
LOVE OR IMMORTALITY! Illyria And Her 4 Love Interests

CrystalNellie · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Introduction - Chapter 1

*Year 2050*

*5 am In The Basement Of International Hospital*

"*huff*huff*hah...hah...cough...cough...(Today too,...I dreamed the same dream. It's already been 18 years...As always after I woke up from the dream though I forgot the content of my dream but I found my hair growing once again. It's spread the whole room. I had to use my power to make my hair as short as my knee's length. In my dream, I saw the same girl who look like me and who has the same name as me Crystal Aurora Illyria De Asteria...her powers too it's the same as mine. Just like me her appearance in morning & night keeps changing. Her skin is as white as snow, long curled lashes, mysterious long wavy pure golden hair & Amethyest eyes in the morning and long wavy purple-silver hair & Amethyest eyes at night. Also when she uses her divine power her hair & eyes turn pure golden colour just like mine. She has a crist on the middle of her forehead where there is a half-moon and there is a golden half-sun joined together with the half-moon...between the sun and moon, there are 4 small stars is glowing like diamonds. She also have a pendant with the same design as her crist which is called the 'Celestine Pendant'. She has ankles on her legs called 'Divine Stone Tassel Charm Anklets. In her head, there is a 'Golden Tiara Leaf Divine Crystal stones decorated with diamonds' which is a tiara called 'Goddess Of Nature's Tiara'. In simple words, it feels like she and I are the same person. But as she only appears in my dream I guess it was just a simple dream.)" Illyria thought.

It's late but I think I should introduce myself my name is Crystal Aurora Illyria De Asteria. I am 18 & I am a terminally ill patient. I am an orphanage. Talking about my appearance I have skin as white as snow mysterious long wavy pure golden hair and long beautiful curled lashes with sparkling jewels like Amethyst eyes which also resembles the night sky decorated with full of stars and at night I have skin as white as snow mysterious long wavy light purple-silver hair and long beautiful curled lashes with sparkling jewels like Amethyst eyes which also resembles the night sky decorated with full of stars. Only when I use my divine power my eyes and hair turn sparkling pure golden colour.

Since childhood, I had strange powers that normal humans dosen't possess. I learnt how to properly use them from my dream where that girl appears she called herself the 'Supreme Goddess of nature & strength'.

From there I get to know I had 12 spiritual power of nature such as Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Ice, Force, Time, Flower, Shadow, Light and Moon. And I learn how to use them from my dream.

1. Earth represents the soil and rocks that we live on.

2. Water represents the seas, oceans, lakes and all the water bodies.

3. Wind represents the air that we breathe and the sky that we live under.

4. Fire represents the heat and the flames. 

5. Thunder is the element that represents electricity.

6. Ice represents snow and cold.

7. Force is the element of combat and spirit.

8. Time is the element that represents our past, present and the future.

9. Flower represents the plants of the nature.

10. Shadow is the element of darkness and negativity.

11. Light is the element of divinity and purity.

12. Moon represents spiritual space and the other dimensions.

Besides this, I also have 4 kinds of power Divine, Magic, Cultivation & Controller's power. When I was young I also learnt lots of talents like cooking, Escaping, Tricking, Trapping, tracking, herbs and poisoning, Fighting, voice changing, material arts and special-makeup etc.

Actually, despite being diagnosed as terminal illness at age 5 I was still trained to be a killer by the organisation that takes in orphans to make them killers. At the time, nobody knew about my power.

But soon on my 15th birthday, the organisation found out about my powers because of my unique appearance & from that day I was locked in the basement of the international hospital. They always inject drugs into my body to keep me asleep so that I can't use my power & every day they do different kinds of experiments on me.

I was once the youngest most dangerous SS Rank killer but look at me now...there is no one here to help me. Even when I was a killer there was no one with me cause everyone always hated me for my illness, they hated the strong smell of medicine that I had to take. This was the only reason why nobody wanted to befriend with me.

Anyway, soon on my 18th birthday came and the organizer decided to stop the experiment on me. Since they couldn't find anything on me. But it was too late because I used all the last bit of my power all those years being locked in this dark experiment laboratory to destroy everything together with myself. As soon as the organizer moved me into their headquarters I self-destruct myself with everyone. At that time I felt like I did the same thing before as well.