
Chapter 61

“Hi guys I'm sorry about that” Alex apologize to Brian and Jack but they didn't say anything they were just wondering what the heck he has to be discussing with that guy outside.

Within seconds all the girls started flooding the area because Alex is there.

They started kissing up to the guys and eyeing them while some bringing out their tongue like that of a snake.

“Gross” Zack said making a face. But Alex wasn't interested, he has a lot on his mind and that does not include looking at that babes.

“You like her?” Alex ask Zack.

“ I don’t like humans, they're not just straight forward”

 Brian and Jack look at Zack and give out a big laugh.

“Look at this guy, what is he talking about? Humans!, Like for real? Humans? Hahaha. “are you trying to tell us that you're not a human?”. But Alex cut them off.

“Hey don't mind him, he's just drunk”.

“Yeah I can see that, this dude is really drunk” Jack said.

Jack secretly call Ella and within seconds she was there.

“Hey Alex where have you been?, what have I ever done to you?, why do you just space me for so long?” she was all over Alex and Zack was just looking at her.

“Wow… wow.. wow, it seems we have a lucky guy among us, all the girls are head over heels for him”. Zack said.

“Yeah you don’t know him, he is Alex, so you’ll be seeing more of this, just hold your drink up high and you will see more dramas with Alex” Brian told Zack.

 “hahaha I can see that” they all laugh but Alex was thinking of how to discharge Ella.

 He didn't want to be rude to her, he has warned her to stay away from him but it seems that his warning did not hold water.

“Why are you guys so cool, why the mood?, and why is the table not hot” she said looking at the boys.

“We are cool”, Jack said.

“No you are not cool, and I know it’s because of Alex, what’s wrong with you Alex?, why do you leave us like that?, where did you go to in the first place?, why don’t you just tell us that you don’t want to be friends with us anymore?”. Ella keep ranting.

 Alex wanted to said “yes,” but Brian and Jack will take it the wrong way so he just keep quiet.

“Can I talk to you in private?” Alex ask Ella.

“hahaha, so now you have to talk to me in private?, we are friends Alex, so you can say anything you want to say in front of Jack and Brian except this one…” she pause, “who is he?” and everyone’s eyes on Zack.

“Oh…what?, you mean me?, he raise up his grass of wine at her. “Well, I’m Alex friend, do you have a problem with that?, or maybe you will stop planning to commit suicide because Alex is here?.

“What the fuck do you mean by that, who told you that I want to commit suicide.?,. Are you trying to read my thoughts?”