
Love like petals, Chapter 4: Lunch for Xia

After hours of torturing lecture of our maths teacher on 'how to be an ideal student by submitting homework on time' for those who didn't and also for those who did, we had our art class.

I asked Rachel to save me a seat in art class as I went towards my locker to take the necessary materials, I heard some people talking about Liam, I didn't wanted to get involved, so I took my materials as soon as possible and as I was about to go, I heard one of them saying:

"Man, who knew that Liam guy was supposed to be our senior but is currently repeating the 9th grade, I heard that he was supposed to be in 11th or something!!"

And then the other said:

"Man, it sucks to repeat a grade, anywa..."

When I heard them saying that Liam was studying two years back, It didn't caused me much trouble, as I was also studying one year back and about Rachel, Yes she is a year younger than me but she acts like she is my elder sister.

As I entered the art class, I saw Rachel chatting with Liam and soon turned her head towards me signing me to come and sit with them.

I sat down and took out my sketch book, and started to scribble in it. As I was doing my sketch, I could hear Rachel talking and laughing, which made me kind of happy but I also had this feeling of being left out and before I could think of something else, Rachel said to me:

"Xia! Guess what, Liam and I were deciding on who should become a model and we came to the conclusion that it would be Liam!!"

I changed my page and Liam sat on a chair with a comfortable pose after which Rachel and I started drawing him.

As I was drawing him I got to more focused on his details. He had a beauty spot about his collar bone, he had detailed hands and fingers, he also had a birth mark or a scar on the right side of his head which was hidden under his hair and he had long eyelashes.

Before I could complete my sketch the bell rang and we had lunch  around 10:35.

Everyone was as quick as light for going to the canteen. Me, Rachel and Liam were on our way to canteen too.

Before I could go forward to buy my lunch in canteen, Liam came towards me and whispered:

"Today's lunch on me, I told you that right?"

And then he went off to buy the lunch.

I was totally caught off guard and was blushing hard. Seeing this Rachel asked:

"You sure that I should really not make it a ship?"

I couldn't reply anything to her as I myself was shocked at that time.

Anyways after 5minutes we found ourselves a seat and Liam bought the lunch for me. Chicken, a whole-grain roll, salad and a pack of orange juice.

I bowed my head towards him as a 'thanks' for which he also bowed towards me as a 'no problem'.

My phone was ringing with the notification sound for quite a while so I swiped up the lock screen and saw it was Rachel who was texting:

"First the bride bows to the bridegroom"

                                                       - 10:41

"Then the bridegroom bows to the bride"

                                                        - 10:42

"What are you talking about?" I replied

Then it showed 'Rachel is typing…'

"Happy Married life sis (~ ̄³ ̄)~" Rachel texted.

And now I was annoyed so I left it at unread. My phone was still ringing as hell, she was not stopping to text me, so I switched off my phone.

Liam looked at me and said:

"Is someone spamming you?"

And I shooked my head in order to say 'no'. Soon the lunch break was over and we went back to our class.

As soon as I entered the class, Rachel came towards me and nudged me and said:

"Xiaaa! Why did you do that! At least read what I texted youuu!"

So I switched on my phone and there were about 30 message like in 3-4 minutes from her:

"I mean I am sad that you didn't hold a proper wedding"

"And that it had to be the canteen"

"And that you didn't give me any food"

"But, ITS OK!"







"You switching off your phone?!"














I could hear Rachel's giggles who was sitting beside me, as I was going through the text.

After reading the texts I said to Rachel:

"Rachel, its not like that!"

"He is just trying to return my favor of helping helping him…"

"Fine! I'll take that! I'll just wait and watch until my texts come true!" replied Rachel.

And after that we focused on our class.

As soon as the school got over, I was on my way to home and was thinking about all the chaotic things started from the first day of school.

I was also going through my phone while walking and currently there was a singer famous with the name 'tteokbokki kun'. Pretty funny name but he has quite a good voice, so I played one of his songs and went to home.

After reaching home, I completed my homework, ate dinner, packed my bag, chatted a bit with Rachel and went to sleep.

Everyday I wake up just to write another chapter. Hope you enjoy love like petals, please share your thoughts in comments.

Sam005_ncreators' thoughts