
Love like the wind

"I can't see it but i can feel it"

Fluverys · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Inigo the second

"Hmm Inigo has really changed for good" Nala exclaimed as she and Lilia watched inigo there once violent husband turn meek all of a sudden. Inigo made gibberish noises making baby dex giggle.

"He really seems to like you" Paxon chipped in.

"What can i say?" Inigo replied as the baby tried to make it way up to inigo's face.

Even though the incident that occurred between Paxon and his wife kaelynn seemed like something natural but everyone had a side thought of it being caused by Inigo but seeing his reaction towards his brother's family they believed that he had truly changed for good.

"Time to eat" Kaelynn said taking the baby from inigo. The baby began to cry making everyone to laugh.

"Seems like your now a mother inigo" Paxon commented

"What can i say?" he replied again with a wide smile on his face as he watched kaelynn take the baby inside.

"Uncle can i help you out with that?"

"No dexter you shouldn't be out here. Hurry back home!" Inigo told young ten year old dexter.


"No go home" Inigo yelled again. Dexter sulked and ran home.

"Dex where have you been?" Paxon asked his son

"Uncle wouldn't let me help him out"

Paxon sat his son besides him

"Uncle needs his space Dex. He has his own family and worries and so do we" Paxon explained.

Dex nodded even though he was still grieved. He walked into the room where his brother lev was sound asleep and joined him.

"Was it about your brother?" Kaelynn asked.

Paxon nodded.

"He's really grown fond of him. Aren't you worried?" she asked

He raised a brow.

"Your brother might have changed but he's name remains inigo" Kaelynn tried to explain.

"He won't do anything kaelynn" paxon answered back.

Kaelynn stared at her husband

"Stop looking at me that way kaelynn! or do you need something?" he asked

She chuckled and left the room immediately

"I know what you want" he said following her steps

"I still don't think its a good thing for dexter to leave his father and follow his step uncle"

"Yes i agree with you nala who knows he might become inigo the second"

"God forbid Lilia" Nala hissed.

There gossips came to an end when they heard something fall to the ground and break. They rushed towards where the sound came from and found Inigo and Moxie staring at Dexter who had just broken the glass plates served to them on the floor.

"Dexter what happened?" Nala asked

"She insulted me" dexter said pointing at Moxie

"And you...." Moxie yelled charging towards him but the young boy managed to escape before moxie laid a hand on him.

Everyone watched as inigo sat still silent.

"You won't say a word?! That fool just ..."

"Get out!" Inigo yelled at her.

Moxie sulked and left the room.

"Inigo you better let that boy go to his father....you are not his father" Lilia yelled and left with Nala behind her.