
Surprise visitors

Blaze went in to bring Sandra to help serve the guest, but she thought that she has a special guest that she need Sandra to serve very well, because this guests is very special to her.

“Now you listen to me, I want you to put in your best behaviour”. Blaze told Sandra.  There's this special guest I want you to serve and I don't want any nonsense from you. So you better behave”.

“Yes Ma” Sandra said shaking. She’s not shaking because she’s afraid, she’s shaking because she hasn't eaten in days, not that she hasn't eaten but that is not what you call food.

Blaze took sandra and introduce her to Jack and Sandra almost fell “I think I know this guy!, he's Alex's friend” she muttered.

“Are you okay!, what is wrong with you?, I asked you to behave yourself” Blaze grind her teeth at Sandra and she took a grip of herself.

“I'm sorry ma’am” she bow to Blaze but Jack acted as if he has not seen Sandra before.

I’m sorry about that” Blaze apologize to Jack on behalf of Sandra.

“Is ok, am good” he took a seat and look around if he can find Alex and Brian, but he could only see Brian because Alex has change to someone else, he’s the only one that can see them, so he takes the opportunity to walk to where Jack was seated.

“Do you mind?” he ask Jack… Jack looked at the guy and thought he could use this guy as a distraction.

“Yeah, sure, you can have a seat” pointing at the seat next to him and Alex sat down comfortable.

Brain arrive a few seconds and took the other seat looking at the other guy and was thinking what the hell is this guy doing here?, this is our space” instead he smile and gave him a hand shake. Alex took it and smile wickedly at him.

“Whatever!” Brain muttered and turn to face Jack.

“What’s up?, have you seen Sandra yet?, and what about Alex?”

“I've seen Sandra but as of Alex, he thinks he can play games with me huh… appearing and disappearing.”

“I told you Alex is lying about this girls, you need to see those two girls, I have them on my palms… but Alex…. Am beginning to think that he’s lying to us.”

“I don’t care if he’s lying or not, you see that girl!... She said her name is Blaze, I’m taking her home” Jack said whispering to Brian.

“What did you say her name is?, Blaze!, do you know the meaning of Blaze?” Brian ask Jack who immediately start thinking, making Alex want to laugh but he held himself.

"That’s true, Alex may be right but that girl is hot….." He pause as Blaze and Sandra walk towards them.

Alex wanted to stand up when he saw Sandra coming.  She was so pale, her eyes looks like she was going to give up the next minute.

Her eyes widened when she saw Brian, a glimpse of hope shown on her face and she lighten up. But looking at Brian giving her a sign she knew right then that her deliverance has come.