
Love in the Last City: A Succubus's Love Story

In the last city of Voxsturm, a city surrounded by terrible magical storms, humans find common cause with all the other demi-human species to survive. One dreary evening, a lost succubus is rescued from starvation by a simple human who was wandering nearby. While their time together was short, Lorelei has ever dreamed of meeting him again. Her love having grown into an obsession, and now that she attends the same university, she stalks him daily, constantly trying to summon the courage to stand at his side once again. Can this shy and timid succubus finally overcome her fear and be with the one she loves? * This is a re-telling of "Tornado Alley Summoner" which is also available, but no longer canon. This is a slow building romance with a shy and timid succubus. The world is a bit of dark fantasy, but don't let that discourage you. In this world there are also lots of different monster humanoid species, all of which are just trying to survive without killing one another in petty feuds. Some of the species in this book include - cubi, wolfkin, foxkin, vampires, elves, lamia, and more. * Cover art by Hifarry * While there will be some adult content, I don't intent for this book to become erotica. * Also, while the first chapter of the book will feature Lori and Theo when they first meet, when they were young kids, the rest of the story features them when their much older (over 18 years of age). *Thank you for reading, and I look forward to your feedback.

ScribeSaga2 · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 7: Lorelei

Three weeks have passed since coming to campus, and Lorelei was now having the most wonderful dream. So much so that she was drooling on the desk where she slept. She had no idea how long she had been laying there on the hard wooden surface, her head pressed against her forearms, but evidently it was long enough for her arms to go numb. Her spine popped as she leaned back, and her muscles spasmed while she shook herself fully awake.

It took her a few seconds to remember where she was. The campus library was massive, story upon story of hushed whispers and shelves adorned with ancient tomes. Multiple tables were cluttered with old computers, only a few of which seemed operable. Magical lamplights emitted a peaceful blueish glow throughout the buildings halls, and several accompanying fireplaces were struck with real flame alongside designated comfort areas. It offered a refuge where she could seek solace and regain control over her own thoughts. However, even within its tranquil confines,

Lorelei couldn't escape the intrusive mental clamor of her fellow students indefinitely.

Her nature always seemed to rear its ugly head the moment anyone drew near. And now that she was awake, she could feel all the temptations stemming from the other students. She was still learning how best to control it, but clearly, she wasn't the only one feeling it.

A pair of succubi were whispering nearby about some knew college dive bar that just opened inside campus grounds; while a human was pretending not to overhear them, sitting in his own hidden cubical, it was clear the succubi knew they were being watched. Lorelei could taste his sinful thoughts, how he wanted to sleep with both of them so badly. His yearning stemmed from the typical rush of hormones expected of his age, and in truth, she felt sorry for him. 

Her senses instinctively reached out to touch the surface of his mind, brushing his conscious like a gentle lover, and she knew he wasn't about to act on any of his urges. Almost certainly the other succubi knew what he was thinking as well, even though there was no way for her to read their thoughts. She could see it in their faces though, they were grinning from ear to ear, their tails waving in circles, as they played with ideas on how to toy with him further.

Meanwhile, not too far away, a vampire couple were cheerfully talking to a lovely elf girl, clearly delighted by the prospect of having her join them for a night of revelry. While not outright saying it, their carnal obsessions were practically bleeding in the air. Lorelei could feel their thoughts, like a thick wine running down her throat. The elf loved the feeling of having her essence suckled by them, she had a sensitive spot on her neck just waiting for them. The pleasure she craved was deep and foreboding, a treacherous mix that would accentuate the euphoria of their combined love making.

 Despite these distractions, there were several hidden corners where one could lay low and sneak a nap in between her classes, which was why Lorelei came here so often. Few students normally ventured this far into the corners of the library, especially on the second story. According to rumors, it was haunted, and that was enough to keep some students from spending too much time here.

Tucked in one such corner was where Lorelei found her private abode. 

She was especially happy that the couch was made to seat succubi, the lower back open for her tail. Given the amount of succubi and wolfkin on campus it only made sense that there would be plenty of diverse furniture. Lamia would need larger seats or couches instead, and there were a few of those around, but none of them were currently occupied.

As Lorelei massaged her wrists, trying hard not to notice the sinful thoughts of the vampires nearby, a stray thunderbolt echoed in the distance. The lightning must've struck the shield directly above campus, for it caused the very air to vibrate. One could taste the energy in the air and feel the static electricity. 

Lorelei groaned; her eyelids felt heavy. She checked her watch and was relieved to find that she hadn't slept for more than thirty minutes. It would be another hour before her seminar on Elfish culture. It was required learning, along with other cultural seminars for the other species. Lorelei had already caught up on the other seminars for this week but found Elfish culture to be the most boring. It was often saturated with Mother Nature and reminisced on forest kingdoms that had long ago gone extinct. Even the elves in the class could barely keep themselves awake.

After that, she had a workshop on battlefield tactics, a subject that gave her no enthusiasm. The only reason she had chosen to take it was because he would be there. The thought of him made her heart instantly swoon. Lorelei's cheeks warmed, and a thin smile crossed her lips. Her tail flicked in the air, almost as if it had a mind of its own. While she didn't have the courage to approach him yet, just being in the same room was enough to brighten her day. Her roommate warned her about this kind of 'stalkerish' behavior, but Lorelei didn't care. 

She had long wanted to introduce herself, but the idea of just talking to him, after all these years, was terrifying.

What if he doesn't remember me? What if he gets frightened? Lorelei couldn't bear the thought.

One day she would find the proper way to approach him… But not today.

It was rather strange though… Whenever she followed him around campus, it was hard to get a sense of his temptations. It was almost like… She supposed… Was it possible he got better with his shadow magic? She filed that thought for later. It would explain why his thoughts were always murky, and harder to read than most.

The last class she would have to attend was as an agonizing lecture about the Vampire-Lamia wars over the scaled jewels. She might skip that, if she could. It was a dark chapter in history, where the hunger for power clashed with the allure of forbidden desires. The very mention of the scaled jewels, coveted treasures that fueled the conflict, sent a chill down Lorelei's spine. She was thankful they had gone missing long ago, lost to history and the winds of time. Lorelei regretted opting to take the class, but her roommate was interested and didn't want to go alone. Lorelei was fully aware that her roommate was mostly interested in the professor teaching the class, but refrained from scolding her. 

Lorelei's shoulders ached, still sore from her earlier fencing class that morning. She knew it was a mistake to take it so early, but it was the only free elective left for her at that time slot. It was especially more difficult as she was paired up with another succubus roughly her own age, a peer who wielded the blade with an uncanny prowess that surpassed her own.

Lorelei let out an exhausted yawn, while stretching out in the chair. As she moved, the stiff fabric of her school uniform clung to her like a second skin, emphasizing every curve and contour of her body. She despised the uniform, how it accentuated her figure and made her feel especially self-conscious. Just as she was starting to recover her weight, and perhaps over-indulging in the cafeteria's sweets, she realized she had to be careful. At first, the uniform felt baggy and loose, especially around the chest and hips, but over time, Lorelei quickly filled in those places. Now her giving breasts pressed firmly against the material, and her skirt sometimes pinched. Looking herself in the mirror each morning, Lorelei eventually realized she had to monitor her diet, fearing even the slightest hint of weight gain would be shown by the unforgiving fabric.

Her hand instinctively moved to her waistline, feeling the softness formed along her midriff. The skirt she wore hugged her hips snugly, reminding her of the constant battle she fought to maintain her desired shape. The blouse, with its multiple layers, pressed against her ample breasts, molding them into a tantalizing display. She couldn't help but feel exposed, as if her every imperfection was on full display for everyone to see.

And then there was the tie, an unnecessary and peculiar addition to the uniform. It draped down her chest, drawing attention to the delicate slope of her breasts. The silk material caressed her skin, its smoothness contrasting with the discomfort she felt. Lorelei couldn't help but think it was a strange fashion choice, one that she would never have chosen for herself.

All the women on campus wore the same uniform, although the succubi seemed to be the most accentuated by its style. Whether that was purely coincidence, or by design, Lorelei wasn't sure. She had a hard time believing a woman had come up with it but given the temptations seething off the minds of the campus staff, she might've been wrong.

As she sat there, lost in thought, Lorelei couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The university was a melting pot of all the races living in the city of Voxsturm. It was a place where sciences were studied, magics tested, and the lost lore of previous ages endlessly speculated. The halls often echoed with debates and discussions, where the study of magic clashed with the pursuit of logic.

Lorelei was often astounded by the absurdity between the two sides, how heated they would become, fighting amongst themselves rather than seeing how they were both meant to work in conjunction. 

As she pondered her upcoming classes, Lorelei failed to ignore the growling in her stomach. Looking down, her blouse accentuated the gentle rise and fall of her soft breasts, Lorelei grew more aware of how hungry she was. She reached into her purse for a small vial of Allucia just to help calm her nerves.

While she was doing that, her arrow pointed tail reached out to wrap around and lift a small bottle of water to her lips. She wished it were coffee, or perhaps a strong cup of tea. Perhaps she would get one later. Lorelei pondered on whether the cafeteria would be packed at this hour, or whether she had time to grab something at one of the campus's many coffee shops. Just as she took another long sip of water, she recoiled from the thoughts and desires of several people nearby.

They were thoughts about her.

~ I want to pull her hair and do her in front of a mirror. ~

~ She can choke on my — ~

~ Damn she's got huge tits! I just want to touch them! ~

~ I bet she's tight as hell! ~

Lorelei's delicate features twisted with discomfort from their nascent fantasies. The cacophony of their cravings reverberated through her; their temptations seeped into the very fabric of her thoughts like an inky black stain. 

It was moments like this when she longed for solitude, it was why she sought out the solace of the library whenever she could. Yet even here it was sometimes hard to find respite from the constant barrage of emotions that plagued her existence as a succubus. 

According to her counselor, in time she would learn how to get used to them, maybe even block some of them out, but with her youth came a hungry mind that swallowed those temptations up like an all-you-can-eat buffet. That, and the fact that she had yet to experience sexual intercourse herself, made her body and mind even more vulnerable. It was so tempting, to languish in their thoughts. It was certainly what the other succubi were doing, playfully teasing the young men and women around them for their darker imaginations. But Lorelei always resisted it; deep down she always hated herself for being born a succubus… 

Each individual emanated their own unique cravings, their desires and passions intermingled into a confusing vortex of sensation that were somehow both terrifying and delightful at the same time.

While their hopes and dreams were always a subtle backwash, it was their lustful thoughts that proved the most invasive, manifesting like insidious tendrils reaching out and entwining within the deepest recesses of her mind. The unyielding pull of their yearnings seeped into her very essence, corrupting the purity of her thoughts and tainting her own wants and needs. 

It was exhausting, just trying to get through the day without having to be bombarded with pleasures that weren't her own. For a succubus, navigating the campus grounds with a clear head was an arduous task, a constant battle against the relentless tide of other peoples desires.

Strangely enough, she had come to learn that there wasn't a profound difference between male and female fantasies. The women on campus liked to think they were less inclined to perversion, but in truth, they were just as bad. Some were even worse.

~ I wonder if the rumors are true? Is he as good as they say? ~

~ He can cum all over me… ~

~ I just want to sit on his face, and put that tongue too good use. I might even go down on him, if he deserves it. ~

~ I know I said I would never do him but… Maybe if I was drunk enough? ~

~ He doesn't need a condom… ~

~ Definitely want to feel those abs! ~

~ I wanna swallow his jizz. ~

~ He can ram me against the wall and pull my hair. ~

~ Tall, dark, and handsome… God I'm wet just looking at him. ~

~ She's such a slut, but… I wouldn't mind gettin some of that. ~

Her eyes narrowed. 

When she did get glimpses into Theo's mind, his thoughts never lingered so long on such decadent thoughts. Just another reason why she liked him so much. He was a man, so it wasn't like he was purely innocent, but he wasn't constantly infatuated with every woman he saw or walked by. He certainly didn't fantasize about all the things he would like to do with them, or to them.

Only her fellow cubi were immune to exposing their darkest desires, which was why it was natural for them to stay together. Had Lorelei lived a normal life amongst her kind, she might've felt more comfortable with them, if only to have a buffer around these sinful thoughts. As it were, the succubi nearby never showed her any interest, not even to sit down and talk. It almost hurt, being neglected, but she was used to it. She doubted it was even purposeful, but that didn't make her feel any better.

As more students crowded the second story of the library, Lorelei started to feel even more anxious. It didn't take long for her to pick out the worst of the students, those who's temptations were so dark, who's desires bordered on such extremes, that they were to be avoided at all costs.

One of them had just entered the library and was already leering at the harpy girl at the front counter. His thoughts were so rancid, Lorelei could feel them from here. All the things he wanted to do to the harpy clerk, like how he wanted to choke her, burned at Lorelei's mind like a migraine. 

Lorelei did her best to banish his feelings, although she found they were thicker than the rest. She got up from her seat, brushed the wrinkles out of her skirt, and grabbed her bag to leave. 

Taking some time to go to the bathroom to wash her face, and reapply some makeup, Lorelei then put in some earbuds, and pushed the volume to max in a desperate attempt to keep her mind clear. 

She then strode through the library, catching several eyes gleaming at her, which caused her to strut faster. She made her way down the stairs, then approached the front counter. She took a short pause just before leaving through the front doors to give a courtesy glance at the harpy girl standing nearby. The guy with the horrible thoughts was still there, flirting with her, and the girl seemed to be enjoying his attention. 

The harpy noticed Lorelei nearby with interest. She was always nice to her, and being all to knowledgeable on succubi nature, the two of them had worked out an arrangement. Whenever someone truly disgusting was flirting with her, Lorelei would give her a signal, a warning to avoid him at all costs. In return, she always clued her in on the most secretive spots in the library whenever Lorelei needed some time to herself. 

The harpy noticed her hand movements, and returned a sharp nod, mouthing the words 'thank you' back in quick succession. With a snap of her fingers, a sharp electrical sting lit up the guys backside on fire, and he cursed up a storm while running away. She would likely get in trouble for that later, but it was better than the alternative. The harpy sighed, then waved her goodbye as

Lorelei put her hand on the doorknob.

Lorelei smiled back, then, holding her book bag close to her chest, she walked outside where a warm breeze was ready to embrace her.