
Don't be afraid

“That position is mine, my father died because of that, and I'm not giving up on it” Alex said but before he knew what is going on he and Clara has been surrounded.

 Alex looked around him and find out that they have been trapped.

“You just have to give in Alex”. Clara said but Alex whispers back to her.

 “What if is a tripped, what if they will still kill us even if I give up the position?”

“Yeah,.. you're right, so what are we going to do?”.

 Alex change immediately to that monster again and start setting the place on fire but Mr. Lincoln drags Sandra to the pool of acid.

“Stop right now or I throw her in this pool of acid”. Mr. Lincoln threatened  Alex and then he change back to a human being but Sandra saw him this time and she was frightening to death but Alex don't care he wants to save them from that place, he will do anything to make sure that they’re alive.

“Let them go Mr. Lincoln or I will kill all your men” Alex threaten but Mr. Lincoln threatened to throw Sandra into the pool of chemical acid  if he dares to touch one of his men again.

They look around and found that a lot of his men are already burnt to death so Mr.  Lincoln took Sandra as a cover and drag her into an underground building.

“What!.. he just took her way!”  Alex told Clara.

“Yes, I saw that.  Alex we have to go, this is not going to be easy.  We have to go and get a plan before we come back”

“What if he kills her when I'm gone?,”

“He's not going to kill her, he knows that if he kills her then you're going to burn down the whole place so he won't kill her.”

Mr. Lincoln took Sandra into a room but the room is well furnished and went away.

Sandra could not just hold it anymore. “Did Alex just turn into that thing?.. oh my goodness what is going on?. I knew something is not right with him, I saw him just turn into a monster!, Brian was trying to tell me something.. oh…. my goodness why?,  why am I so stubborn?.  I should have  listen to Brian, so Alex is not even a human being.. oh my goodness!”.

 Sandra starts hitting her head on the wall, she just can't understand what is going on anymore, she was so freaking out.

“No,.. Sandra calm down, just calm down,… there has to be an explanation to this.  Just calm down” she tries to calm herself down and Mr. Lincoln walked in again looking at Sandra who is so scared to death.

“Don't be scared, I'm not here to kill you, but I'm here to ask you if you know that Alex is a monster?, considering the fact that you are a human?, you don't understand any of this right?”

Sandra hang her mouth, and holding her head with both hands, her eyes widened but no sound was coming out of her mouth.

“Now you know your boyfriend is a monster” Mr. Lincoln said and Sandra fainted.

“Oh. Shit…. she's not even that strong” Mr. Lincoln muttered and went away.