
Love Met In The Wrong Place

PREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS JEALOUS IN MY SISTER’S EYES. It’s changes in our lives that bring something new, It’s in those dark hard times that we grow, It’s in the unexpected that we find true treasures hidden. But our fears always hold us back because we are not always open to face either of those facts in our lives. She is forced to face all three of them due to circumstances. She is thinking her life is over. However is it over? This is Samantha Addams, daughter of a former American diplomat now ambassador of an American embassy in a foreign country. What is she meeting within facing the most feared facts of life? "stop resisting Samantha. You want this I can tell," Raising my head. I look up to stare into those capturing ocean-like eyes that are trying to offer what I think I want but at the same time, I don't think I do. "I don't know Kai," I say in my small voice trying hard to not stutter with my words. I feel one of his fingers under my chin raising my head to look up at him and I find myself drowning in his ocean-like eyes "You do know sweetheart." He says looking straight into my eyes while grinning down at me. I find myself again not being able to pull away from staring at his lips and when he catches where my attention is, he smirks. I turn my gaze away quickly when I am caught staring but that makes him chuckle. I turn my head to the side but I feel the tips of his lips lingering beside my cheek, all the way to my ear. His hot breath on my skin brings goosebumps on my skin while the hairs on my skin stand. "I know you hate this place princess and I also know that you don't want to make good memories here but try me sweetheart, and I will make you feel like you are back home in America."

Juliechance · Thanh xuân
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85 Chs


'Life is a lot, but it's easier when you share a womb with someone because then you have a guarantee of sharing the lot of it with someone.'

The moment my twin sister, the sister that is said to have shared a womb with me.

Rubbing herself with the guy she knows I wanted to be mine ever since we got here, I lost it the moment she did it in front of my eyes.

That time before few days before Christmas, she just didn't realize what she signed herself up for when she did what she did with her little friends.

I knew her little dirty secret but I realized it was time I uncovered the cover.

For how long was I even to live under her shadow, things have been quite reserved back home and since we got here. I don't know where I went wrong and she went right but it was time to correct that.

I realized that time she went to the western part of this country.

I did my research and realized she was in the highest-paid resort there that I knew neither she, Lucas nor her sister would afford.

Not even when they all combined their allowances would that ever happen?

So I knew it might have been about the mystery guy that I saw with her in the other hotel she also I have learned loved spending her time at.

So the past few months I did my research and I did it so well if I may say. I had been exactly waiting for a perfect time like this to have my so-called shared womb sister taste the pill of real trouble.

"I can not believe you," I say to my sister as I look at the feeling of disbelief filling her face.

'Wait, dear sister, the surprise of the night is still on the way.'

But I have to be thankful because I don't know what I would have done to make this look way much worse like it's about if she was not to protest.

'So thank you, Sam.'

"What?" She asks looking at all of them.

"I just want to stay to keep doing what I do is that too much to ask?" I sneakily roll my eyes.

"Plus Yarrow is going, isn't he,"

He nods his head. "Oh, yes I am. Even though I can handle this remembering memorial time we are heading into for the country. I think staying can be my option too."

"See, we can all handle it. Sav if you can't please don't make a fuss about it and go for the time being and spend it with grandparents but am not leaving the country." She says before she turns her back on us and walks out of the living room to upstairs probably to her room.

I sigh and walk to sit next to my mother not saying anything.

"Lilac Savannah, don't worry. Don't make this a big deal like your sister just said sweetie and just go spend this time with your grandparents." I raise my eyes to my father's.

I have always been good with getting what I want especially with my folks.

"It's… it's not that I feel safer with my sister's dad, I." I pause a little and add a little dramatic sigh.

I look at my mother beside me, then Yarrow, and then back to Dad.

I feel a pat on my back so I turn to smile sadly at my mother.

"I just want to protect her," I say as I bring my hands up to cover my face.

It does not take long before I have tears in them.

"Protect Lily Samantha from what sweetie?" Mom asks and I look back at her with tears in my eyes.

"My sister. Sam." I say and then stand up.

I pace for a few seconds before I look at Dad.

"I don't know if I should say something or not but no, I have to say it."

"Lilac Savannah?" I look at him feeling intimidated by the tone of his voice.

"What has your sister done that you feel like you want to protect her from?" I take time hesitating to add fuel to the fire am about to lighten.

"My sister…." I pretend to not have my voice from the agony feelings.

I look away as I bite on my lower lip.

"My sister is in trouble, Dad."

"What trouble?" He demands and I pretend to look intimidated and in scary of his rage but deep in my heart am dancing.

This is exactly what I wanted, am just surprised at how well It is all going for me. I have been planning this for so long, I just didn't realize God would also be in my way and bless all of this like he is doing.

"Samantha is having an affair with old men. She is been sleeping with her boss at the embassy and every time she doesn't sleep here, she goes to stay with him and I….. I uh."

"Oh my God! What?" Mom whispers but I don't turn to look at her.

"She is lying." Yarrow accuses but I keep my attention and gaze on my father.

"You what?"

"I think she is doing a prostitute job with men from the embassy but…. But the person who supports and gives her connection is her boss." I conclude.

"Oh my God! That can't be true." Mom exclaims behind of me but I don't turn to her.

"She is lying." Yarrow accuses again and this time I turn to look at him pitifully.

He really is in for a big surprise.

I pull my phone from my pocket and show him pictures.

They are the true ones but the others I.

Somehow my so talents in fake photography came into use.

"Trenton Kai Royal," Dad says through gritted teeth before he shakes his head. He hands me my phone back and then walks off upstairs too to where we all know.

Sam's room.

I run behind him.

"Dad, stop." I try to reach for him but he is faster than I am.

"Please, Dad. I didn't tell you so you could rush to her like this. I just wanted to talk and find a solution." He reaches her room and he doesn't even knock.

He kicks the door with his leg and I smirk at myself.

'Here we go, dear little twin sister.'


Am taken aback by my father's question, and am even confused.

I pull myself from the bed and try to sit on the edge.

"What? Father?" I ask him because I don't get it.

One minute he looks like he could struggle with me with his hands from anger and the other he has a begging look in his that begs for differ.

"Please darling, tell me it's not true?" I frown.

"Dad, what is going on? What do you mean by asking me that question?"

I see the moment my mother and Yarrow also make their way into my room.

I look back at Dad and he seems tormented. I stand up slowly.

"What is going on?" I ask confusedly.

"Are you having inappropriate relationships in the embassy Samantha?" My father asks.

Am not even taken aback by his question instead am taken by the judgemental tone in his voice.

But I know it is true.

Me and Kai I know what we have may look and seem pure but to others it's inappropriate.

'Jesus? Damn! Oh my God, we've been caught.'

I can feel my inner self start to break into sweat.

My whole body just started shaking and everywhere that could sweat was also sweating.

Shit! How did we get caught?

Damn it, and am here all alone facing my whole family alone. Well, what worse could it get?

Uh, probably way worse.

Dad just called it inappropriate, which means it's a definition of him not liking it.

On the other hand, Kai is not here to get me through it with them but also this is good.

Going through it with only them and getting the surprises, anger, and all other feelings aside before they get to meet Kai seems kind of perfect.

"Answer me, Samantha?" My father asks again when I take a lot of time replying.

And out of nowhere, I don't know where his question brings me the confidence from.

I look into his eyes and nod my head as I answer. "Yes." With that being said, I feel my head twinkling around the shining star.

When my father surprises me with a strong unexpected slap.

I yelp in pain mixed with surprise, mom and Savannah gasps from behind.

"Oh Barney you are so out of the line," Mom says and I can hear her getting closer to us.

I just hold on my cheek not believing Dad just slapped me like that.

"No, no no Ivy, not this time. You don't get to speak for her. She is so out of the way with her actions. She is so ungrateful, so unworthy, and most of all she is a disgrace to our family." Hearing what he has to say, I look up at him.

"Is that all you have to say about love?" I ask still holding my cheek.

My mom looks at me and then she purses her lips pitiful.

"Sweetie, are you okay?"

"Love?" Dad asks, no in particular, and a good explanation he spits the word out to me.

"Do you even have the audacity of bringing love here? For God's sake, Lily Samantha your mother, and I uplifted you right and with dignity. Am just ashamed that to all of you, you were the child to bring disgrace to our family. A prostitute at your age? With men twice, thrice even those that could birth you?"

I chuckle humorlessly as I interrupt. "Oh hold on, what are you saying Dad? prostitute? Dad, what do you mean?"

"You can stop pretending Sam, it's all out now?" Savannah replies and I turn to her.

"What is all out? Have you all gone crazy? What are you talking about? What do you mean?"

"I have proof." She says but I just realize she is not paying attention to a single word that I am even saying.

"Please someone to interpret what's going on for me because clearly I am not catching up." I try to say but Father growls at my face.

Savannah comes to me and hands me her phone.

There is a photo of me and Kai, I realize the place is at the resort.

One am half naked, the other he is.

I swipe left and there are others with me and men I don't even know.

By the looks of it much older than I am and it hits me at what might be happening.

My hands start shaking as I realize what I am seeing accused of.

"What is this? Who took this?" I raise my head to stare at Savannah then dad.

"Get out of my house," Dad says and it's when I realize that I am in deep trouble that I want to take it.

"Dad? What? No. Guys, what is really going on? I….uh I am not. I don't know those people in those pictures, that's not me."

"Samantha am so sick and disgusted of you pretending to not know what is going on when you know what you did. How you betrayed and tossed the trust and pride I invested in you. So please get out of my house. You are cut out of my family." Dad says and I feel a pierce in my heart.


Is this happening to me or my just dreaming or watching a movie?

What happened?

What did I do?

What is going on?

What were those pictures about?

I try to talk, fight my case but my father won't hear it any more.

Mom is a crying mess, Yarrow has tears running down his cheeks, Savannah is looking at me pitifully and Dad has mixed emotions but anger and disgust surpass all of them.

I don't get it. I really don't.

I don't even know what is happening.

I still don't, not even when my father reached for my arm and started leading me out of the house.

He is cursing, yelling quietly at me at how I am a disappointment but the worst thing is that I still don't know where all this is coming from.

Who took those pictures?

I can own up to the ones I am with Kai. But those other old men? What?

What is going on?

Mom is sobbing on the ground of my room with Yarrow. They are begging Dad to not do what he is trying to do but he still leads me outside and shuts the door in my face but not before saying to me.

"I don't ever want to see you, Samantha. You are a disgrace and I just cast you out of this family tree. Go slut your family from those old douchebags you so found home into."

'Is all this about Kai?'

Did my dad? My own flesh and blood call me a slut for only having a boyfriend who is ten years older than me?

I stand there and feel the tears run down my cheeks.

Being punished is something we all don't enjoy even when we know we are guilty not even when we know deep down in our gut that we deserve what we are being punished for but at least then you know how to correct your mistake.

But as I stood on my father's porch letting the tears fall unstoppably on my cheeks feeling daggers in my heart.

I realize there is nothing much worse than being hurt and punished by loved ones for a sin you didn't even commit.

You may not be hearing me well, but what I am trying to say and what I mean is. There is nothing much more hurtful than seeing someone you counted on not having your back and believing in you the most time you wanted them to do so.

I feel safe and strong arms circling me, am hiccuping by then because of all the crying, but feeling those arms around me.

I do not have to turn to know who it is.

I just smile… but as it gets wider it starts getting falling when I realize something.
