
The D day

Alex keeps bothering himself for Zack's sake.

“Are you ready?” Zack came into the room as Brian and Jack were preparing Alex.

“Yeah, and you are not looking bad” they all turn to look at Zack.

“He's handsome today,” Jack said and Alex asked him to stop.

Zack only smiles at Jack, “Is someone getting Jealous?” he smiles and adjusts his tie looking at himself in the mirror, he smiles and Alex smiles with him.

“Whatever! I hope she says no” Jack said and Alex looked at him, “I hope is not Ella?” he muttered but Zack heard everything they are saying in their minds, and he only smiles at them.

Whoever told them that he will fall for a girl they have all slept with? They are just started to talk to each other and now everyone wants to know if he will date Ella.

“I just hope is not true, because I like Zack too much to want him ending up with a girl like Ella.” He mumbled and Zack love the fact that Alex loves him sincerely.

“Is almost time Alex?” he told him and Alex snaps out of his worry for him.

They arrived at the church and everyone was seated, Alex has almost forgotten that there were people who were trying to cause trouble yesterday, he only remembers it now as he stands at the altar waiting for Sandra, he looked at the crowd of people and wonders if there is not going to be any trouble today.

“Hey, what about those trouble makers yesterday?” he asked Zack his best man in a whisper

“I thought you will never ask, I took care of them.”

“Thanks, man” he smiles at the crowd.


They waited and waited, but Sandra isn’t showing up.

Alex’s heart starts to race, I hope she’s not kidnapped, he was so worried and asked for his phone to call Clara.

“They are here” Zack declares and he breathes a sign of relief.

Sandra walked up to him at the altar and the priest began.

  Alex's heart was beating like a drum, he was so afraid that someone would raise their hand and stop the wedding, if not Evelyn, then it will be Sandra or any of the girls he has dated in the past which he can’t even remember some.

“Are you okay?” Zack whispered in his ear.

“I’m so nervous man?”


“You know, the girls, I hope none of them will show up today to stop this wedding”

“You worry too much Alex, relax, Sandra, is the only woman in your life”

“Yeah, thanks man” he was so grateful he chose Zack as his best man rather than Jack.

“Is there anyone in this auditorium who thinks that these two should not be joined together should speak up now, or forever remain silent.” The priest announced and a voice was heard but no one came forward.

The priest asked again but there was silence everywhere and Zack just smile.

“You may kiss the bride”