
official date

Ryan POV

My mobile start ringing and I slam it once again to stop the noise but it doesn't stop. I open one eye to see who is this annoying person and Parth appear on the screen. I rollover on my back and pick up the call. His voice came over"Hello, Ryan how are you?"

I respond with sluggish voice "Hello to you too.... I'm fine. What about you? How is summer camp going?"

He amused at me "are you still sleeping? I guess it is afternoon there, that's why I pick up this time to call!!"

I sighed "that's okay, I have recently lot of things on my plate and yesterday was too tiring that's why I'm sleeping till now"

Parth says "yah! You'll be fine.... we are enjoying our summer camp, but if you were here it'll be more fun."

I laugh "oh! That's not about me being there, it's that there is no one there to being teased by you guys.... although I miss all of you. I'll be there in less than fifteen days so, don't worry."

Parth says "ok we'll be waiting for you."

"Ok then bye." I hang up. The sun is having all vibes of afternoon and I guess it's time for me to get out of bed. I slowly rise up and head towards bathroom. My face looks all puffy when I see myself in the mirror, I took a long sigh and get myself ready for the day.

After getting ready I head downstairs and all the family is here to know about everything, I guess it's Sunday fault. I greet them "Afternoon mom and dad" I sit on the couch and dad place down his tablet while mom keep her magzine aside.

"How was your sleep? " Mom asked with a concerned face.

"It's okay nothing to worry, I just sleep late night that's why it took me long to get up." I smile and start eating the cupcakes that maid have just served.

Dad says "that's good, you know we're really eager to know about how you feel regarding yesterday?"

"Yes, finally you have to make a decision about that." Mom says with a little bit of hurry and I know they must have been waiting for it since morning.

"It's good, I have met them and I feel really positive about them. I don't know how to express it but I really feel ok with this and about Eros, he decided to go out with me to get to know each other. I'm gonna final my decision after having few conversations with him. So you don't have to worry now. It's not going to be messed up." I sighed and rest back to see their reactions.

"That's good, I mean you're thinking positive regarding this, then it'll be a good news for us." Dad says with excitement and mom place her hand on his to support him. Derek smiled too after hearing and I guess I'll make it work.

I was lying in bed after the tense conversation, when my phone beeped up and I check the messages to see a unknown number appear to the screen. I open it up and read the message to found that Eros secretary has messaged me about the meeting with location and it makes me suddenly nervous, isn't it going too fast. I mean yesterday he was here and now not even a day has passed, he came with a plan of a meeting. I hope there isn't anything problematic about this. I have to get ready it's already past five and he is going to be here around eight. I open my wardrobes and start analysing the clothes, it's too hard to choose. I should have gone for shopping. I takeout some decent clothes and choose white shirt with a grey sweater along with wide black pant and leather shoes. I choose eye glasses with a silver rim and done my hair after that. It's look more than enough to be decent but kinda cute, I'm not gonna change this. It's already past seven. He'll came anytime soon. I checked my phone for the time being and my friends have posted so many pictures that after giving so many likes my finger hurts. I start missing them, how unlucky for me to spend all my time being here like a gentleman, it's really too boring for me. I zone out while thinking of them.

Suddenly mom called me and I got awakened by my speeding heart. He is here. I get down stairs and see him waiting in the living room. He sees me and smile "are you ready to go?" I just nod and then he says goodbye to mom and we came out of the mansion. He parked his range rover behind the porch and I followed him. I kept my gaze down all the time and when his foot stops, I lift my eyes to see his handsome face, he was wearing a dark green suit which hugs comfortably his muscular body although he look little tired which must be due to work but his handsome face giving the same charismatic charm which I have seen yesterday. He smiles and open the door of passenger seat, I passed by and sit down, he closes the door for me. The feeling of anxiousness comes in a rush and I start sweating a little. It must be because of weather but when I come to see that the air conditioning is on but I still feel hot, the thing immediately comes to my mind... is it because of him!! I'm sharing ride with him for the first time and come to think he will sit next to me....Oh god! Help me with this anxiousness, I have to look good in front of him.

He opens the door and get in, suddenly the atmosphere becomes too heavy for me. After seeing him buckling up, I start finding the seat belt but it's like the thing is playing prank on me and it doesn't comes out. He see me fussing out with the seat belt and unbuckle himself to reach out his hand for help, the situation becomes so awkward and when I looked up his face is just barely centimetres away from me. My breathing stops, I feel my heartbeat going crazy, his sharp jaw and red lips looks too attractive for me and if I don't have enough self control, I'm going to do something embarassing. He buckled me up like a kid and left towards his seat, finally I able to breathe a little.

He sees me with concern and ask "you okay?'' I nod and face towards the window. He start the car and we passed the remote places and the city lights start coming in view with a glimmering along with my heartbeat.

Third pov.

The same mansion comes in view where the news of Ryan getting here shared by the informants when he was just landed in this city. The same man wearing all black rushes upstairs and pass the hallways to get the last door and knock gently on it ," come in" the deep voice of the intimidating figure come from inside.

The person opens the door and bows down and says "there is something going on between the Callisto and Grayson family, yesterday the whole Grayson family visits them at their mansion and now sir Ryan went with the eldest son of the Grayson family for a dinner."

The man seeting in the chair rise up suddenly and motion his fingers to leave him. When the black outfit man leave. The powerful figure start fuming out in anger and in one hand he clears the table to fall everything above it towards the polished floor. " That bastard, how dare his family start keeping eyes on what's mine. They are going to pay a huge price for it. Let's the game begins."