
Love over Age.

Misola_Radeyo · Thanh xuân
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Waking up to the delightful sunrays streaming in exuding so much warmth enveloping me deeply in it, the melodious singing of the crickets and the harmoni...

"Yo Rissa!!"

..... the harmonious chirping of the birds and the gentle breeze whispering it's secrets into my....


"Oh my goodness Derah, It's so early." I mumbled stiffling a yawn receiving a death glare in return. "Isn't it Saturday today?"

"You had better get your behind outta that bed this fine Friday morning." Derah gritted looking at me through the mirror.

Of course, the look could kill.

"Ohmagawwd!! It's Friday the 23rd??" I shrieked. Shooting out of the bed faster than a horse.

"Woww. Are you for real?" That statement reeked of sarcasm

"Oh geez. What say the time?" I began organising all her school materials.

"9:30" She stood in front of the mirror for a final look

"Looking good." I grinned and gave a thumbs-up

"You're gon' be late." She shoved me into the bathroom "And spend no more than 10 minutes Marissa