
Huge surprise

“Be quite will you?” she nods, she didn’t want anything to happen to Jack.

They were about opening the door that leads to the bedroom but Sandra and Jack rushed towards them with  Sandra carrying frying pan, and Jack a mopping stick yelling as they attack Clara and Alex.

What are you guys doing?, is me Alex, but they have already taking them down with Sandra hitting Clara repeatedly with the front part why she just block it and defend herself is maize and rice Clara stop it she here and they both stop at once

"What!, Alex…” Sandra rushed to embrace him on the floor.

“Do you have to hit him that hard?” Sandra ask Jack as Alex keep rubbing his forehead.

“What about you? Look!.. You stain her beautiful dress” Jack said walking to Clara and helping her stand up from the floor.

“What’s wrong with you guys?” Alex ask still holding his forehead.

Is Sandra, she said she saw a taxi drop by and men with guns coming out of it towards us, so we have to defend ourselves.

“I see, with a flying pan!” Clara ask Jack.

“I’m sorry, I could wash that for you” Jack said using his hand to dust Clara's dress.

“Is fine” she blush,  Alex turn to look at Sandra who just raise one of her shoulder.

In a minute they were all sitting in the dining table eating.

"You cook this?” Alex ask Sandra smiling, he has not eating a good deal for days, Clara is not the type to cook. In fact she has never cook her entire life, the maids were always there to handle the cooking so why must she cook?.

But now things have change and Clara with Alex has to cook for themselves. But of course they don’t really know what to cook or how to cook it so they only help themselves with the restaurant food.

“Hmm, I love this food” Alex ate to his full.

Clara went outside to sit down under one of the trees, the cool breeze made it much relaxing out here.

Jack could not take his eyes off her, he stole some glimpses at her every now and then making Alex to look at him and tracing his gaze to Clara “What are those two doing?” he asks in his head.

“I will be right outside” Jack told Alex but he didn’t say anything, he only nods his head and looking at him as he walk towards Clara.

He starts getting all kinds of thoughts in his head. He knows Jack very well and he hoped that he hasn’t played any of those their trick on his sister?.

Hey… why are you so quite?” Sandra ask him bringing him back to present.

“Oh.. I’m sorry, was just thinking.”

“So how did it go?” Sandra ask and Alex was confused, he hasn’t think of what to tell her but then he is Alex after all, no babe will ever fall their hands. Both of his friends including him can never run dry on what to tell a girl, they always believed them and that is why he was afraid Jack might use it on his sister.

“The police, yes I called the police and they were arrested.”

“Really!” Sandra ask so excited.