
love makes you weak

Bonnet's Betreyal would destroy Silver City and break the balance between the realms, Tomoe has been gifted an opportunity to stop it and change fate itself. Will he be able to pay the price? Will he sacrifice everything he is once more for a bunch of people who have already betrayed him once? Or will he decide to be selfish for the first time in his tragedy ridden life?

Dandelion_jones · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Holourglass (King's Academy#5)

Receiving your shakkisho was supposed to be special. There was a ceremony. You were supposed to celebrate and rejoice, after all, without a shakkisho there wouldn't be an Awakening in the first place.

Xie Zhang didn't have that.

He spent the afternoon taking care of his older brother. He didn't regret it. Yesterday had put a lot of stress on him but he would not wish to be anything but at Wuxian's side on his unusual moments of weakness.

Xie Zhang didn't think his brother was invincible, untouchable. He knew Wuxian was as human as everyone else. He was also a genius. Things like this didn't happen. Mistakes were not something Xie Zhang associated with Wuxian.

"Treat it with respect and care, Young master." The old forger said; he was a normal soul. Or at least Xie Zhang wasn't able to perceive anything from him. But his eyes alone made it easy for Xie Zhang to treat the man with the utmost respect.

"This humble one will head your words, forger."

The old man nodded solemnly, allowing Xie Zhang to take his new sword. His last sword. The one that would be the only thing left when he died.

Xie Zhang took it between his hands with the respect and reverence it deserved; he closed his eyes and tried to focus his spiritual energy on the sheath. Directing a prayer to the King in the Heavens for his blessing.

Wuxian snorted at the pure look of joy and pride that appeared on his little brother's face as the sheath turned purple. It wasn't an Awakening. But for young, inexpert reapers it may as well be. After all, it was the first step, the first, tangible, step into achieving true illumination.

The first step into meeting their other half.

Wuxian would not yet receive his shakkisho; he was too hurt to hold it properly. And the old forger knew it with a glace, the old veteran's eyes were hard and knowing, Wuxian met them once and quickly looked down. Not even trying to fight his decision of not giving him the second blade he carried in his back.

Now that the old man was leaving, Wuxian wasn't sure if he was thankful or not. Truth was that he missed his sword with the type of longing you experience for a lover that died too soon, always present, always an open wound.

But he knew, deep in his bones, that things were never that easy for him. The simple answer was not one he was allowed to choose.

You see, Wuxian had a plan; knew he could not claim Quetzalcoatl. Not really. And that it would be in his best interest to keep the connection quiet.

*Ichimaru* had never known why the name of his sword was important; why it made Keisuke and Bonnet (and every other Captain that was old enough to remember the myths) take notice of him. Why its presence in his hand put a target on his back.

Wuxian knew the "Why's" and he also knew the "How's."

Keisuke had explained after defeating Bonnet. Right after Wuxian's soul had been ripped apart and he was sick, feverish, and fragile in a way he had never been before. The beautiful bastard had meant it as a sort-of-apology but both of them knew it had been a brittle try to kill his guilty conscience.

Quetzalcoatl had once belonged to the founder of the Secret Corps.

Quetzalcoatl was the sword of one of the most infamous men in Silver City's history; Fuuma Kotarou.

And Ichimaru had been this man's incarnation.

It certainly explained certain weird quirks Wuxian had in that life, things like the way everything came too easily to him. How he leaped levels and bounds like they were even there. Why control had never been his strong suit.

Why he was the one that needed to sacrifice himself.

But those were things that weren't of concern right now. Wuxian's sword couldn't be Quetzalcoatl, so it wouldn't. Wuxian would simply choose another name and the legend of that man wouldn't hinder him anymore.

Thus, Wuxian allowed a flicker of jealousy to show in his eyes when Xie Zhang's gaze met his. Only for a moment. And nothing that could rival the love and pride he transmitted with the rest of his face; all but the jealousy being actual feelings Wuxian was feeling at the moment.

«You will get yours soon, don't be sad.»

«I know. I can wait a little longer.»

Wuxian snorted, waving his fingers at his brother. Immediately regretting it but allowing nothing of the pain to show.

«I'm happy for you, didi.»

Xie Zhang's smile doubles in size.

Once the clapping went down, their instructor asked who among them knew how to use a sword. Five hands rose up. The number is smaller than what Wuxian expected, there are more souls from the districts than he had anticipated in the advanced course.

Wuxian then winced as the words settled in his mind. Shit, that had sounded like it had come straight from Madam Wen's lips. He was supposed to know better than to buy noble's propaganda like that; Rindou and Owen were both from the districts and both had achieved the rank of Lieutenant.

Where you are from didn't matter, it didn't affect your capacity in any real way.

Being noble only gave you a few advantages like being able to read Silver City's weird dialect, a more deep understanding of manners, and a mastery of a poker face. Everything else, the Academy was for. Plus, your own talent.

And if you were in the advanced course, your raw talent was above the curve.

The instructor's face didn't show anything but careful consideration. "I will pair four of you. As the ones who have more experience within your classmates, you will perform a demonstration."

"Understood, Instructor Takagi." Five voices said at the same time, saluting formally their swords.

"Kagemori, Xie. You're first."

Wuxian winced again, this time out of sympathy. 'Ouch. That one was gonna hurt.'

Xie Zhang's face echoed the thought. But he gulped and nodded, recovering his determination in the next heartbeat.

Wuxian threw his brother a thumbs up, knowing Xie Zhang was the only one familiar with its meaning, and went to take a seat— Purple pillows appearing from thin air and marked a perimeter the two students dueling shouldn't cross, no matter what.

All encounters started with a bow.

It seemed silly for a veteran like Wuxian, who had little chance of sparring with someone without putting his life on the line but. It also made sense: the Guard was all about honor and duty. The Academy should as well.

Wuxian studied their stances; Kagemori held himself as rigidly as he remembered. Feet separated, knees bent, back straight and both hands on his sword handle. A-Zhang, on the other hand, was tense but his posture was relaxed. Open palms, feet separated, eyes on the enemy.

Kagemori was from a noble family, one whose founders were samurais.

The Xie were also a noble family, a lesser one, but still a noble one. They were cultivators in ancient times.

It would certainly be interesting to see how those different styles fared against each other.

Xie Zhang wasn't very patient.

His sword had adapted to his preferred weapon, it's blade broader than a katakana. Closer to a dao than anything else.

It was lighter than real steel should be if he could hold it up with a hand. Flexible and fast.

Wuxian knew that while his brother was a good swordsman, Isuke was better. Not by much, but enough to make it intense for Wuxian's little brother.

It was less elegant than their styles suggested but Wuxian wasn't surprised; both of them were unpolished. Untrained. They had a long way to go.

Not that Wuxian was one to talk, his fighting had never been refined. He had learnt brutality and efficiency from Keisuke and Shuri. Not grace. Unfair as it was, considering Shuri was grace incarnate and Keisuke was…

Well. He was perfect, the beautiful bastard.

Sparks flew in the air every time Xie Zhang and Kagemori crossed their swords. Their auras growing as a result of the battle.

There were some twitches from the students that were the closest to Wuxian, he pushed away the little voice in his head that insisted the other students were lost causes.

The balance shifts in less than a second.

It's a powerful trust, the one that pushes A-Zhang backwards, making him trip on his feet.

Wuxian pressed his fists against his knees, pushing back his knee reaction of plundering Kagemori into the ground for daring to put the tip of his sword at Xie Zhang's neck.

"I yield."

Kagemori nodded.

Instructor Takagi nodded sharply, his grim expression never changing. "Both of you did good. Great examples of the styles of your families. I would like to commend your instructors."

There were pleased flushes on both boys' cheeks. It was quite the compliment.

"Dramar, Butsuma. You're next."

Xie Zhang saluted Kagemori respectfully, Isuke blinked before returning the gesture clumsily; thirteen years living inside the walls and Wuxian was still baffled at how the different backgrounds collided within the unique mix of cultures that was Silver City.

Noble families conserved their essence by keeping their traditions almost obsessively and yet they learned to coexist in the craziness that was Silver City

And Silver City was indeed insane; it was fantasy, pure and mind-shattering. Wuxian had learnt to roll with the punches but it still surprised him at times.


"Hey, yourself."

A-Zhang took a seat next to him. "What do you think?"

"He's good."

"Do you think you would win against him?"

Wuxian's smile was filled with impish joy and he winked as his little brother. "Perhaps"