
Chapter 3 Accept my gift

“Sandra, that’s a lovely name,” he said smiling beautifully at her.

“Thank you”

“So, who are you to Brian?”

“Yeah, Brian?” for the first time Sandra is been forced to think about who she is to Brian.

“He is my boyfriend”

“Wow!, so how come he has never talked about you to any of us?”

“I don’t know”

“Are you sure he is your boyfriend?” Alex wanted to be sure because he is used to girls always throwing themselves at him and his friends because. After all, they're wealthy and handsome too, so it won’t be a surprise if this girl is just throwing herself at Brian and calling him her boyfriend.

“Yes I'm sure but I don’t know anymore”

“Hmmm, so how do you know him? I mean how do you first meet him?”

“He is my childhood friend, we are very close but I don’t think we are close anymore”

“So why are they bullying you back in my house?”

“You saw that?” Sandra asks feeling embarrassed.

“Yes I did, and I followed you here, so what is that thing you threw into the water?”

“Is a gift I bought for Brian but he rejected it”

“Oh. I'm so sorry”

“Is okay, after all, it looks like he has a new girlfriend now”

“So what do you do?” Alex ask.

“I sell fish in the local market” Alex almost hit somewhere with his car.

“What? You sell fish?”

“Yes, I sell fish in the local market”

“Oh I see” was all Alex said and keeps driving without talking again. “Where should I drop you? Was the next thing Alex said.

“Oh, you can drop me in my mother’s shop in the market,” she said since she didn’t attend any valentine's party with Brian, she can as well help her mother in the market.

Alex pulled in front of a small market, he has never been to that part of the town since he was born, today is his first time coming here.

“Please wait here, let me give you a gift,” she said as she makes to come down from the car.

“No don’t worry I'm fine,” he said, wanting to leave this place as soon as possible.

“Please… don’t say no” she pleaded and Alex agreed to accept her gift.

She ran to the market and took her mother’s smoke fish and ran back to Alex.

“Take, this is all I can afford to give you, and thanks for your help”

Alex took the fish and said thanks to her then he drove off.

“What is this?” he opened it “What!! Smoke fish? What will I do with this? Oh my goodness”

He wanted to throw it out the window but stopped when he remembered the words “This is all I can afford”

He put it back into the car and drove home, but instead of throwing it away he hurried up to his room and kept it there looking at it and wondering what he is going to do with that thing.

He walked out a few minutes and his sister hurried up to him.

“Alex where have you been and why are you smelling like fish?”

“What? I smell fish?”

“Yes, go have your bath and hurried out the people are waiting”