
Love Heals All Wounds

How would you feel if a stranger knocked at your door? This situation is what happens to Mia which startles her, although she wouldn't want to live with her aunt, who manipulates and maltreats her. How will she deal with going to school for the first time and getting pestered by the most popular guy at school? She knows that she has to stay away from him, but something is just pulling her toward him. What was this emotion that she was feeling?? This is a sad story with abuse and foul language. If you want to know what happens with Mia, click fast on the READ button. This is my own story, so don't COPY anything here. Also, I give all praise of the cover to the owner of the cover!! I DON'T own this cover!! I did all the editing myself! Love:)))) FAHHZ

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36 Chs

Now, you are a part of a family

Why would I care if something happened to him or if he is okay now?

After a while, I feel something heavy on my shoulder, which shocks me.

I look to my right and see that Evelyn has fallen asleep.

I let out a deep breath.

She must have been tired of searching for me all the time.

"Sweetheart, why don't you take a nap as well. Everything must have been a shock for you," says father while looking at me.

I smile and nod at him.

I lean on the mirror, trying to sleep.

After trying to sleep several times, I just give up.

Whenever I close my eyes, that man appears in front of me again.

Not being able to sleep because of all that things, I noticed that we stopped.

I look outside and see that we have arrived.

Father goes out and opens the door for us.

I gently wake Evelyn up and tell her that we have arrived.

We got out of the car, and I almost fell when my father caught me.

It feels like my energy got drained out of my body.

Stepmom comes running out of the house.

"My sweety, how are you doing? Did anything happen to you? How can I live without you?" she says while putting Evelyn in a hug.

I don't know why, but I was sad that she didn't ask how I was doing.

I think father noticed it when he gave me a side hug.

"Mom, I am fine. I told you that it was Mia," says Evelyn to her.

Stepmom looks at me for a second and then comes toward me.

"Darling, that must have been such a shock for you," she says while going over to father's side.

Evelyn comes to my side and takes my hand.

"God, you are burning," she says.

Father touches my head the moment he hears Evelyn.

"It is true. You have a fever."

"She will be fine after a hot drink. Right, daughter?" stepmom asks me.

I nod my head.

Yeah, dad.

I will be fine after a good rest, so don't worry about me. I say to him.

"No, I still want to know if everything is alright. Robin, call Dr Charles for me. Olivia can you help Mia?" says father.

"Of course, sir," says Olivia taking my hand and going with me into the house.

Thank you. I say to Olivia.

"It is not worth it. Are you okay?" she asks me.

Yeah, I am okay.

I think the situation just was too shocking for me. I say, trying to smile.

"I meant about Mrs James," she says.

Oh, I say.

Olivia must have noticed it too.

I smile at Olivia.

I understand her.

I just got here two days ago.

She is probably still not accustomed to me. I say.

I guess I was trying to convince myself more than Olivia.

"You think?" Olivia says while helping me climb the stairs.

It must be, right?

Why else? I say.

There were seconds of silence before Olivia said something again.

It was as if she didn't want to hurt me with her words.

"No matter what happens in the future, I am here if you need me," says Olivia while opening the door of my room.

Thank you.

I appreciate it.

I say to Olivia while I put my shoes off.

"Dr Charles will be here later to check up on you. Why don't I make a hot towel for you so that you can wipe yourself because you can't wet your wounds," she says.

I look at her.

You know? I ask.

"Yeah, I am sorry. I overheard Evelyn and Dr Charles talking. Evelyn didn't tell me," she says with guilt.

It is okay.

Now that another person knows it, I feel like I have to hide it less. I say, smiling at Olivia.

"You put off your clothes while I get the towel," she says.

Okay. I say to Olivia, and she leaves.

I sigh and sit on the chair in front of my mirror.

My hair is messy, and my face looks dirty because I have been crying.

I slowly put off my baseball jacket and the jacket that he gave me.

I really had no energy left.

I just wanted to go to sleep and wake up from this nightmare.

I stand up and put off all my clothes.

I go into my closet.

I put on new undergarments and got a black silk pyjama set.

I go out of my closet and put the pyjama on my bed.

I go to the bathroom.

I fix my hair and gently let my fingers through it.

I wash my face and go out.

I sit on my bed.

Knock, knock. I hear.

"It is me," says Olivia.

Come in! I tell her.

Olivia comes in with a big bowl and places it near me.

She looks at me for a moment without speaking.

I put my knees up to my chest.

I must look scary with all my wounds. I say to Olivia.

"No, no. Please don't think like that," she says while taking my hand.

"I looked at you because you look soo beautiful. Whatever it is, you didn't deserve to get hurt like this," Olivia says.

I look at her.

Tears start to fall, and I let myself just cry.

"Come here," Olivia says while putting me in a hug.

"It must have hurt," she says.

It was soo painful, but she never cared.

Even when she saw me bleeding. She didn't even budge. I say while crying so hard.

At that moment, someone came in, and Olivia covered me quickly.

We look at the person that came in.

It was Evelyn.

Was she crying? I ask myself while looking into her eyes.

Evelyn runs to both of us.

She puts me in a hug while crying.

"You must have gone through a lot," she says.

I start to cry again, and Olivia joins us as well.

After a minute of crying, Olivia lets go.

"Dr Charles can be here any second. I brought the hot towel," she says while wiping away her tears.

Evelyn lets go as well and wipe away her tears.

"Yeah, let's get ready, so you can get checked," says Evelyn.

I nod, and they help me clean up.

After a few minutes, Olivia finishes, and Evelyn helps me put on my clothes.

Thank you, guys.

You don't know how grateful I am. I say to them.

"If you are thankful, then make sure to get better," says Evelyn.

Olivia nods her head.

"Yeah, that is the only way you can repay us," she says, smiling.

There was a knock on the door again.

"That must be Dr Charles," says Evelyn while going to open the door.

Dr Charles comes in while he greets Evelyn.

Evelyn was smiling so brightly.

It was like she was thrilled to see him.

"Hii, Dr Charles," says Olivia smiling.

He greets her back and comes my way.

"Hello, I am Dr Charles," he says while extending his hand.

I am Mia. I say to him while shaking his hand.

"I know. You were unconscious the last time I was here," he says.

Thank you for what you did last time. I say to Dr Charles while letting go of his hand.

"You don't have to thank me. That is what I do for life," he says.

"I will make something you guys can eat while you get checked," says Olivia.

I nod my head and smile at her.

"Why don't you sit down," he says.

I sit down on the chair.

"How are you feeling?" he asks.

My body is aching a bit.

I feel like I could just give up anytime.

It is like the energy is drained from my body.

I have a headache, and I feel pretty nauseous.

"I heard what happened. It must have been a shock," he says while putting a light in my eye.

Yeah, a little. I say.

"A little? Are you sure?" Dr Charles says while checking the other eye now.

I guess. I say.

"You don't have to lie to me. I can feel you shaking whenever I ask about it," he says.

I look down, feeling embarrassed.

It was quite a shock for me.

I didn't know what to do in that situation.

I could only hope for someone to help me. I say while looking at him now.

"It is okay to feel scared in situations like that. Everyone would have felt the same," says Dr Charles.

I felt ashamed that I was waiting for someone to save me.

"You don't have to feel ashamed. Everyone deserves to be protected," says Evelyn looking at me with a reassuring smile.

I smile her way.

"Put your head up a little," says Dr Charles.

I do as he tells me.

"Did you get strangled?" he asks me.


He did strangle me a bit. I say.

"It doesn't look like a bit. It is red and a little swollen," he says while touching my neck.

"Really?!" says Evelyn while coming towards and taking a look as well.

"Does it hurt?" he asks me while pressing on it.

Yeah, a little. I say, flinching.

"How did I not see that?" says Evelyn.

It's okay.

It is not like you were there when that happened. I say, smiling at her.

"Still, I should have seen it when I was helping you out earlier."

Don't worry about it.

It is not a big deal. I say to Evelyn.

"Can you tell me what happened?" asks Dr Charles.

Uhmm, I was waiting for Evelyn when I heard gun sounds out of nowhere.

"Why didn't you run away?" he asks me.

Honestly, I wanted to, but my legs were just not moving.

I saw everyone running away.

I got terrified.

I saw everything happening.

The two groups, or whatever they were, were shooting at each other.

I told them everything except the part where I was talking to Nathan.

And the fact that Nathan and I knew each other.

Well, he didn't even remember me, so how could I say we knew each other.

"Why didn't you tell me that happened?" she says.

I didn't want to burden you with it, and honestly, I didn't know how to tell you guys.

"What do you mean a burden? You are not a burden. Now, you are a part of a family. You need to learn that you can rely on your family. And didn't you promise that you would tell me everything that bothered you?" says Evelyn.

I know.

I am sorry about that.

I will make sure to tell you next time.

"Humm, I hope so," she says while taking my hand in hers.

"Well, I am really proud that you defended yourself like that, but something worse could have happened if that man didn't save you. I think you are a courageous girl," says Dr Charles while smiling.

The word courageous reminded me of him.

What is with me?

Why am I thinking of him?

I shake my head.

Ow. I say while touching my head.

"You need to be careful. Your headaches and nausea are symptoms of the wound on your head. Till it gets better, you need to be careful. You can't drink too much coffee and ensure you stay away from anything that makes you stressed. I took your prescriptions with me. Evelyn will explain to you," he says while taking something out of his bag.

I stand up.

Thank you for your kind words. I say to Dr Charles while shaking his hand.

"It is my pleasure," he says while leaving the room with Evelyn.

I stand up, feeling defeated.

I slowly walk to my bed and go under the blanket.


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