
Love like petals , Chapter 1:The beginning

It all started during the spring of my freshman year,

When I saw the most breathtaking sight of my life…It was a boy. He had pink rosy lips, fluffy dark black hair and pale skin. I don't know if it was my imagination or reality but there were flower petals swirling around him and gradually the atmosphere around me became more sweet and pleasant.

I had never seen such a well formed boy in my entire life. His big hazel eyes shined with perfection that made my heart race for unknown reason, I almost felt it was going to jump out of my chest, I could have analyzed him more but then someone hitted me, from back-

on my head-

Certainly it was my best friend who always interrupts in the wrong time.

I was startled and when I tried to turn my head to front to see him again- he was not there. I was extremely displeased at that time for no reason and I couldn't say anything to Rachel. I remained silent while she chattered about how she spent her vacations in Hawaii.

We both entered the school and then our classrooms, it takes us at least 10 minutes to reach our classroom as our school is extremely huge. While we were walking through the corridor,

Rachel said to me "Guess what!? a new student has entered our school, everyone is telling that he is jaw dropping handsome, bet all the boys would be jealous of him!!" and then she started with her menacing laughs.

Nevertheless I didn't reply anything to it while she was still blabbering about school stuff, I mean I am not rude, I am just like that, I talk less and I don't know why Rachel wanted to be my friend, it's not like I have anything in special I am just a bookworm and I only like reading novels and story books of fantasy and romance.

Though I am very grateful to meet Rachel, I like her being noisy and energetic, it makes me aware of me being in a lively surrounding without being ignored.

We met at elementary school, when I was sitting in a swing with a book in my hand of the pea and the princess, when she suddenly appeared out of nowhere and asked:

"What are you doing?... ThE pEa aNd ThE pRiNcEsS… Oo its quite tough to read it anyways I am Rachel grace, I hope we can be friends" While she was saying this, I was staring at her like she could speak not fluent but good English..... and couldn't read the title properly.

I didn't reply anything to her introduction and went away but the next day I saw her in my elementary school-

And I was shocked, I never knew she was in my school, but currently I was in a hardcore mission to hide myself from her, like she was everywhere. Everything went well until lunchtime when she saw me eating alone in the playground with a book.

She came towards me and with a loud voice she said: "Hey there! Do you remember me?"

And my face was like 'who can't remember you once they met you must be suffering from amnesia', she continued " I met you at the park… yesterday, but you didn't said anything to me! Now that we are in the same elementary school, we can be best friends" and she squealed with joy and dragged me with her for which I was annoyed but we ate lunch together that day, and the day after that and another day after that, Because she started to stick with me like a panda on the bamboo.

Yes, that's how we became friends.

Now as she was talking to me about today's class schedule, we entered the class. Our class teacher entered the class after 5 minutes after our arrival and started to take attendance.

She called out the names like "Anne Thomson, Arika..... Rachel grace" and then she finally took my name "Daisy Willson" for which I raised my hand.

After the attendance was completed, our teacher started to instruct us about something which I couldn't remember because I was still dreaming of the eye-blinding features of that boy, when I suddenly heard someone entering in our class.

IT WAS HIM- what was he doing here???

hello everyone hope you enjoy love like petals please share your thoughts if possible and please wait for the next chapter which will be uploaded soon~

I promise to make other chapters satisfactory lengthy

Sam005_ncreators' thoughts