
Love like petals, Chapter 2, What's his name?

My heart went crazy as I saw him coming in my class . He was a literal definition of perfection, I couldn't hear what teacher and others were saying as I was only focusing on him. As he was standing in front of the class I got more time to analyse him. He had a thin and lean body, his arms were quite built and he was wearing earings. Before I could see something else I saw him looking at me and I totally flushed out and accidentally banged my head on the desk, creating a loud noise. I could feel everyone staring at me and laughing,

where as Rachel bend toward me and asked " are you ok?".

I just nodded for that and tried to peek at the boy who was smiling at me.


But I couldn't do anything so, I just let my head down for the whole period, and nobody noticed much as I was sitting at the back. We had p.e. after that embarrassing class, and I still didn't knew what was HE doing in my class.

Me and Rachel walked out of the class together and she asked me " What do you think about the new student in our class?.... I mean I never thought that the new comer will become a part of our class".

I was confused, I wasn't concentrating much in the class so I didn't knew what was she talking about, so I asked her " Newcomer?...".

and she looked at me and replied " oh ya! You were sleeping the whole time" even though I wasn't, " You know the boy, what was his name again?... Jason… Jackson…. Adrian? I can't remember but it is the same boy who is currently a hot topic of school, Not gonna lie he is hot, though he doesn't match my taste. I prefer cute....".

And she was telling about her interest in boys, but the moment I heard that the boy was in our class, I WAS SHOOKED- there was a burst of emotions in me, I was surprised, excited, nervous? I don't know what was going on with me, but whatever it was, it was new to me. Anyways as it was p.e. class we had to go to the ground to play. One thing about Rachel even though she is a bright student, she sucks at sports, like literally sucks at it, whereas I am a bit good in sports, I mean it was not expected but yes I am. I can play badminton and basketball really well, but due to my introverty behaviour I couldn't take much part in the sports field.

Now, everyone was down on the ground floor waiting for their turn to play something whereas me and Rachel sat somewhere in a corner. I was holding a book in my hands, its name was 'An eternity with illusion' it was a story about a girl who suffer from Delusional disorder and was in love with a boy named Andrew who didn't exist, the whole storybook was a part of her illusion and I don't know if it is based on a real story but it's a very good story for me, though I feel pity for her as she never got her ending or maybe she did?. Meanwhile when I was reading the book, Rachel was talking about her stuffs again, when suddenly I heard a loud cheering noise of crowd from my surrounding. I lifted my head to look what all the noise was about and I saw HIM- again, its like I was seeing him everywhere since morning, I almost doubted myself of having delusional disorder, but the same second I realized that Rachel could also see him and he was also the so called 'hot topic' of the school.

He was playing basketball, and all the girls in the crowd were drooling over him, I mean ok, he was hot and handsome but wasn't that too much of an emotion. He looked quite nice while playing basketball, his arms were defined, he totally looked like a sports person. He was dribbling the ball like a professional and then he jumped to throw the ball in the basket, when his stomach was visible, and BAM! YOU GOT TO LOOK AT HIS ABS- I totally didn't imagine him to have abs, I mean I didn't expect it from a 9th grader but he did have those. As soon as his abs were visible, the girls were screaming like crazy, most of them acting like they are about to faint and there was me in the corner watching all the drama. I was thinking that it was only the first day of school and all this drama happened, what will be happening for next three years? Maybe the population of girl will decrease or increase just because of this boy.

Anyways the p.e. period was over as well as all the drama, we went back to our next classes. While I and Rachel were walking in the corridor,

Rachel said to me " Man, that was surely crazy to go this famous only on the first day of school, I mean who expected him to be that famous…" and I was thinking in my mind like 'same girl, same'.

The day went smooth until lunch break, when I and Rachel went to the canteen to purchase something for lunch, a fight broke in the canteen and it was some boy being bullied,

Rachel exclaimed " Oh shoot! That looks dangerous, We have to call a teacher!" and she rushed towards near by staff room.

I got a bit closer to look who was getting bullied, and it was HIM. I was so angry and wanted to help him but I didn't have the courage, the bullies were spoiling the food over him and he was doing nothing except being silent, he tilted his head upward and saw me and smiled at me.

I could no longer stand there I wanted to help him and beat up those bastards but before I could do anything, Rachel came running in with a teacher, and worst of all she bought Ms. Karen who was a teacher with anger issues. As soon as bullies saw her they tried to escape from the canteen, but as if they could escape from Ms. Karen.

She had like a lot of students as her sidekicks who surrounded those bullies and then the bullies were taken to principal's office. As Ms. Karen took them to principal's office, I looked down at the place where the boy was and he was no longer there, he was gone and soon after some time the bell rang. I felt so discouraged and sad that I couldn't help him.

I went back to class and saw him sitting in the corner, with a bit messy clothes. I wanted to talk to him but I didn't had the courage, but this time I didn't wanted to regret, so I went towards his seat and gave him my handkerchief, he looked at me and then turn his head back down looking at the table and nodded as if he was trying to say thank you. I understood him and went back to my seat, I felt very happy that time.

After that, the day went smoothly for me atleast, and finally when the school got over I went back to home, bathed, changed my dress and laid down on the bed. I started to think about everything that happened today, from the time when I first saw the boy under the cherry blossom tree, him playing basketball, him getting bullied….. and soon a thought pop up in my mind:


and I didn't knew the answer, I could see that boy involved in my whole day's memories but I didn't knew his name. I couldn't think of anything else rather than him and soon I went to sleep, and then I was woken up by my parents to eat dinner, after which I slept again.