



Michael sat in his car, he watched the all too familiar silhouette getting into the house, he heaved a deep sigh as his heartbeat increased, he looked beside him at the contract on the seat, will she listen to him because of it? Is she still interested in it? She couldn't have loose her interest already, it's only been two months right? After all, she married him at first because of it.

But she still left, a voice said in his head, yes, yes she did and that's his biggest regret now, he shouldn't have let her go, he should have stopped her that day, he should have asked her to stay, but would she have? He can't even tell. He took a deep breath again and pressed on the intercom to call on his driver /"help me get down./"

It wasn't up to a minute and the car door was opened, his wheelchair was before him and Gary helped him to sit on it. Michael looked at him and Gary nodded a go ahead for him. Michael could feel his heartbeat thumping loudly in his chest, he is nervous, yes, he has not seen anyone that could make him nervous, there is absolutely no one who can, except her, only her.

/"Get it for me/" he told Gary who picked up the contract and handed it to him, the weather was still cold, after all, it's still just March. He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly again, twice he had tried to approach her since she left but always stop himself halfway, but he should, if he really wants her back, he has to meet her, to talk to her.

He still can't believe it, it's been only two months and she already sent him the divorce papers, he thought she said they were only separating for a while, why do she want to divorce him already? He can't tell and he is certainly not going to let it happen, he can't believe it but he really want her back and this time, he is going to try his best to settle their differences.

True, she hurt him really bad in the past, uncountable times, but he has been wrong, he shouldn't have let their past encounter to affect their marriage, the only opportunity they had to make things work between them. He had been wrong, that he already know, and now he wish of nothing but a second chance to do the right thing, a second chance to save his marriage, he only wish heaven is on his side and that she will listen and grant him this favor.

Gary wheeled him to the porch of the house, he pressed the doorbell and shifted aside to give them room to talk. Michael could hear the sound of approaching footsteps inside and gulped, trying really hard to steady his fast beating heart. The door swung open a second later to reveal Sasha's face, her face revealed shock when she saw the man at her doorstop before slowly covering up in anger.

/"Why are you here?/" She asked coldly.

/"I came to talk to you/" Michael answered carefully.

/"I don't want to talk to you./"

/"That's...well/" he licked his lips and gulped, he searched for what to say but ended up with nothing, he picked up the contract from his lap and showed it to her /"I think you need to sign this. It will be starting very soon/" he stared at her intently, not knowing what else to say, he was actually lost for words in her presence.

Sasha stared at the contract in his hands, she really still want it but she just don't want anything to do with him again, this past two months in her life has been hell and she was finally getting over him or so she thought but she is definitely not going to let him play with her heart again /"I don't want it anymore. You can give it to anybody you want./"

Michael bit his lips at that /"but I have been keeping it for you/" he mumbled but she still heard him, her heart missed a beat at that, no Sasha, don't grow soft.

/"Mr. Brown, I think you are forgetting something here. We are no longer together and I really wish you can do me one last favor/" he looked at her /"sign the divorce papers./"

/"Do you really want that?/" Michael asked after a few seconds silent.

/"Nothing will make me happier/" she replied casually.

/"I think I will put it off for a while, we still need sometime to decide./"

/"There is nothing to decide, I just want my freedom./"

/"Don't you think you are making a decision so fast?/"

/"I have always been fast with making a decision/" she replied coldly /"I will be waiting to hear from you through my lawyer, now if you will excuse me, I have something to do/" she turned to walk back inside but Michael grabbed her wrist to stop her.

/"Sasha/" he called softly and she froze, if she is to calculate it, this, in all the years she has known him, is the first time she was hearing him say her name and it sounded so beautiful coming from him, she turned to look at him but he had his head bent and slowly he raised his head to look at her /"I can give you what you want but in my condition, people are going to talk and you know how much I value my reputation. But let me give you a proposition, the doctor said I will be able to walk again in three months time, come home with me and stay and after three months, I will sign the divorce papers./"

Both Sasha and Gary was shocked, Gary never knew his boss will result to that means but literally, it seems his mistress has already made up her mind to leave him.

Sasha parked her car in front of the hotel, she took a deep breath before getting out of the car, the valet took the keys from her and she told him about her luggage in the trunk which he helped her brought out. She walked into the hotel and approached the receptionist /"I have a room./"

/"What name ma'am/" the pretty blonde asked her with a pretty smile.

/"Sasha White./"

The blonde went through her computer before looking up to her with a smile /"that will be room 10, fifth floor./"

Sasha nodded and she gave her the room card /"would you like someone to show it you?/" The girl asked.

/"No thanks. I can mange, just tell the bellhop my room number for my bags./"

/"Sure ma'am, I will do just that./"

Sasha walked into the elevator, just as she reached to press the fifth floor, someone used his hand to hold the doors, he peeked in and smiled at her before stepping inside. Sasha retuned his smile faintly, and leaned on the wall with her eyes closed after seeing him pressed the fifth floor.

The man kept glancing at her and she so badly wanted to ask what his business was, but she was just so not in the mood. The elevator ding sound was heard and she was out the door before it was fully opened, she walked straight searching for room 10 and she found it without looking hard, she swiped her card and got in, slamming the door shut without a second look to the man, who clearly, wanted to speak to her.

Sasha made her way to the bedroom and slumped on the bed, she heaved a big sigh and couldn't believe she did it, how can she have walked out on Michael? She has been in love with him for fourteen years and finally she got to be with him and walked out? How could she have done that?

There was a knock on her door, disrupting her from her thoughts, she got up and walked to the living room, she opened the door to see the bellhop standing there /"your bags ma'am/" he smiled. Sasha nodded and walked back inside, she got her handbag and fetched out some dollar bills which she gave to him. He took it smiling sheepishly before walking away.

Sasha dragged her bags inside and went back to the room, she fell on the bed again to continue her thoughts but she found out it was weighing her down. She searched her bag for her phone and remembering she shoved it into her pant pocket, she fetched it out and searched her contact for a number and dialed, the person picked on second ring /"hey Janey, what do you guys think about a night out? My treat./"

A shrilling scream was heard from the other side and she removed the phone from her ear for a while before placing it back /"I will tell the girls immediately and will also call my nanny and tell her to please stay over. Damn, I can't wait./"

/"I will meet you girls at the club/" Sasha said and Janet okayed before hanging up. Sasha stared at her phone and heaved a deep sigh, well, it's not as hard as she thought it will be, maybe she really isn't that in love with Michael since she is not bathing herself in tears already.

She fell back on the bed and closed her eyes, not letting herself think of anything, she tried to keep her mind clear as the minutes ticked by.

Sasha was awoken by her phone's ringtone, she picked it up sleepily /"hello?/" She yawned.

/"You got to be kidding me!/" She heard and her eyes were cleared from sleep immediately /"you are sleeping?/"

/"Sorry Janey, where are you guys? I will be there in ten, send me the address./"

/"Great, cause we are already waiting/" Janet said on the other side /"I will text you the address now./"

Sasha hung up and stood up from the bed, she yawned again, when was the last time she slept so soundly? She can't even remember. She checked her phone for possible missed calls or texts from a particular person but she saw none and her good spirit slumped immediately. It's been nearly seven hours and he didn't call to know where she is or if she was fine? She felt her eyes brimming with tears and she shook her head /"no, no time for crying. If he doesn't want you then you don't want him/" she comforted herself.

She went into the living room and dragged her bag to the bedroom, she rummaged in it and found a nice short white gown, this looks good, maybe she can even catch the attention of someone /"hush Sasha you are a married woman/" she paused /"or am I?/" She sighed and rushed into the bathroom for a quick shower. Coming out, she dressed in the white gown, she always look perfect in anything white, that's why its her favourite color, for a second she drifted into an impossible happy thoughts.

Michaels was standing in the bedroom, holding up a white long gown, smiling lovingly to her, she sighed and shook the thought away, like she said, an impossible happy thoughts, she doubts if he even knows white is her favourite color. After all, what does she know about him? Absolutely nothing, that's because they had never sat and talked about each other, so how can he know about her favourite color?

She heaved a deep sigh and applied mascara on her lashes, she applied a red lipstick on her lips, she looked at herself in the mirror, she has always been the type who is sure of her beauty but now, she can't even tell anymore since she couldn't even charm her husband after one year of living with him. She picked up her purse and phone, and left the room. Walking to the elevator, a room door opened but she didn't even bother to know which and just pressed on the elevator.