
Sad day

“But wait” Alex rushed into his bedroom and help Sandra out of the wardrobe he has hide her. 

“Come with me, he took her down to the basement and opened a door of an underground building.

He has just discovered it when he was looking for some clue about his parents, that was before Vampire told him what he now knows.

“You stay here, if it's not me, don’t open the door okay” Sandra nods and Alex kisses her before coming out.

“Let’s hurry,” Pat said. “We need to cut them off before they get to the house.”

They all got to Lincoln’s house and they started shooting sporadically taking Lincoln by surprise.

Alex head straight to the chemical plant to destroy it but was unable as there was tight security.

They search everywhere for Brian’s parents but didn’t find any of them.

“let's check the glass room,” Jack said, but they are not there either.

“Where could he have put them?”  Brian and Pat were so worried.

“Is okay, we will find them” Alex consoles.

They went to search the cell but still nothing.

Lincoln has locked himself in a safe room carrying Brian's parents with him.

“Here, he’s over here” Pat whispers to the rest, and they all rushed in there.

Lincoln has five men guard the safe, where he enters with Brian's parents.

He only speaks from the glass safe with a microphone and it echoes outside for others to hear.

“Give me Sandra and your parents will live.”. his voice echoes.

“How do we get inside that safe?” Pat ask.

"We only have to kill these men first before talking about getting into the safe” Clara replied.

“Then what are we waiting for, let’s get started,” she said targeting one of the men.

Each of them picks a man and Alex gave the go-ahead, but when the shooting starts the men overpowered them forcing them to run out of the place leaving only Alex.

“Where is Alex?” Clara ask.

“I don’t know” they answer breathing heavily.

"I’m going back inside” she started moving back in but Jack stopped her.

“Don’t” he held her hand so strongly that Clara finds it difficult to pull her hands away.

“Alex is still in there, he needs me”

“No, Alex will want you to go home, is too dangerous in there, take them home, I will go after Alex” They both turned to look at Pat and Brian, Brian is bleeding and Pat is holding him.

“Be careful” Clara said and kiss Jack, but the kiss was not expected, it took Jack unaware.

“I love you, Jack, don’t die on me”

“I won’t,” he said and went back inside while Clara took Pat and Brian home.

After hours of waiting for Alex and Jack’s return, they finally came back with Brian’s mother.

“I’m sorry man, your father is dead” Alex said bowing his head.

“What!” Brian and Pat cried like never before.

There was sadness everywhere, they took the body and gave him a befitting burial.