
Love Of The Dark

" If everyone hates darkness then why was it created ?"- Victoria Thompson 24 years old psychiatrist the main character of the story having this question throughout her life but can't find the answer . Little did she know god has something else planned for her .

Zoya_Mateen · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
10 Chs

Chapter 4

Victoria reached her home . To her surprise her parents were still there . Seeing them a sigh left her mouth . As she entered , going to her room her parents stopped her asking something .Mr. Thompson : " you came early "Victoria : " yes and i will be on leave for some days and ya one more thing today i will be going somewhere for my case " Mrs. Thompson : " you never go anywhere for any case and where are you even going ?"Victoria : " Florida forest and yes this case is different i need to go "Mr. Thompson :" But don't stay anywhere comeback before night , tomorrow we have an important interview in which you have to be present in so take care of yourself also because no matter if you are sick or whatever you will have to attend it so i'm saying for your own good "Victoria :" hmm' ( she nodded and went upstairs ) Victoria in mind ;; my heart stopped for a second when i thought my parents finally started caring about me but then my heart came to it's senses when they brought out the interview thing . And of course i won't be able to sleep tonight because i have to practice my lines in the interview , not only that but also try to work on my acting skills to act how much i love my parents . I just hate acting and pretending things . And another thing that you all are not aware of that if i never came in interviews they would have kept me secret and right now i would have been sold someone else without my permission . Yeah that's how my life is .Without wasting a lot of time on unnecessary things she packed her stuff and went downstairs . she about to leave when again her parents stopped asking something Mrs. Thompson : " you know the month is ending right ?"Victoria : " what ? You are talking to me ? " Mrs. Thompson : " who else would i waste my precious time on ?" Victoria :" i don't need your time , keep it with you only " Mr. Thompson :" Victoria !!!! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO TALK WITH YOUR MOTHER ! (He shouted )Victoria :"Mother ?? which mother ? " Mrs.Thompson :" leave with honey , AND YOU , CAN'T YOU ANSWER A DAMN QUESTION ? IF IT WASN'T THE MEDIA THING YOU WOULD PROBABLY BE SOLD TO SOMEONE ELSE !!Victoria :" FINE I HAVEN'T FIND A GUY ,FIND ONE ON YOUR OWN " With that she went out of the house , to her car throwing her bag in the backseat while sitting in the driver seat starting to drive the car ." I wish if i just die while solving this case . They all don't even know how many times i cried myself to sleep and even if they find out probably they will laugh at me . I'm just a load on their head so they just want me to get married . At one point they even tried sold me to someone and then spread a rumor saying i ran away and got married but i don't know how they didn't approve this idea . So basically the media and public thinks being a psychiatrist and having a wealthy background is so good . But they don't know the dark secret behind the camera .. And i have to bear all of this with a just a smile . SHITTT! i forgot to meet Mrs. Haruto , because of them i forgot about her . * sigh* Time Skips ; after 5 hours She reached the Florida Forest , and stopped by seeing it's beauty Victoria :" WOWW!! This is much beautiful in real life . God!! am i crushing over a forest YES!She started exploring the forest , she even forgot what she even came for . For her it was like she was living her life she never did . She had brought a mini camera that she found in her wardrobe while packing her stuff . She was clicking some picture but remembered about the case when her eyes landed on her bag that was lying on the floor and that file coming out from it . She kept that camera inside while taking out the file ." Ok Victoria fun time is over time to put the serious mode on and i have already wasted a lot of time , i have to reach home on time also otherwise i won't have energy to attend the interview tomorrow . But where am i supposed to go now i only have this much information for this case AGHRR, everything was going good why does my life takes turn every other second . She got up from that place started walking towards the front hoping to find something . She doesn't know anything about this forest except it's name . Which she found after a lot of struggle . Victoria's mind only had one done thing for now THAT DO WHATEVER JUST DON'T GET LOST IN THE FOREST .After walking for so long without realising how long, she looked back, a fear crept in her heart because she seem to be lost now she looked at the sky which was starting to get darker ."Goshh !! what am i suppose to do now ? stay here and wait for an animal to come and eat me ?? " ( she face palmed herself thinking she is lost. Just then her ears caught attention to a voice of an old lady )lady : " what are you doing here ? are you perhaps lost here?" Victoria : " Yes , i'm sorry to ask but do you know the way out of this "lady :" oh ! my child i usually stay inside only , i come out to take a look on these little organisms ( she said while referring to the plants and sapling growing there ) why don't you come inside ? have something you look like kind of weak come ( she offered her to come and went inside . Victoria wanted to say 'no' but the lady went inside before she could say anything . The lady was right though i didn't did my breakfast properly . I really need something to gain energy . Victoria thought to herself . She followed the lady inside her house but something else caught her attention to be continued .....