


The Old Man’s POV


I think I’m gonna be sick. I have to get out of here.

I bolted out of the penthouse. A cry of horror escaped my lips as I sprinted inside the elevator. I punched the L button with shaky fingers and slid my body against the wall as it brought me down. Once I reached the lobby, I ran towards my car and unlocked the door. I finally got inside, slammed the door shut, and revved the engine.

Through the rearview mirror, I watched Lake standing there until he vanished from my sight.

I couldn’t remember how I got off there safe and not getting into any kind of accident. I parked my car in front of my apartment building, and I had no idea what to do next. I cried over there for I didn’t know how long. I screamed out of frustrations and heartache. I bellowed my stupidity until I had no tears left to cry.