
Love me Season 1 and 2

Being loved is the most beautiful thing in the world. People always pray to have someone who will love them to death. But sometimes being loved could be the reason you will front insufferable pain in life. What will happen when two most dangerous people fall for one simple average girl? Who will love her the most?

Mkdinah_2027 · Thành thị
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46 Chs

New Brother

*Liah's pov

When I arrived at the college, I quickly searched for my friend. She is going to be mad at me for sure because I was three minutes late. She lived a little far from our house, so she always comes to school early. She hated being late, and I was the master of latecomers. After a few scanning around our collage. I spotted her from afar and I waved at her. She saw me and came running. I smiled at her.

"I ..... th..thought...you... weren't coming. Why are you late again?!" She scolded me after panting hard.

"Mom, sorry it was traffic," I said, mocking her. It wasn't technically mocking, I call her mom because she is like my mom. She would scold me, give me two-hour advice, and be there for me when I needed her.

"It is not funny Liah you know I hate being alone here." She said pouting.

"Sorry, Sarah I will not do it again. Now give me that smile of yours." She smiled right, away.

"Anyways let's go to our class it's already late," she said I nodded and we went to our class.

Sarah is my only friend both in and outside school. We have been friends since high school. Sarah had friends outside school. I didn't mind it since she is there whenever I want her.

*Time skip*

. *Lunchtime*

"WHAT!!... HOW? WHEN?" Sarah said surprised after hearing about my new brother.

"That's what I don't know," I answered her still eating my food.

"How are you ok with this? Is your mom ok with it too? How about Nathan??" She asked.

"I think they are ok with it," I said not moving my eyes from my plate.

"Wow... Do you think he is handsome?" She asked looking at me.

I choked on my food. "What..?!" I asked her making a disgusted look.

"I mean we could be sisters-in-law," she said.

"You're unbelievable," I scoffed getting up from my table.

"Anyways think about it. It's not a bad idea to have me as sister-in-law" she shouted.

I just sighed and went to my class

*Time skip *

I was going back to my home, thinking about how my new brother will react to me. 'Will he like me? Will he stand for me? Will he protect me?' Those questions were running through my mind. I didn't even realize I have reached home. I opened the door and saw a handsome young man in front of me.

"Hey Liah," he said smiling.

"H..Hey ummmmm..." I replied confused

"David..... your 'brother' to be," he said smirking. Why is he doing that? Maybe I'm just assuming things.

"Ow nice to meet you," I said offering a handshake. To my surprise, he hugged me by my waist. Ok, weird.

"We're not strangers little sis," he said while tightening his grip

"O..ok," I said trying to push him.

"I see you met your brother," my dad said smiling. I smiled back and I excused myself to the bathroom.

'What was that?' I asked myself and thought maybe he is a friendly type.

After taking a warm bath I changed and went downstairs. They were talking and laughing. I smiled at them. But I was feeling that this laughter is not going to last long. I shook my head trying to prevent these thoughts.

"Ow Liah come sit here," David said pointing at the seat next to him. I nodded and went there.

But he did something unexpected. He started touching my thighs. I wasn't expecting this from him. I pulled his hand but he wasn't giving up. I looked at him confused but he kept his poker face and smiled at me. I was feeling uncomfortable. Then I told them I'm full and went to my room.

After I got in my room I held my chest as if it is racing. 'He is crazy ' I thought. "What was that for?!" I screamed angrily. I then lay on my bed trying my best to forget what happened moments ago.

A few hours later everyone was asleep but I wasn't. I couldn't sleep because of my insomnia. I thought of taking a walk. But my crazy brother came to my room.

"Why did you leave?" he asked me biting his lips. Ok, it is becoming weirder by every second.

"I...I w...was just full" I shattered. He came closer. I also took a step backward.

"Don't be afraid little sis... I don't bite" he smirked again. He looks creepy doing that.

"Y..yes" I replied.

He kissed me near my lips and said "Good night little one". I was trembling.

I couldn't sleep. I wanted to tell my parents about it, but they won't believe it since he seemed a nice guy. I don't know what to do anymore. I wanted to go out. I looked at my phone and it was 11:34 pm. 'It's not that late' I thought. I went to my closet and wore a hoodie and jeans. I took my phone and locked my room. I was not making any noise. Then I successfully got out of the house.

*end of Liah's pov *

While Liah was sneaking out someone was watching her every single move.

"Perfect baby girl," the person said smirking.

*Liah's pov *

I was walking to my safe place where I could be alone and free. Nobody usually comes to this place, especially at this time. That's why I love this place.

When I arrived there I saw someone hugging their knees and sobbing. I felt sad for them. I walked there and patted their back and said "it's okay. I'm here."

Suddenly I saw a very handsome man. He was the most amazing human being I've ever seen in my entire life. He was staring at me. Damn, he looks like an angel. He said nothing and he sat wiping his tears. Oh My God, his eyes. I can stare at them for my entire life.

I was shocked when he said "Done?" I snapped back to reality and I nodded. 'Damn Liah what do you mean by nodding,' I scolded myself. But his voice was something else. I turned my face to avoid eye contact. My heart was beating like crazy.

'What is this? What could it be?' I thought.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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