
Seeing each other again(3)

It's been a long time since I've heard sweet words, and when I heard Richard say that, Bai Yun's face turned red. Her heart rate seemed to change without her realizing it, and Bai Yun settled down and said, "How are you feeling? I think you've been hurt pretty badly ..."

Richard said, "I don't know, all my cells are singing right now, all I know is that the person I miss day and night is right in front of my face, I thought I would never see you again in this life ..."

Bai Yun hastily covered Richard's mouth with his hand and said, "Don't talk nonsense, nonsense can sometimes come true ..." Richard took the opportunity to grab Bai Yun's hand over his mouth and kissed it affectionately, as if he wanted to put all the thoughts and affection he had felt over the past few days. He seemed to want to pass on all the thoughts and warmth he had felt for the past few days to Bai Yun through this hand.

Bai Yun was at a loss as to what to do, and panicked when she saw how quickly his attitude had changed after his cold words. Confused, Bai Yun said, "You didn't seem to welcome me here earlier, I thought I was going to hit a nail in the head again this second time ..."

Richard smiled shyly and said honestly, "Earlier you came to see me and brought my love interest with you, so I didn't have a chance to get close to you, not to mention, he was so gentle with you ..."

Bai Yun laughed loudly, "So you are jealous, haha ..."

Richard saw how happy Bai Yun was laughing and said, "Who's jealous? Don't you want me to be jealous?"

Bai Yun put away his smile and said solemnly, "You're jealous then I'm balanced because once you and Lisa's scene made me not only jealous but also spilling acid, my heart was almost ruined ..."

Richard said heartbreakingly, "I didn't know it was that bad for you that time?"

Bai Yun opened the guestbook and flipped to the page where Richard had left his message and stroked the lavender on the guestbook saying, "Yes, when a sad heart was almost dead, it was the lavender that cast a spell on her, so that she could always look forward and wait for her true love ... "

Richard looked into Bai Yun's eyes, as if he wanted to look through her soul, and said softly, "Do you remember the legend of lavender we talked about?"

I thought you would really become an angel and leave the world and be taken by death to heaven, leaving me alone? But now, even though you're hurt, I'm so glad you're still alive ..."

Richard pondered and said stupidly, "I'm not dead, but what if I'm crippled ..."

Bai Yun stopped in a panic, "Nonsense again, even if that happened I would still love you ..."

Richard's eyes flashed, "Really? No matter what I become, you really won't regret being in love with me ..." he said as he juggled a bouquet of red roses from under the bed.

Bai Yun panicked: "Why did you prepare roses ..."

Richard asked Bai Yun like a question, "Don't you like it? What about this?" He pulled out another purple lavender bouquet from under the bed. The fragrance stimulated Bai Yun's senses and the softest corner of her heart seemed to be gently touched by the purple fragrance of lavender.

The corners of her eyes seemed to be shaking with something, and Bai Yun didn't know whether she was going to cry or laugh, but eventually the corners of her mouth pulled upwards in a beautiful shallow arc and she smiled, "At first I thought you were a poor man, then I thought you were a rich man, then I thought you were a tour guide, then a few days ago I thought you were a poet, and now I think you're a magician. the real you ..."