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Lincoln is not having any of this anymore, he has to do something fast. He orders his men to comb through the whole world and bring him Sandra the fish seller.

She must be two months pregnant now, she needs to be where he can monitor her and take the baby as soon as she is put to bed.

But up until now, no one has been able to get her.

“Don’t come back unless you have her with you” he ordered, “ bring me Blaze, and Sandra if you ever find them”. He added.

“Yes sir” the men left in search of them.

“I told you there is no need to get upset, is a waste of energy,” Mr. Eyeglass told Lincoln who is more than worried, as his business associates are beginning to see him as incompetent because each time they request to see the samples and to confirm the girl carrying the baby he will give them one excuse and the other.

“I think you don’t understand my position, my competitors are gaining in on me, I need to give them something different, something the world has never seen, these men are losing hope in me” he hit hard on his table.

“Now I see that you are underestimating me,” Mr. Eyeglass said to Lincoln as he plays with his ball-like object.

“You know I can never do that,” Lincoln said as if whispering but his tone was harsh.

“Zack,” he said.

“What!... Zack! What do you mean Zack?” Lincoln asked him.”.

“His name is Zack, he’s the person you should be looking for, he has your project”

“What! And where do we find this Zack?” he asks Lincoln to give him his ear and he whispers something to him and they both laugh.

“You are a true friend,” Lincoln said and brought out a bottle of wine and two glass cups.

“Drink up my friend” they raise their glass laughing.

Zack notices some strange men trailing him in the evening as he closes from work and was heading home, he normally inspects his father's business three days a week, that is the only job he does,  and instead of going home, he entered a nightclub and disappeared from there, confusing the men after him.

“I think we are in some danger,” Zack told his father as soon as he got home.

“What kind of danger?”

“Some men followed me today, I think Lincoln has found out about Sandra.”

“If so she’s no longer save here, you must move her”

“To where?” Zack ask confused.

“I don’t know, we have to think of something fast before Lincoln gets to us”

Zack left his father and went to Clara, he took her aside and told her what is going on.

“Oh my God, what are we going to do?” she ask and turned to look at Sandra who everything is now showing she’s pregnant indeed,  even the color of her skin has changed and her taste of food too.

“How are we going to protect her now, I thought she’s saved here”

“Yes, she was, but you know, Lincoln has so many snitches, I’m even surprised it took him this long”