

“Hmm, I think at this point they have no choice,” Alex said.

“If you insist then be my guest,” Lincoln said and the man takes Alex out of the board room.

“I think I need to introduce you tomorrow, I have to send a mail to all the staff and board members, and introduced you to everyone”

"Sounds good to me, but remember this if you love your family, then don’t mess with me” Alex showed him a video of his three years old daughter playing happily in the children's park.

“Please don’t hurt my family, I will do all you say” the man whispered and Alex smiled at him patting him on the shoulders he walked out of the building with his men.

“Oh my goodness, I almost collapse!” Jack said. “I thought Lincoln’s men are going to attack, good thing they didn’t”

Zack only shakes his head. “Hey.. don’t shake your head at me, I still love my life you know,” he said to Zack and they all erupted with laughter.

“Then you should stay at home, this is no place for women,” Zack told him.

“Hey.. Do you have a problem with me? Just let’s end it here and now” Jack yells at Zack inside the car.

"Stop it both of you,” Alex told them, “I don’t know what your problems are, but let’s not do it here okay”, he said but a knock lands on the car window, Alex pressed a button and the glass went down.

Lincoln stood there saying nothing, Alex excused himself and went out of the car.

They walked a little distant and Lincoln smiled at him.

"Well done Alex, that was a pretty little show you put up out there, the man was shaking, you know what? If I was the one who asked him to announce you as the CEO, he would have said no…

“What do you want?” Alex cut him off.

“Alex…, you still don’t know what I want? Okay, let me make it easier for you” he said taking off his hat.

"I’m now an old man and still I need so many things, all I’m asking of you is make this old my happy, marry my daughter and give me a grandson.”

Alex smirk. “I don’t get you, what do you want to use a son for, kill him for your stupid project experiment?”

“No, no, no, don’t get me wrong,  you know you own me a lot, but I’m okay with that if you will just grant me just this one request, marry her and give me a grandson”

Alex knows Lincoln very well by now, so he proceeded to test him further.

"Fine, what if I marry her and she gave birth to a girl, what happens then?”

“No, it can’t be a girl,” Lincoln said and Alex knew right then that Lincoln is still on this stupid project of using his son to create weapon of mass destruction.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t marry your daughter.” He said and Lincoln went rage with anger.” He hit Alex's back with his palm but it was not an ordinary palm.

Before Zack could get to Lincoln he has disappear and Alex was on the ground throwing up blood.