
The Meeting

"Adequate." The duchess nods. "It seems that Chief Eydis likes and supports you. I am sure the information that she has shared about the other tribes will be useful." 

"Are you sure you are alright? You look pale, grandmother." Siv's question is enlaced with worry. 

"I just need to rest." Thyra smiles.

"What about the meeting?" Siv asks.

"Oh, I know you can handle it." The duchess reassures her. "Wearing that Soan dress given by Eydis is a statement in itself. The other chiefs really respect her."

"I hope the other four chiefs are as nice as the ones we have already met."

"You will be fine, child." Thyra tells her. "Now go, or you will be late to dinner."

"Alright, I will come back to check on you after the meeting." Siv tells her before leaving her room.