

Episode No: 01

The characters of this story are like normal stories, boy, girl and their family. It happens in many such stories.

This story is about a girl who took the responsibility of the house in her childhood, she became the courage of her house when there was trouble in her house.

I have not been able to bear the responsibility of my family for five years. I am not able to support my wife and child. Why did this happen? Finally! I wanted to give my family all the comforts, all the joys of life, but I myself became the reason for their failure. Due to my illness, my wife has to work to support the household expenses, my daughter is forced to take care of the house instead of studying.This age of ramen is to read and write, to jump freely, to make jokes, to mature yourself before time like this?? I wanted to educate my daughter and make her a good human being. It is difficult for her to maintain a home with studies, but she does it and does not say anything.

This is the thought of a man who, bedridden after a second heart attack, is unable to support his home due to his failing eyesight. His wife Rubina Waqas had to bear the household expenses. Due to which she is not able to do housework, this responsibility fell on her eleven year old daughter Ramin Waqas.

Five years ago

When I came back from school, there was no one at home. Neighbors came to know that papa's health is not good, so somehow they reached the hospital and found out that papa had a third attack. The doctor said that the chances are very high. But thanks to God, Papa's life was spared.

But he went into a coma for one to one and a half months. Despite being cured, due to this attack, his eyesight was reduced due to which he could not support us and the responsibility fell on his mother. To lighten the load of their responsibilities, I took up the responsibility of the house and continued my studies, but this responsibility made me grow up before my time. The situation, events were all understood and this eleven-year-old girl did as much as she could to comfort her parents.

This is the thought of a man who, bedridden after a second heart attack, is unable to support his home due to his failing eyesight. His wife Rubina Waqas had to bear the household expenses. Due to which she is not able to do the housework, her eleven year old daughter Ramin Waqqas was given this responsibility.