
Chapter One Nayoon Lee p.o.v.

The streets of Seoul, South Korea were busy. People hustled to get to places. I was one of those people, but I was hustling to get home from work.

My short black hair was tied up into a bun. My work jacket was unzipped and the breeze picked up a bit, looking like I had a cape on. My short black heels clicked against the cement ground. My folders were in my arms. I stopped for a second and then looked around to see where I was supposed to be heading to. I regretted it. Next thing I knew was that my papers started to fall out of my arms and the gray cement was getting closer and closer until I felt a hard collision on my palms, which began to sting from them skidding across the ground.

I quickly got up on my knees and started picking up the papers. Then, I see another hand pick up my papers. I looked up to see a man with tattoos on his arms. His skin was pale but had a little tan to it. His hair was a dark brown, almost black to be precise. His hair was also parted on a side. He looked up and handed me my papers. His eyes were a dark brown and sparkled in a way. He smiled a bit.

"Here are your papers." He handed me my papers. His voice was soothing to hear. I took the papers and placed them in my now unorganized folder. He stood up and extened his hand out for me to grab. I grabbed his hand and winced in pain. His face turned into a worrisome expression. He lightly took my hand and examined it. "Come on, I will clean that for you." He said before grabbing my arm. I had no choice but to follow behind him.

He was heading towards a building I have never been in before. He walked inside the tall building. I looked around and the walls were white but also had a hint of beige in them. The walls had some flora paintings on them. He headed straight towards a pair of silver doors. The elevator. He stopped and pressed the button. The button glowed after he pressed it and the elevator door opened and we both walked in.

The elevator was really big. He pressed a button and the doors closed. The wall behind us was a mirror. The elevator slowly went up.

"My name is Jaehyung Yang. What's yours?"

I looked at him real fast and then at my feet. "Muh-My name is Nayoon Lee. It-It's a pleuh-pleasure to meet you." I say. God, Nayoon, why did you do that!

He chuckled a bit. "That's a nice name." The elevator stopped and the doors opened. We both quickly got out and started to walk down a hall. The halls were the same colour as the first floor but the paintings were abstract paintings.

He stopped at a dark brown door and pulled a key out and unlocked the door. He opened the door to a really nice looking apartment. I stared at it in amazment.

"All of the stuff in here was from my favourite designers." Jaehyung said as he took his shoes off and put different ones on. I did the same and walked more into the aprtment.

The couches and chairs were black leather. The coffee table was made out of glass. He had book shelfs that were from the celing to the ground on the wall that were filled with books. On the other side of the apartment, windows were from floor to the celing and it stretched all across the aprtment. You could see the Moutains, the skyscrapers, velichials driving by, everything. It was just breath taking. There was a piano on the left side of the room, it was black and so was the small bench for it. The dinning room table was on the right side. It too was balck and so where the chairs. The kitchen was next to it and then you have the hallways for the bedroom and the bathroom.

"Follow me into the bathroom." He said. He started walking away into the hallway. I followed behind him. The hallway walls were black. The bathroom door was a dark colour of gray. He opened it and told me to sit down on the toilet. I did. He opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out some things.

The bathroom was white and the floor was like a checkered board but black and white. The shower curtain was black.

"Oi." He said. I looked over to see him holding some neosporn, alcohol wipes, and a couple of big band-aids. "Give me your hands, please." I showed him my hands while he set down the stuff on the counter. He opened the alchol wipes and gently took my hand. "This is going to sting." I closed my eyes tightly. He gently placed the wipe on my hand and gently rubbed the whipe on my hand. My breath hitched when he did that. I sighed a bit when the pain went away. He continued to rub it clean. I opened my eyes to see my hand clean. He threw the wipe away and opened the big band-aid and put neosporn on it. He gently placed it on my palm and pressed the sides lightly down. He repeated the same thing on the other side.

After he was done, he put the stuff back and then looked at me.

"Thank you." I say looking down at my feet.

I could hear him smile. "You're welcome." I looked up to see him smiling at me. I put my hand in my pocket to get my phone. I pulled it out to see the time and it was nearly almost 8:30.

"I have to go home. My dog is probably wondering why I'm not home right now." I say as I get up.

"Wait, can I walk you home?"

I looked at him. "Um. No but thank you though."

"I insist on walking you home."

"Sir, thank you but no. I am a busy women-"

"Please, I don't want anything bad happen to you out there."

I sighed. "Fine. You can walk me home." I looked up at him and I swore I saw the happiness in his eyes.

"Okay. Let's go!" He said while walking out of the bathroom. I followed behind him. I took off the pair of slippers and then put my shoes on. He did the same and then opened his door and walked out. I walked out behind him. Once I did, he shut the door and walked over the elevator doors. The elevator doors opened and we both entered it. He pressed the button that had a one next to it.

"So, what type of dog do you have?" He asked out of nowhere

"A pomeranian." I say looking at him.

"Ah. Those are cute dogs." He looked at me with a smile.

"Yeah they are." I say looking away. Then there was silence. Not just your normal silence, the awkward silence.

Once we got to the bottom, the doors opened and we both exited the building. The streets were not as busy as before. The street was practically empty by now. The only people that were out were couples, people walking their dogs, people coming home late from work, going to work, or just walking around.

The street lights were on. The store lights were on. The road was occupied with people driving to places. Some car honked at other cars or people.

He walked beside me. "So, were you born and raised here?"

"Um, not really. I was born in Itaewon."

"Oh wow, the loud place in South Korea. Do you have any family here in Seoul?"

"Well my cousion and that's it. What about you?"

"Well, I was born amd raised here. I have family here and also in Itaewon."

"Ah. That's cool. What do you like to do?"

"Well, I like to go hiking, read, driving around. Basically fun stuff but to a limit. What about you?"

"Read, write, hike, listen to music, hang out with my dog, fun but also boring stuff." I say and laugh a litte at the end.

"Well, that all sounds fun." He said with a smile.

"I mean I guess. I don't know." I say looking down. I looked back up and pointed. "That's where I live at." The building was tall and pale blue. Lights made the building look alive. I put my arm down and looked at him.

"Well, I guess that means we are going to depart soon."

"Yeah, I guess so." I say.

The building came closer and closer. I looked at the road to make sure there were no cars coming. I walked across the street with him following behind me. The building was infront of me. "Well, I should go inside." I say as I looked at the door and at him.

He smiled. "Yeah. Um, maybe we might see each other again."

"Maybe." I chuckled a bit.

He waved and smiled at me. I waved back and smiled a bit. I turned around and walked inside the building.