
Love in Royalty

He is Rich, Dominant, heart wrenchingly Gorgeous and Royal. She is Honest, breathtakingly Beautiful, Smart and recently Broken - hearted (Single!). And the prince can’t wait any longer for his Cinderella. Finding her step sister in the arms of her boyfriend was the least she had expected. Broken and alone, she moves into a big City and jumps at the opportunity of being the personal assistant to the crown prince. She thinks all her problems would be a distant memory. But it might just be the beginning of it all. And nothing is as it seems. Can new love mend her broken heart or will she be seized by her past? That's not all. ”Royal conspiracies and secrets?! Did I transmigrated into a novel?!” Join the world where love knows no Boundary. ————————————————————————————————————-———————— Behind us a big commotion arose and we were tossed to the sidelines like the forgotten rag dolls. Cameras flashing. Reporters hovering the place to get the perfect shot, each scraping for even the tiniest glance at the powerful figures that emerged out of their cars. I was left in awe of the dazzling socialite ladies as they strutted across the carpet, ignoring everyone they deemed beneath them. Their million dollar dresses and jewelleries leaving everyone with envy. Accompanying them were the well - known businessmen whose money never seemed to run out. Following behind them came the well - known actors and actresses. They waved and smiled while the onlookers screams of joy and appreciation for them filled the environment. I nudged Rebecca and whispered “Can I go back now?” “No way! It’s a masquerade ball. We can be anyone we want.” She replied while smiling ear to ear. “Ok” I thought as my confidence level piped up a bit. No one was gonna know that a complete outsider had entered their territory. . . . "Stop! I don’t want to dance." "We’re in a masquerade ball! That’s what people do. Dance." "But...I can’t." He gave a little chuckle enjoying our little fight before he intervened, "It’s ok. I can teach you. Just follow my steps." "Common Hayls. Go on." "Alright, I’ll go," I said, giving her a look. "Have fun!" She gave a soft cheer before focusing all her attention back into her plate. He held my left hand and gently led me towards the dance floor. The music soon changed to something more romantic. The magic of love by Russel Watson and Lionel Richie started playing in the background. Soon all the couples started dancing together. "Are you ready?" The man whispered in my ear making me blush. "Ready as I’ll ever be," I replied hesitantly. "Don’t worry. I’m here, just follow my lead." He gently held onto my waist with his right hand and grabbed onto my right hand with his left. I lightly placed my left hand onto his right shoulder and we started our slow dance. "Right, left, Glide, glide…" Along with our dance, he kept whispering the steps to me and soon we were in sync with each other. We spun, laughed, and before the end of our dance, the music went into slow beat again. We softly danced to the rhythm as I basked in his rich and beautiful fragrance. It was all truly a magical moment. . . . Hello everyone I’m Bandana & this is my very first Novel. I hope you’ll all enjoy 1 chapter up daily Instagram - @author_br Discord - b_r2 #2557

Bandanarai · Thành thị
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57 Chs

You let this newcomer win against me!

"Now, let's hear your plan to tackle our problem." 

I take out my notes full of ideas and begin explaining. She listens to every word I say with full concentration while nodding her head every now and then; which gives me more confidence to continue. 

"I'm impressed but…" She stops to think for a moment. "How are you planning to execute this plan of yours and time is of the essence to us right now." She says seriously this time, looking unsure of it herself. 

"I understand, just give me two weeks. If I fail I will back down and let Chloe take over with her proposal." I tell her, feeling sure that my plan wouldn't be a complete failure. It is a known fact that in today's world what matters in such business is the public's reaction; in other words how the media portrays, which can alter the laws. 

"Alright, you have two weeks but before that we require a vote from each of the team members." She gave me a smile, somehow I could feel even she believed in me and hopefully the other team members will too. 

The office soon filled with the rest of the team members as we sat around the discussion table. Adricia led us towards the new plans for the restaurant problem and one after another the votes piled up. My proposal received a total of eight votes but Chloe's proposal only received one vote and in sync we turned our heads to Chloe who was looking to her left to right from confusion.

"Are you guys for real?! You let this newcomer win against me!" 

"We love you Chloe but this isn't a competition. We're a team and that's exactly the reason why we must choose the best option." Mundy spoke but Chloe gave her the eyeroll, completely dismissing her good intention. 

"Yes, I agree with Mundy. Plus, the best team award is coming up too. We must win this year!" Amelia agreed and soon the other team members spoke in support.

"And teach those other teams a lesson for looking down on us!" Lucas and Bruce gave each other a high five.

"Yes! I'm so ready to walk up to the stage to receive our award." Dean joined in on the gleeful atmosphere.

"Fine, you guys win. I give my vote to her." Chloe finally spoke, causing the room to fall into a complete silence. She had her arms folded in front of her chest as she laid back in her chair, trying to but struggling to act like she didn't care about being excluded from the team. Looking at her filled me with amusement and a realisation hit me, she was just like me and that I didn't blame her for trying to outdo me. After all, it was me who came and ruined her chance to shine…

"Thank you Chloe." I genuinely smile at her. 

"Don't act too proud, I'm not saying yes to you. I'm saying yes to the award. Hump!" She turned her head and ignored me throughout the rest of the discussion. 

"Alright everyone, our meeting has come to an end. Hayley will send each of you her detailed plan for the restaurant conflict by Friday. This will give you guys enough time to read through it and add your own input over the weekend and present it to the team on Monday. You're all dismissed. Hayley, stay back please."

Adricia finished off her speech and dismissed the rest of the team. Mundy gave me a sympathetic look so I whispered back "I'll be fine". She left shortly after collecting all her paperwork's. 

Once the room was once again empty, she walked over to me. "I apologize."

I couldn't understand her intention so I looked at her, surprised and as if she could read my mind; she continued.

"It was not my intention to put you up against Chloe but the circumstances were not what I could control."

"There's no reason for you to feel bad, I'm sure she'll get over it." I speak, trying to lighten her burden but what she says in return burdens me instead. 

"You better hope so…"

I tilt my head, puzzled at her words.

"If you don't have a strong backing, it becomes almost impossible to survive so be careful." She warns with a very grave expression on her face, sending shudders down my spine. 

"Is there something that I should know about Chloe?" I question but she doesn't reply and instead she dismisses me out her door. 

"See you later Hayley, we'll talk more if you manage to succeed in your plan." She closes the door shut and I'm left standing alone in the empty corridor; still confused about the meaning behind her words. 

There was definitely something suspicious about Chloe, even Mundy was trying to warn me about her. But the truth is, no matter which direction I look from; I still don't understand her dislike towards me. I guess only time will tell. For now, before I research more into Chloe, I must start working on the conflict at hand. 

I walk back into my office and start drawing up my plan from scratch, highlighting each of the key points. In the same moment I heard my phone send me a notification and the screen flashed a new message from "Clean-freak Prince", which instantly brightened up my mood. 

"Tell me if you encounter any problems - Prince E."

"No problems that I can not handle - H." I send him a text back and soon my telephone starts ringing. 

"Hello, Prince Elijah's personal assistant Hayley speaking." I answer. 

"It's me." A deep voice answered and he didn't need to say his name for me to recognize him. It was of course none other than Prince Elijah himself. 

"How can I help you?'

"You remember the assignment I gave you yesterday?"

"Yes, but when I opened the letter it was an invitation to the royal ball…?" I question him 

"Well, that is the assignment."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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