
Zack met her

It sat itself on a chair that she has used as her own personal bed and looked at Sandra from across, while Sandra was staring at the snake and shaking like a leaf.

Two days later Blaze came to take Sandra away.

“Is this the girl?, not too bad, take her to the kitchen let her do the dishes and scrub the floor” Sandra’s mother said. Blaze push Sandra forward taking her to join the other maids.

She was too shock to think, everything is happening real fast that she didn’t  know what to think or do, she didn’t even know why she was here and what her crime is.

Alex was the last thing on her mind because she’s still trying to process what is happening to her.

The cook hand her a train of food to take to the guest.

“What is going on here?, who are this people?” Sandra keeps wondering as she took the food to the  guest everyone looks kind of weird to her, this are not the kind of people she sees in everyday life. They look different.

“Move aside you dirty think” a woman push Sandra out of the way and she almost fell down with the food but someone grab her.

“Oh… sorry sir” Sandra said to Zack bowing her head.

“Is okay, just be careful next time”

“Yes sir” she bow again and hurried to place the food on the guest table. Zack eyes following her as she turned away.

“Hmmm Alex…; you have eyes for good things, she’s pure but I wonder how long she will last” Zack muttered to himself.

Sandra work all day without food in her stomach, she feels like collapsing but she dare not try it.

“Sandra you can do this”, she reassure herself and keep pushing.

The party finally came to an end and is time for Sandra to go back to her little hole.

Blaze came to get her and hurried her back but Zack stop them half way.

“Hey… look at you?, always too serious” he said to Blaze.

“Who are you!, and what do you want?”

“Well, I just want to offer someone food, she’s been working all day” he said handing Sandra some food.

“She can’t take that” Blaze stopped Sandra from taking it.

“Come on, how long do you think she will last?, I believe you need her long enough to serve your mistress?”

Blaze looked at Sandra who’s already shaking and motion for her to take the food.

“Thank you sir” Sandra bow to Zack as she took the food and Blaze push her forward.

“Be careful…, take it easy on her” Zack yell at Blaze as walk back to the store house.

“Whatever, just mind your own business” she yell back at Zack but he was already gone.

Blaze turn to look at him but he’s not there anymore. “Yeah, I thought as much” Blaze muttered to herself. She has suspected him from the beginning, but not to worry, she’s  equal to the task.

Sandra went inside the parking store and Blaze lock the door behind her.