
Love like petals, Chapter 8: More time needed!!!

Easy my ass! I haven't even written a letter and it's already 3:45!

Here's how I started:

I got off the bed at 3:00 and rushed towards my laptop which was kept on my study table.

I sat on my chair and started my research about the past of hilter which went quite well in the beginning, but then exactly at 3:17, We had a power cut in our area with no signal.

That's it, Now we were waiting for the power to be restored. And it's almost 4:00 already. Now I only had 3hrs left *ughly cries*.

Anyways! Power cut was very common in my area, and I am a part of middle class family so it is not possible for me to have a whole private network tower etc and now that there is no network available I won't be able to inform the other members about the problem being faced by me, but I still wrote some messages in the group, withheld intention that if enough of network comes on line to send messages then those messages would directly be send. The message were:

"Hello I am Daisy Willson"

"I am currently facing network issues in my area and I am not really sure if I would be able to submit on time"

"Please try to understand the situation and provide me a bit more time to submit"

"Thank you"

I did try not to be formal but I can't, I have this habit of being formal with everyone because of the strict rules of my parents.

You can't change the mind set of your asian parents even if you start to live abroad with them, that's one both positive and negative fact.

I started to go through my course book if I could find some information about the topic in it and there wasn't much about it in the book.

I laid down on the bed and started to think about whatever happened this year, and then I suddenly thought about tteokbokki-kun, I remember some of his songs and started to sing them myself. Soon I fell asleep.

After sometime mom came in my room and woke me up. I got up and saw the time, it was 6:00.

HOLY SHIT!! Only one hour left!

I asked mom:

"Mom! Is the network restored?"

"Yah, its been 1/2hr since it got restored. Why?" replied mom.

"I need to complete my project! It needs to be submitted before 7:00!!" I said

"Have you completed it?" asked mom.

"No." I replied

"Very good! Congratulations on failing!" Mom said.

"Mom… I can still complete it.." I replied.

"Yah, when? After 7:00?" Mom said.

I didn't replied anything else. I got off my bed and sat on my study table, opened my laptop and continued my research from where I left.

I also opened my phone to see if there were any replies and there were 1000+ messages again.

I clicked on the chat group and saw:

"Ok, but wouldn't that be unfair??" -Alex

"Why? You are not in her place, She needs more time due to her issue, why are u coming in between? And it's not even up to you to decide that." -Laura

"I was not talking to you, so stop sticking your nose everywhere ┐(´ー`)┌" -Alex

"Wow, says who." -Laura

"Says me, Alex" -Alex

"You are starting it again (ノ`Д´)ノ" -Laura

"Starting what?ノ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°ノ)" -Alex

"Starting to be a B[@#$%&!]╮(^▽^)╭" -Laura

"Hey You! Say that again!!" -Alex


And it was them again, I scrolled down to see if Liam replied anything and Nope it was nothing.

I closed my phone and continued to work on the project.

It was already 6:30 and only 3 slide were completed.

3 more slides and only ½ hr left to complete it. I re-opened my phone and saw some messages from an unknown number, but then I looked at the pfp of the number, It was Liam's contact number. I knew it because I saw it in his previous texts, it was a picture of some cats and I thought it was cute…. Who wouldn't think cats are cute, right?

I clicked at his personal chat and saw:

"Hello Daisy"

"This is Liam"

"I saw your message on the group, and as you are facing some issues then you can send it to me before 7:30."

"Because I also require time to finalize everything and then practice them"

"Hope you understand."

I read messages and replied:

"Ok, Thank you"

And with the speed of light his reply came:

"Any time! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧"

The emoji looked cute. After that I closed my phone and continued on the project.

At around 7:15 I had completed my part of project and summarized it all in another 5minutes.

I required Liam's email id to send the project so I texted him:

"Hello, could you send me your email id."

He replied:

"Yah sure! Its __________"

I copied his I'd and sent my project exactly at 7:25.

Then a notification sound came from my phone, I opened and checked it and it was Liam:

"I received your project, it's pretty good (^▽^)."

While reading his text I thought to myself, 'You have already gone through my project! Are you a robot or something??' but then I replied:

"Thank you"

And then he texted:

"No problem (ノ≧∇≦)ノ "

Another cute emoji.

Anyways after completing the project I laid down on the bed and swiped through my phone, and before I could click on something I received a message from Rachel saying:

"I am coming over!"

"My life is so boring right now!"

"What I need is you(~ ̄³ ̄)~."

"Get to the point, what do you want?"- I replied.

"Aww man! Can't I even meet my bestie for sometime" Rachel texted.

"Yah I know, But really what do you want" I replied

"It's a secret I'll tell you when I come there!" Rachel texted

After 5minutes Rachel rang our door bell, greeted my parents, rushed towards my room and exclaimed:

"XIA! Did you knew that tteokbokki-kun was going to have a live stream?!?"

"Wait really?? When?"

"Today!! Like right now in few minutes!!" Rachel replied.

"How are we supposed to watch it?" I said.

"That's the surprise! I have arranged it! Let's watch it together!" Rachel said as she took out her laptop from the bag she was carrying.

She opened some website and then typed an I'd in it and we could see tteokbokki-kun's pending Live stream, which started after a few minutes.

He had a melodic voice. It was pretty good to hear him. On my other side Rachel had totally became her fan girl said to me:

"You know what his fashion sense matches with Ivan's fashion sense, Maybe he is also a fan of tteokbokki-kun!!"

Even though I had never seen Ivan, I thought to myself that it can't be possible for a higher schooler to become a world wide famous singer right?

Oh ya! tteokbokki-kun has this mask covered in his face, so we don't know who he was. Hope he does a face reveal soon.