the car before closing the door of the car after her!

After David had returned to the drives' seat of his car, he looked over at Primrose and complimented her on how beautiful she looked!

Smilingly, Primrose thanked him for his commendation and then returned the sentiments... telling David he was looking just as dashing, in her eyes!

And with those words uttered, they drove off and were on their way to the drive through cinema which was located quite a few miles out of the city!

This was not the norm for Primrose, but David had his fingers between hers...he held unto her hand all the way to the drive through cinema and he didn't make it available to her, not even to scratch her skin if she needed to; until he was about to reach for his bill-ford in his pocket!

After paying for the tickets to view the movie inside of the cinema yard, David pulled up at the concession stand and ordered pop-corn, hot-dogs and sodas for the both of them!

Food in their laps, David drove around to where his number for parking was given and then put his car in position; so they could view the movie they had come to see!

But Primrose, who had not been exposed to too much of anything; neither, locally or abroad, would often times interrupt, asking David about the terms being used in the script of the movie that she wasn't aware of!

And David, who had been to many parts of the world already in his young life; was more than happy to explain such terms to her!

And even if he was too embarrassed after realizing that she knew very little about life, he was too in love with her to make her lack of education cause him to ignore her and whatever he was feeling inside heart for her!

She might not have seen the world or, had a great education; but she was smart in her own right!

Because there were things she wanted and was pretty much on her way in saving towards them!

Like owning her own business one day and buying real estate in the most affluent parts of her country!

Those were the things that had her interest!

Primrose had dreams of also going back to school some say; but top on her list was real estate!

She wanted a piece of land that she could lease or purchase, put structures on it and then rented them out! And the rent from those properties would pay for her schooling!

With her head screwed on in that direction; David had great admiration for her and thought her worthy to be in his life!

And after the movie was ended, they drove to the ocean front by the city dock!

While there, David and Primrose rolled down the tinted windows of his car, push back the car seats and laid themselves down with their feet elevated unto the dash board and began talking about almost everything they could find to chat about; as they relax and allow themselves to enjoy the ever present sea breeze that would gushed through the air and periodically bounce upon their bodies like it was the middle of Christmas seasons!

In the windy air, the green connecters laid back and talked until it was about mid-night and Primrose stated it was time for them to leave; especially, since she had to prepare herself for work the next day!

Without any hesitation, David brought Primrose home!

He opened the car door for her, saw to it that she came out of his car safely and then walked her to her front door!

After giving her a hug, he then saw to it that she was inside her abode safely!

And once she was inside her house; he returned to his car, tooted his horn and drove off!

While Primrose stood at her living room windows watching to make sure that he had left from in front of her gate safely!

Soon after, Primrose walked to her bed room feeling invigorated about how well the night had been; and then stretched out across her bed! Only thinking about what a wonderful guy David had been!

He was nothing like the other guys who had taken her out on dates before! Always wanting to bed her, as soon as they had taken her to her front door!

And others who just wanted to push their tongue down her throat once they were at her front door and she had opened her mouth to say good-bye to them!

Vividly she could recall this one guy who was viciously horny, because before she could step out of his car, he graded her so forcefully and before she knew it... or could resist his hands, he was pulling her breast from her clothing and placing it inside his mouth like it was a bag-juice! Which she had to fight him very hard... both physically and sexually!

Because the breast being her weak spot; once his warm mouth was down on her nipples, the action would want to seem mutual in anyone eyes who had witness them in his vehicle!

So Primrose went to bed that night, thinking about what an absolute gentleman David had been to her!

With him, there were no fights, no threats and no name calling!

But before her eyes were closed that night, Primrose mind shifted and she was now full of thoughts about what the future hold for her and David!

Was he going to be there for her in the long haul?

What were his pulling and his pushing - his motivation?

Were his warm loving actions ultimately designed to get her in a compromise position... to the place that he wanted her to be, in his bed?

Was he slow on making his moves or was he genuinely this nice of a guy?

As the night went on, the questions about David filled her head; and Primrose fell asleep with David consuming her every thoughts!

Astonishingly, the following morning was no better! Because, she was only awaken by a knocking on her bed-room door; with her room-mate stating that David was on the line for her!