
Chapter - 3 Hardworking day with devil

When Jennie come to office , CEO calling Jennie in his office and told to Jennie I am very excited to tell you that I hired a new secretary because you were late and I tell you yesterday if you late then I will be ready a shocking news for you. Jennie told CEO why are you so rude to me I only late one time.CEO told learning mistake is mistake and important to teach you a lesson and your punishment is you are going to bache 3. and I think you know that 3 is the worst team of a company I give you 1 month to make good batch 3 if you can't make it good then I will restigate you and it's open challenge Jennie told to CEO I know you take revenge to me. But is ok accept your challenge and also make good to batch 3. CEO told Jennie OK then you will go wait wait i introduce to you my new secretary meet Rose . Rose told Jennie hello Miss Jennie nice to meet you. then CEO told Jennie now you go . Then Jennie shift her goods in batch 3 room. When Jennie saw batch 3 room she was shocked the room is very dirty and unclean she was so sad transforming in this room. then she introduct herself to all staff members of batch 3 all staff members are so lazy did not doing anything and only only eating and sleeping when Jennie told them we are the team we have to complete our project then the team member told to Jennie its ok we always done it late we never completed all project on time Jennie was so surprised how could she make them good and she also think about the challenge. then Jennie told to her staff members that we we should clean the room I think the staff told to Jennie is also cleaned if we clean it then we work fast staff members told fine if you insist then we should clean the room ok now start after sometime Jennie and all staff members clean the room then CEO come check two batch 3 the room is very clean and all the members are doing their work CEO was surprised how how could clean the room it's very impressive Jennie work hard. then CEO announced to all the members of batch 3 that he want to give them up new project all members are very e surprised that see you give us a new project then Jennie told so of course we do our best then so told or staff members of batch 3 in this project you all make popular this beauty products two new ideas then Jennie told CEO fine we should start a work right now then Jennie slipped on floor and her ankle was pain then CEO put up Jennie in his arm and get into the car and CEO drop Jennie at home...

wait for next chapter