
Very Strange

Sandra the fish seller thought of taking her mind away from Alex for a moment and focus on helping her mother in the market, she has began to notice her relationship with her family members is going down hill because of Alex, especially her mum. She wish to make it up to her for making her worried so much about her.

“Bring my bag when you’re coming to the market” her mum said and then left before her  to the market while she stayed at home preparing food for the family. She's going to join her mum after cooking, they have a lot to do today.

Sandra felt someone following her but when she turned around she saw no one. Her heart began to race and her survival instinct told her to run and she took to her heels, she ran all the way to the market breathing heavily.

“Is anything the matter?” her mum ask seeing how heavily she was breathing.

“No m..um, am fine” she look that way and this way thanking God that nothing happened to her on the way.

“I really need to stay away from Alex” she muttered but her mum didn’t give her the luxury to lazy about and so she want into the activities of the day forgetting about what just happened.

“Where is she?, why didn’t you bring her with you” Sandra ask Blaze when she came back without  Sandra the fish seller.

“I tried but it failed”

“What do you mean it failed! She's merely a mortal” Sandra said looking at herself in the mirror and adjusting her hair.

“Yes she is” but Blaze can’t really describe what happened to her when she tried to seize up Sandra the fish seller.

“Don’t tell me she has powers” Sandra said putting on her earrings while Blaze stood there looking at her, is like Sandra is going somewhere?, why is she dressing up so nicely?”

“What’s  the occasion?”

“Well, dad ask to see me, I think there’s  going to be a huge party for me for a job well done”

“Really? And I’m not invited?”

“Why not, you are coming with me” Blaze smiled because there is no way she’s going to miss this party, she has worked so hard in helping Sandra in bringing down Alexandria and his family so she deserve some red wine, plus there will be lots of dudes at the party. handsome ones at that, who knows! Something might just click for her.

“Why are you smiling?” Sandra ask Blaze. Because when ever Blaze is smiling like that it means something is going to get wrong.

 “Nothing, are you getting engage already!” Blaze ask Sandra.

“What are you talking about? Is just a party don’t get ahead of yourself.”

“I mean the way you dress and the way you smile I think something is up, your husband just died you know?”

“Nothing, is just a party, let’s go” they hit the road going back to meet her parents while Alex house has now become Sandra’s house because they were married before Alex died.