




Fuck. This is a fucking disaster. It suffocates me.

She wasn’t supposed to be here. What do I do now? It was fucking hard to watch her crying, surrounded by her photographs.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I think I’m gonna die.

It must have slipped my mind to lock the drawer after I kept her notes.

/"You are not supposed to see that./" I was supposed to burn these photographs before I would confess, but it was too late now.

She startled by my voice. She did not notice me as I entered my office. I was shocked to find her here too.

I just came back from my home when I realized what I did. I screwed up. No. I fucking screwed up again. She had this way of solving my mysteries. But she shouldn’t have found it this way. She deserved an explanation. Right now, I didn't know where or how to start.