
Love is a Sweet Poison

Finding true love is not an easy thing. Especially when your parents ask you to go to marriage interviews. You worry constantly and need to take Daily vitamins to be able to help your weak body. This is what Amelia's life is like. She dreams of falling in love, maybe setting her eyes on someone and knowing that he was the one. Next in line to take over the Hospital Gabriel is stuck going to arranged meetings in his spare time but honestly what spare time does an eighteen-year old medical student really have? He dreams of the one that is always matching his scores and his eyes are drawn to her even if she doesn’t notice him. Will fate allow him to be with her or will his parents tie him down with someone else. How will their love story pan out? Will they be forced to marry someone that they do not care for or will their parents' cave and let them fall in love and live in bliss? A glimpse of the story ahead: Amelia walked through the field that was full of flowers smiling and was chasing a child that was no more than two years of age. The child was giggling. The child had stopped and picked a lily. He turned and ran back to Amelia. "Mama! Flower for you!" The little boy handed the flower over and smiled.  "My, what a good boy you are. Thank you for your gift." Amelia took the flower and placed it in her hair.  Gabriel walked over carrying a girl that was also two years old. "Mama!" The little girl started to squirm in Gabriel's arms trying to get to Amelia.  Gabriel laughs happily and lets the girl down then watches her run to Amelia. He walks over and kisses Amelia on the cheek. "I can not believe that we had two beautiful children. Your illness hasn't spiked back up has it, my angel?" Amelia smiled up at him sweetly. "No, not as of late." She rests her hand on her belly and smiles up at Gabriel. "But I do not think that our twins will mind having another sibling, What do you think my love?"  Gabriel's eyes light up. He picks her up and spins her around. "When did you find out and how did I not know about it??"  "Just yesterday. Kazuki is the one that diagnosed me. I never thought that I would be strong enough for this and yet here we are." Once her feet are on the ground she hugs Gabriel, rubs her stomach then bends down and hugs the two children on the ground. "Are you two ready to be a big brother and big sister?"  "Mama has a baby growing in her tummy?" The little girl looks up and tilts her head to the side.  Gabriel happily bent down and kissed both children on the head. "Don't worry. You will always be our babies too." 

Shirokitsune · Huyền huyễn
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236 Chs

36 The Dates Request

Irene walked up and stood to the right of Amelia and pulled on the rope after leaving an offering. She clapped twice before praying. 'To the deity here, thank you for each prayer you have answered in the past. Today I want to pray in hopes that Amelia does not have any more attacks in the foreseeable future. I worry about my daughter.'

Edna stood to the left of Amelia and places and offered in and after the bell was rung by Irene she clapped twice. 'To the deity that resides here. I want to ask you to bless this young couple and let them be happy for the rest of their lives together.'

Amelia stepped back and went to the water area and drank a little water from the cup there and sat on the rock waiting for the older ladies to finish up. She looked up at the clouds and smiled. 'It at least is a really nice day out today.'

Edna and Irene finished and both drank some water. Then they walked to Amelia. "I was thinking that we should do fortunes and then look into wedding dates." Edna looked at both Irene and Amelia.

"I am okay with that, Mother Edna." Amelia got up and walked out to the booth by the shine and drew a stick. She handed the stick to the shrine maiden and received her fortune. She slowly opened it up. The fortune said that she got a great blessing and she sighed in relief. She read over the rest. It said you will be blessed in the relationship that you are going into. There are some things you need to be wary of but with your loved ones you will make it through this.

Edna drew hers and opened hers up and she got a future blessing. Edna left out a sigh of relief. The fortune said, there are events that will come up in the future that you may be concerned over but there is nothing to worry about. The time for planning is now. Do not put things off or you may regret it in the future.

Irene grabbed a stick and nervously handed it over. She took her paper and closed her eyes then opened it as she unravelled her paper. Her paper said small fortune, a small fortune is coming your way. Relief will come and a new friend will prove themselves to you. Do not turn down this help or else your luck will shift. She let out her breath and smiled at Amelia. "I am glad that we came here as the fortune I got is not great but not bad either."

Amelia folded the paper up and placed it in her bag. "I got great blessings so that is good for us. Shall we buy some charms to match the fortunes and then see if Fujiwari-san is done to do the reading?"

"What kind of charms were you thinking of getting? I will pay for all of them. There is no limit of how many you can get." Edna smiled and walked over the charms.

Irene smiled and followed behind. She looked at the charms and thought of which one to get and she picked up a friendship one. "I will get this one."

Amelia looked at the charms and grabbed two for studies, one for love, two for mother, and two for father. "If you do not mind I would like to get all of these. Oh and this one." Amelia grabbed two for luck.

"Of course, that is fine by me. I think that it is good that you will be giving these to people." Edna picked out one for friendship, one for health and one for studies. "I will be getting these ones." The shrine maiden wrapped them up separately and handed them back to the ladies. Edna paid and they walked to the area for rituals.

Amelia walked into the room and gracefully walked to Hideo and bowed to him.

"Amelia, you missed the ritual." Hideo pouted, "but you came here in the end. So what can I do for your ladies?"

"I know that we do not have an appointment but we were wondering about wedding dates?" Amelia blushed and looked away.

"Oh! No wonder you did not come to the ritual." He closed the doors and ushered them to the middle of the room.

Amelia sat on the ground and bowed low on the ground to Hideo. "My birthday is August 5th of the year 1890."

"What is the birthday of your partner?" Hideo was seated on the floor and writing out the dates he was told.

"Gabriel's birthday is December 18th of the year 1888." Edna bowed for the doorway but did not enter the room further than that and next to her was Irene.

"Thank you." Hideo started chanting and praying to the deity and three dates appeared on the paper. Along with the dates, a compatibility write up appeared. He looked down on the paper and smiled. "This is good news for you. The gods think that this is the best union possible; it is a perfect match. I have three dates that you should plan the wedding on. When you are ready to have the wedding please let me know and we will do it at your place since the shrine would be hard on your body. The gods will not be mad at you for that."

Amelia stood up slowly and after she was standing she was handed the paper. "Thank you, Hideo. I know that if I place this in your hands you will come and help us out. Out of the three days there, which one are you free?"

"All three at the moment. I will keep them open for you so that we can do what is needed." Hideo watched as she took the paper and rolled it up gently.

"Then I will review with my two mothers and get back to you this week." Amelia bowed to him. "Now that this is all done will you please help me go down the stairs?"

“Ladies, being able to submit to your future husband requires a deeper trust in God who created him.”

― Nicole J. Fortune, From Selfie To Wifey

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