
Do something fast

They call forth the man to present his witness but only his family came out.

“You don’t mean to tell us that you have no witnesses apart from your family members, surely you don’t want us to take your words for it?” the elders ask Zack’s father as they refuse to take Zack and Adora's words for it.

“We hereby put it to you that Mr. Lincoln is not guilty of your accusations, go and look for your wife, she might have followed another man without your knowing,” one of the top elders said but Zack won’t have that, he rushed at the man punching him on his nose and he starts to bleed.

And before you know it fight erupted and people start fighting each other, but Lincoln and Mr. Eyeglass sneak out of the place and ran out.

Zack looked for them among the crowd but they have vanished. Running for their lives.

What are we going to do now?” Mr. Eyeglass ask Lincoln as they fled the place.

“What else? we are going home.”

“You have to release her then,” he said almost shaking. He is not used to violence but always encourages others to embark on it.

“Calm down, they can not come after me, and you know that,” Lincoln said but that is not his worry, “I know they can’t come after you, but what about me? I never wanted to do this witness thing but you force me to do it, now they will look for me,” he said shaking.

“No one is looking for you, and if you are afraid, you can come and live in my house,” he said but Mr. Eyeglass wasn’t okay with that arrangement.

Zack went home so furious, that he wanted to go after Lincoln but was advised against it by his father. “we have to look for another way, going after him like that will only get you killed, I don’t want to lose you.”

"Then do some fast or you are going to lose me, I need my mother back into this house” he yelled at his father while looking at Adora with this look that said, “See what you’ve done”. He walked out of the house and wish to talk to someone because he is too angry to stay calm.

He brought out his phone and Clara was the person that came to mind.

He called her to tell her about what is going on and she felt bad that his mother is suffering because of them.

“maybe I can help,” Clara said as she went and brought out the gun.

“How will you do that?” he ask over the phone not sure how Clara plans to do that.

“Let's just meet,” she said and they made plans to meet.

“Are you going somewhere?”  Jack ask her seeing how she was preparing to leave.

“Yeah, I just want to see a friend."

"A friend? And you look like you are going for a war".

“What! You don’t like my dressing?”

Clara always put on her black leather jumpsuit whenever she’s going out to fight someone and Jack had noticed it severally.