
Both Flattering And Terrifying

Dating Casey changed a few things over the next couple of weeks but not much. Vera saw him about the same amount of time as before, though he did tend to go run errands with her a bit more often on Sundays. 

The biggest difference was the physical affection. He would reach out to hold her hand when they were walking around, rather hesitantly at first, before doing it nearly every time. He would also hug and kiss her hello and goodbye and always had his arm around her when they watched TV but that was the extent of it. 

It was much better than what they had before. Vera needed to be patient. 

She couldn't be too bothered by things going slowly though because she was in full-on Christmas mode. She may be bogged down by memories of all the traditions she used to do with Tilly but at least she wasn't doing them alone.