
LOVE is a weird thing for a Villainess

"I like it when people call me Hel it feels like they're ready to burn in pits of fire." "You know Carbon Dioxide wouldn't spread that much if you learn how to shut your mouth." "Be thankful that you're able to stay by my side. Now stand straight and don't tarnish my beautiful name." "An ugly duckling like you doesn't even fits the standard of being a princess." "You don't have the rights to bully my sister. You're not a goddess enough like me to touch her." "Don't touch my property with that filthy hands of yours. She's one of my treasure chest."

Rui_Lee · Thanh xuân
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66 Chs


TEARS, BEG, AND SOBS. The only thing that I heard first thing in the morning. I would not have had them executed if it weren't for my father's fault.

This is the consequences for people who's trying to team up with my father.

"Don't you have any mercy?! THEY'RE SERVING THE PALACE, YOUR HIGHNESS!" GIVE MERCY, they say. It wasn't even in my vocabulary. Instead of consoling the mother, I even grab her chin as I look at her son, being terrified of death.


"Would you like to replace him, then?" I let out a little laugh as I'm looking directly in her eyes. "Come on, youths are the Kingdom's hope. Also, you're old enough, so dying won't be a problem." I thought she might want to replace his son, but she's just as selfish as everyone.

"Forgive me, Your Highness." Good for nothing old hag. She even dares to touch my dress. "Those who wanted to save their sons, please step forward and replace these pitiful creatures on their upcoming deaths." As I thought, no one wants to die.

After all, they could just create another child. The one who isn't as foolish as the men behind me. "Your Majesty, I beg for forgiveness! Please let me live."

LIVE.. Isn't the purpose of living is just dying in the end? Isn't this a fate? When you're destined to die, you'll die. And when not, the fate will favor you.

"Where's my father now you needed him the most? If Father bows down and kneels in front of me, I might contemplate mercy." I will consider forgiving him, if he would just say a simple sorry..

Instead, he called me a monster. Right in front of my mother. I do not know what happened when I left the knight's training ground yesterday. I imprisoned myself in my room and reflects for what I've done. And no regrets slips into my mind.

I guess, that's how worst I am.

As I should be. I raised my hands as I spoke, wearing my pleased expression in the crowd. "To the guillotine off—"

"THEY GO." As I said back then, I'm not crazy, nor unreasonable woman.

But dare to hurt me, and I'll give no mercy.

Their blood splashed at my dress as I look at the crowd. It doesn't smell nice, but I like how they died in the end. As fate decided, they're destined to die today.

"AU REVOIR young knights of the Kingdom. REPOSE EN ENFER." May you rest in hell, young knights. This is my last farewell.

They should thank me as I made it easy for them. They won't need to suffer and die in the battlefield. But rather die in my command. Serina, who's looking up to me were looking at me with such an unexplainable expression.

"Are you scared?" I asked as soon as I step off the platform. She is deafeningly quiet as she glances the other way. I see— it might be a disgusting view for her. The feeling's totally mutual.

"We should head back. Prepare me a bath." Father should be ashamed of facing me. I'd feel a lot better if he just stepped down from the throne.

A King who rules The Empire and the citizens who works for the Empire. It's a sight that only those with an open worldview can comprehend.

Ethereal Kingdom. The place where I grew up with. The one's who's closest to the palace are called 'nobles' and 'outsiders' for those whose living outside the gate.

Therefore, our family used to live on the outside. Nobles believe they are superior to us, despite the fact that we can easily steal from them. Such fools. Just because they had some countless money, doesn't mean they can look down upon us.

"Prepare me some bath. I hate the smell of blood." Only crazy people will like irons and corpses.

"Helie, dear.. can we talk?" I look at my mother as she gave me a worried stare. "I'm afraid that your daughter reeks of blood right now, will you mind talking later on?" Poor mother. Having to look after my obnoxious father.

"This wouldn't take long, sweetie. But we just lost a ton of knights due to your executions." Indeed. They're absolutely many.

"Where's father?" Of course, that old trash won't dare to look me in the eyes. After all, I'm not Lithia, who can forgive him easily if he cries.

"He's resting and doesn't want to have any visitors. I'll just deliver what you wanted to say."

"Find me a suitable partner. I'll consider marrying someone if she meets the requirements of a bride." Mother's eyes widened as she looked at me, puzzled. She might be wondering about my sudden request.

"Don't force yourself, Hel. I'm not forcing you—"

"But father talks about it. It can't be helped isn't it? My birthday's coming soon after all. It's the time of the coronation.

"Your Majesty, the bath's ready." Returning my stares to mother, I smile. "Make sure it's a permanent lover, mother." I've grown tired in temporary.

I softly clean myself as I can still feel her shadows on the curtain. "What is it that you want?"

"I'm sorry for acting rude a little while ago, Your Majesty. I just—"

"I just wanted to thank you for killing the culprit and for defending me in front of His Majesty." I closed my eyes as I sigh. It wasn't her fault as my father was the one who plotted the assassination.

It was my fault for dragging her into this kind of situation. "And I'm not scared of you, Princess Helvetica. I'm just scared of the possible consequences it might bring you." Look at her, caring about me when she almost died.

"Consequences are imposed on those who have broken the law. As for me, I think my father should face the anger of the citizens instead. He should be grateful that I didn't speak about what happened or he's a dead meat in the eyes of civilians." The fact that he didn't witnessed how the knights died, he's just really an airhead coward.

"And Your Majesty, the marriage you're speaking of.. Are you sure you're okay with it?"

"I'm at the age of marriage, Serina. Regarding my sister's refusal of the engagement, I hope she is able to meet someone who would commit to her for a long time."

"As much as possible, I wanted to build a princess manor for her as I will be crowned soon. I'm only expressing my disinterest in seeing her face." Lithia is a good candidate, but too naïve to be in the position.

In my case, my father has already signed a contract. It can't be revoked because all of the elders have agreed to it. If he dares rip the contract, he'll be imprisoned for the rest of his life.

That's what happened when you're trusting too much. However, in my position, I will use my power to change the entire Kingdom.

"To think that my former and newest father were both assholes. As if they're just 1 soul— Let me tell you, they're both disgusting. However, the king's rich. Nevermind about the looks."

- Helvetica Ethereal

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