

Zheng Li Wei is a young girl of age 23, whose only dream is to see her little brother graduate from college and become successful. Ever since her parents died, she had been the one looking after her brother. She had numerous part-time jobs until one day she received an email to work at "WANG ENTERPRISE" She met Wang Lei Ding, the CEO of the company which changes her fate and makes her the target of Lei Ding's rival.

Amanda_ · Hiện thực
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
5 Chs


At the middle of the dark room sat a young man with crossed legs in his late twenties with a well structured face, perfectly carved eyebrows, thin lips and a well defined body. A dark and dangerous aura emitting from him....

"Mr Wang I've looked into it. The documents were supposed to be transported through the ship but fortunately we got there in time. No one was left alive, We brought Mr Liu with us" A man who called Yu Hongsheng spoke. He is Mr Wang's personal secretary.

The door opened and a fat man was dragged in pleading for his life. He was thrown roughly to the floor.....

" Mr Wang, I'm sorry please forgive me it won't happen again" The man pleaded sweating profusely. The man was called Mr Liu zhejiang, he was the Director of the Wang's technology branch.

" Ha.... Director Liu, i haven't done anything yet you are pleading, what a waste trying to steal from me" he said with a little smirk

" Mr Wang, I promise it won't happen again. please forgive. I have a family who needs me. Please forgive me" The man on the floor continued pleading.

"You should have thought about it before trying to steal from me now your family won't get to see you again... to bad" Mr Wang said standing up from the chair and turned to his secretary and said " Do away with him, leave no trace"

"Yes Mr Wang" Yu Hongsheng replied and turned to the other men with a nod.

Mr Wang walked out out of the room as Liu zhejiang cries fills the room.

Knock, knock. The sound made Zheng Li Wei jump off the bed immediately. She ran to her brother's room to check on him but she found him asleep.

" Ugh who is that" she said to herself as she walked closer to the door to have a peek at who was banging on the door. As she saw who it was she instantly fell to the floor

"Ahh rent, what do i do. I don't have money now" she said as she looked towards her brother's room. She let out a sigh and stood up while unlocking the door and said with a straight face...

"Good morning Mrs Chen"

"You received a mail and i decided to bring it up to you because i wanted to discuss about the rent" Mrs Chen said bluntly with a stern face.

" Oh ok let me have the mail" Zheng Li Wei said stretching out her hands. Mrs Chen gave it to her and she opened the mail and started reading it.

"Dear Miss Zheng, this is to inform you that WANG CORPORATION has accepted your application. You are to report to work starting from Monday 1st of May. We appreciate you reaching out. WANG CORPORATION." She said happily but was stopped by her brother

" Hey sis, What's going on?" He asked totally confused.

" Li Yi come here, take a look at this" Li Wei said giving him the mail. He read it with excitement, of course he will be happy, He's only 17 years old and he knew his sister didn't want him to have a hard life.

"Your sister got the job so i should be happy right? I hope you pay the rent soon since you got a job at that prestigious company " She smiled and left.

Li Wei and Li Yi both looked at themselves

"What's up with her" Li Yi asked looking at his sister

" She also needs money" Li Wei said with a shrug.

Hello everyone I will try as much as possible to post twice a week. I will start posting officially from next week. I will release chapters every Sundays and Thursdays, see you~

Amanda_creators' thoughts